My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 529

Looking at the jade pendant in Huali's hand, Xu Mo thought that he must get it.

But he couldn't do things like grabbing things from little girls when he was eight years old, at's also a trick.

"That...that is also very valuable! The ancient exercises, how much is left now, maybe it will be unlocked someday!" Huali forcefully explained.

In any case, this bride price cannot be said to be too cheap.

But this is really the last thing in their Hua family. It’s not that they haven’t thought about selling this jade as an ordinary jewelry, but the elders in the family know the value of this jade, and the arrogance of the martial artist has been eroded. For the rest, thinking about not wanting to let this ancient exercise method fall into the hands of people in modern society who don't know its value at all, but also for people from the Guwu family to keep it.

Only in this way can we be worthy of what our ancestors have left behind.

It is estimated that they did not expect that the ancestor was such an unscrupulous person, and what was left was the unscrupulous exercises related to the sex of men and women.

Elegy can't really go back to her and marry her, but I don't know if I can get it through an equivalent transaction.

In short, I still have to ask Huali a few questions.

I always feel this is a bit strange. Huali and his family have been isolated from the world for too long, because his mother's illness suddenly re-exposed modern civilization. Are there many places where they can really do it right?Judging from Huali's current performance, her elders should not be much better.

"What disease does your mother have?"

She said that her mother was ill, and she went bankrupt and bought medicine and got better.It’s really difficult if it’s not, and it’s not so crises that the food will be sold out. What kind of medicine will get better for such a crisis?Lemons sold?

"The doctor in your city said it was uremia." Huali, who was hinted, answered Xu Mo's question without hesitation.


Xu Mo was also shocked, what is uremia?It is a syndrome composed of a series of clinical manifestations that appear when chronic renal failure enters the terminal stage.

People who have reached the stage of uremia have more than 90% of their kidneys damaged and cannot work on their own. They have to undergo long-term dialysis treatment in the hospital to delay their life... If Huali’s mother really had uremia, How can it be cured after taking medicine?

"Tell me carefully, how did the medicine come from? Your mother really got better after taking it?"

Huali recalled it very quickly. She remembered the matter of her mother very clearly: "The doctor said that it would cost a lot of money and it might not be cured. Then I met someone who followed us back to the sect on the mountain and said that he had a panacea. To cure my mother’s disease, it can be cured without spending so much money. Take the medicine first and then pay. We don’t have that much money. The price that the person offered barely changed the seller’s property and could still be obtained, so let He tried it. Mother took the medicine and was able to get out of bed and walk the next day, saying that the pain on her body disappeared completely. We also sold food and gave the money to that person as agreed."

"Then what about that person!?"

"I took the money and left, and left half a month's worth of medicine, one a day, my mother is indeed healed."

"Fuck! That must be a painkiller!" Xu Mo stood up angrily, this was really an injustice for Huali.

Angrily even swear words burst out.

Judging from the whole incident, it is undoubtedly that the man saw that the Hua family was cut off from the world and did not understand anything. Modern things are extremely strange to them. Only then did they act out a scam and eat them. It was empty.

The Hua family are stupid and don't understand anything.

But that liar really lost his conscience as a human being. He knew that he was stupid and his family had uremia. There was no room for a moment. He had to receive treatment right away, and he took away the life-saving money?Does it feel cured?

As for the medicine, it is definitely a powerful painkiller, one a day...this half a month's amount is enough for him to run far.

People like the Hua family, where do you know painkillers? Seeing the patient's condition improves, if you don't feel pain, then you feel that your illness is cured. There are so many thoughts.

Compared with the current dangerous society, there are routines everywhere.They are really simple and silly scary group of people.

"Pain killer? What is that?" Huali was completely puzzled.

"..." Xu Mo's expression was serious and scary, and he was really angry.

As a righteous people's teacher, how can I tolerate such things happening under my nose?

Man and God are angry.

It may take a lot of time to explain to Huali, and if she has a character like her, if she knows that her mother is actually at stake and is deceived miserably, she must not listen to anything.

Looking at Huali with a dazed expression, Xu Mo felt a bit stuck.

Seriously put on a serious face and told her: "I have to tell you a few things. First of all, elegy. She is already my wife. Although the two of us have not officially married, we have the truth of husband and wife, and we have sent to God. Vow to be a lifelong partner. You people of the rivers and lakes, won't you even want to snatch a wife who has a real husband and wife?"

PS: After more than a year, I feel so fast. Taking advantage of the opening of my early education center these days, I really want to sigh.From a graphic designer who just graduated from the beginning to an early childhood teacher.Then it was a full-time author... Finally now I finally have my own shop, although I am a small shareholder.

Another reason for being busy recently is that I opened an early education center with three close friends. The idea is only determined by the time of a meal.Just do it, and it was really built in three months.From site selection to decoration design, to various furnishings and decorations, three months have been devoted to it. From the rough house to the current appearance, it is really a sense of accomplishment.

It’s more than 600 square meters. It’s a bit hard to start a business if you say it’s big or not. It’s a loss of more than 100,000 yuan before enrolling students...

Now that it is open, I may not need to spend time on the follow-up matters. I occasionally visit and help.

I am very grateful to the other three partners. In fact, they have contributed a lot of money, time and energy.

I hope I can recruit some people...Hey, this one hundred thousand dollars can't be lost.

Most of the students who read books should be younger than me. I was in 1995.

Having said so much, I hope that everyone can do what they want to do bravely, and work hard while they are young. Even if they fail, they will not regret it.Forcing yourself to do things you don't like to do is worse.

Chapter 560 Pawnshop


Huali looked at Xu Mo with unbelievable eyes. If what he said was true, then indeed...there is no reason to take away the wife of others.

But if they can't marry Ye Elegy and rely on Ye's family, what will their Hua family do next?

She really didn't want to see the sad look of the elders in the family.

If there is really no way, maybe the old people will also abandon the old face that doesn't know why they have been proud of their lives for the sake of the people, and ask for help from some old friends in the past.

People who have saved face for a lifetime, if they really do that, they will definitely live an uneasy life for the rest of their lives. Maybe they just end up in depression like this.

I believe that Huali also knows what the family will do if he brings this news back.

Moreover, Xu Mo also knew that her mother's affairs were not over at all. Now that it was found to be uremia, he would have to receive continuous dialysis treatment, and such expenses were obviously beyond their reach.

In the face of Huali's silence, Xu Mo used hints to ask her thoughts.

After all, you know what to do next.

"So, how are you going to explain this to the people after you go back? Elegy, she certainly won't go back. Even if it is true, I am the elegy husband-in-law recognized by the patriarch Ye. You are a daughter, what about the Ye family? Would agree to such a trifling matter."

Huali fell into the darkness of helplessness, and actually carried a heavy burden on her.

Not to mention that she was actually shocked, how exactly was this incident about her daughter's body discovered? She obviously dressed up so seamlessly!

After a while, she squeezed her fist, and she inherited the Ling Ran arrogance of a martial artist. Just like Xu Mo guessed, the child was ready to fight on her own.

"If this is the case, then we have to struggle with the issue of food in the end. You can't keep hungry and have no food like this. I will not tell them the truth, and I will not go back. First, I will find the jade pendant in my hand as a pawnshop. Money, buy food, and trust people to send it back to everyone. Then find an errand here, redeem the jade pendant and then go back, that's it! If the jade pendant needs to be punished by the ancestors, then just punish me. ." Her eyes revealed innocence and determination.

After only such a while, she really decided to fight this list by herself.

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