My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 537

Chapter 566 I will marry you

At the end of the double repair, the elegy naturally solved Xu Mo's acupoints.

After regaining his ability to act, Xu Mo could only quietly clean up in the face of the mess all over the floor.

Huali was already exhausted for the first time and slept soundly on the bed of elegy.

Xu Mo knew what the Elegy meant by doing this, but didn't ask much else.Although this is a bit extreme, it is all for my own good.

Xu Mo is fine, but what about the elegy?The most worried person in his heart is still the elegy...Of course, Huali who is still lying on the bed is also a little worried. After all, such things have already happened, Xu Mo cannot be irresponsible.

As for the feelings... Then slowly cultivate it.

Until now, she is all her own, and it is impossible to leave her alone.

Let's ask the elegy first.

Although her expression has always been plain and plain, as if nothing has happened, Elegy and herself are also married couples, and they are connected with each other.In the process of double repair with Huali just now, not only did the elegy stay by the side, but also assisted when Huali was riding on Xu Mo to perform double repairs, otherwise Xu Mo would not be able to move at all when he was hit on the acupoint. , Completely unable to proceed.

Just now, Xu Mo felt that his heart was tightened from time to time. It was... an elegy, right?

Although the elegy did not show up, Xu Mo could slightly feel the struggle and distress in her heart.

Sure enough, even if it really doesn't matter in my heart, anything is fine.But at least there is still such discomfort instinctively.

Xu Mo took the initiative to go up and hugged Elegy's body tightly, leaned close to her face and asked her: "Elegy, are you all right?"

The elegy just shook his head faintly: "It's okay, it's fine." Then he inadvertently found that Xu Mo's legs were stained with blood stains left by the dripping flowers, and he bent down to help Xu Mo carefully wipe it off with his little hands.

Xu Mo felt distressed to see this scene. When something was a man, he wanted to be a man. It was not a momentary impulse, but for the elegy, he wanted to do it.

Strongly grabbing her hand and pulling her up from the ground, clasping her fingers, earnestly and sincerely said: "After graduation, I will go home with you. Let's make a decision."

"Okay." The elegy smiled a little, but there was no strong unnecessary reaction.

But Xu Mo knew in his heart that the elegy was very happy.

The whole face was relieved a lot.

Love her, then marry her!

This thing can never be dragged on forever.

Elegy paid so much to herself, not asking for anything else, at least let her feel at ease.

Although, this will happen sooner or later.

The two of them hugged each other tightly.


Huali's matter is not over yet, this is just the first necessary step of the double cultivation method.

And the second half of the double cultivation method has not yet begun, and it is still necessary to wait until Huali wakes up to understand what the second half is all about.

What kind of effect does it have?Not yet known.

After two hours, Huali gradually woke up from the soft bed. Elegy used her power to help Huali recover during these two hours. Now she does not have the pain and fatigue that just broke her mind. Mental recovery is pretty good.

When she woke up, she saw Xu Mo for the first time, her face suddenly burned, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Influenced by the power of the practice just now, the initiative and madness she showed during the double cultivation was completely different from the original one.

Looking back now... it was...

How could such a thing be done.

And...and...really comfortable...this kind of thing...really...

Ah ah ah ah ah……

Huali covered her face with a quilt, like a charming little girl, obviously the original persona was not like this.

Her current mood is very complicated, she has taken the necessary step to teach the exercises. She hasn't started teaching the Xu Mo exercises yet, she is already in her heart.

After this double cultivation is completed, the two people form a double cultivation couple. They are connected with each other for life, never separated, and their feelings will become more and more heated under this effect.

Although this pair of repairs came a bit suddenly, Huali undoubtedly fell in love with Xu Mo.

For her, it was simply unprepared.

She didn't know that it had such an effect.

Originally, I only saw what I had agreed with Xu Mo, and felt that it didn't matter if I was deprived of him, so I taught him that it has nothing to do with feelings.

But now, he fell in love with the man in front of him.

"Are you... okay? Does it hurt?" Xu Mo took the initiative to sit beside her, and just went to make a bowl of lotus soup.

For the first time, it was too tough for a man to be a woman. She actually managed to survive the whole process, and I was really afraid that she would leave any roots behind.

" pain or itching, thank you for your concern." She still likes to say four-character idioms and lowered her head, Huali still took the lotus seed soup from Xu Mo.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and neither Xu Mo nor Hua Li knew how to speak.

The one who breaks the peace is actually an elegy.

"I will be my own in the future. You came to find me to go home, but now you are a sister, which is fine."

"Puff..." Huali spurted out a mouthful of lotus seed soup.

If it weren't for the reminder of the elegy, she had even forgotten that she was a'man', but now she and she are sisters.

I don’t know why, become sisters...

In other words, this matter... is not what she thought at the beginning, it is just a reward for teaching the exercises, and has nothing to do with feelings?

She regretted it, she had known not to say that...

Xu Mo's figure is all in my heart, I can't forget it, I just want to stay by his side, whatever he wants...

And now the sisters mentioned by the elegy mean that...this matter...can continue?

Will he have a story with her?

Huali's heart is still messed up, feelings are really hard, much harder than martial arts and idioms.

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