My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not A Problem Girl Chapter 539

"Xu Mo..."


"My name is Hua... Huali..." Her expression was a little awkward, she didn't dare to look directly at Xu Mo's gentle eyes.

I felt a kind of excitement that I had never experienced before.

This was the first time she took the initiative to admit that her name was Huali, not Hua Batian.

"A nice name."

"Is that the case!?" Hua Li instantly cheered up again.

It is really interesting that two people who have already had that kind of contact are actually introducing themselves at this time.

After a little bit of sweet embarrassment, I still got into the main topic. Huali, who cared about his mother, still cared about this matter.

If the mother is really not out of danger, what should she do...

"Xu Mo, is this really the case with my mother? Mother and her body are still in precarious condition?" When Huali asked about this, she had no other feelings at all, and even took the initiative to get close to Xu Mo with concern.

"Well, I thought about it for a while. The most urgent thing is to send your mother to the hospital for professional examination and treatment before making a decision. But there is a high possibility. You have to be mentally prepared and spend it. Since...cough, I will find a way, your mother will be fine."

If it was before, Huali would be very anxious.

But now, I only feel that the person in front of me can rely on everything.

PS: Chapter pushes a book "Guide to Being Raiders"

Chapter 568 Will you marry me?

In fact, it is very easy to convince the stubborn Hua family, and this tone is also necessary.

Not to mention that the liar was doing illegal things with impunity, and now he is bullying his family, how can he continue to live happily?

In Xu Mo's heart, because of the double cultivation method, Huali has been treated as his family.

Taking advantage of Huali’s rest period, Elegy also quickly used his powerful abilities to subdue the liar, and according to Xu Mo’s instructions, he threw it into the Hua’s residence on the mountain and let him speak for himself. The truth, how to deal with it, let the Hua family decide.

Regarding Huali, she has many things to do now.There is no need to worry about the double cultivation method. After all, the family's affairs are the most important.

Xu Mo had a good chat with her. Although she didn't say it clearly, from her eyes and attitude, Xu Mo knew that another family member had to be added. She wanted to stay with Xu Mo.

However, Xu Mo didn't find it troublesome. On the contrary, he hoped she could stay and at least improve her living conditions over the years.Because she is so skinny, there is no greasiness for a meal a day, and only the skeleton is left all over her body.

Obviously there is such a good appearance, but thin like this.If you manage your nutrition well, you will surely be rejuvenated.

That's great.

She left Xu Mo's house the next day and returned to Hua's house to do family work.

Xu Mo didn't tell her how to say it.

Huali also said that she should be able to convince her family.

After three days, Huali appeared on time in front of the first hospital in the city center, which had been agreed with Xu Mo.

This time, she did not wear the men’s practice clothes that she had seen when she first met, nor did she deliberately tuck up her hair, and she did not put a bandage on her chest. almost.

Huali put down her long hair and wore a light blue ancient dress. Maybe it was a little bit out of fit because of being too skinny, but it was actually very beautiful, which made people feel bright.

If you look closely, even a rusty hairpin is pinned to your hair.

To be honest, this is really the first time Huali dressed like this in her life, but it was requested by her mother... She really couldn't help it.

However, when she put on the clothes her mother wore when she was young and saw herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but think of Xu Mo, thinking about what he would be when he saw herself wearing this dress Kind of attitude.

Will you be happy?Would it look good?

In the past three days, she talked a lot with her mother and the elders in the family.

Three days later, he finally brought his mother to find Xu Mo.

While surprised at Huali's changes, Xu Mo also looked at the middle-aged woman supported by Huali in surprise.

Her face was thin, hungry and yellow, giving a sense of lifelessness.But when she met Xu Mo, she still put on a faint smile.

"Xu Shaoxia...The little girl has told me everything...Thank the future, please treat her kindly...If she can be well, I will be satisfied..."


Although I don't know how Huali convinced his family, Xu Mo wouldn't ask such details. Since everything is fine, there is no need to say more.

Nodded silently, took Huali's mother from her hand, came to help him, and walked into the hospital step by step.

In fact, Xu Mo had already seen the figure in the distance, but he didn't care, pretending not to see it.

In the distance, a few elderly people in robes stood on the tall buildings and looked at here.

"Big brother, what do you think?"

"It looks good, and the background in him is very strong. No wonder even Ye's daughter married him."

"Then...Is Li'er like this? What can the Hua family do in the future."

"Li'er will be fine with him. Besides, you haven't noticed until now. Did Li'er do this because he was afraid that our old faces would not be able to hold on? He and Li'er's children would inherit from the Rihua family. Well, this is the best result. Such a son-in-law can't be found anywhere, so what else can I say. Let's go, this life... ashamed..."


The hospital confirmed the diagnosis very quickly. It was indeed good for uremia, and needed immediate hospitalization and long-term dialysis.

Xu Mo still has some money here, these are not a problem, and arrangements will be made soon.

It's okay to live in the hospital for treatment first.

And Huali's mother also accepted Xu Mo's kindness very cooperatively throughout the whole process, but it seems that she is more related to Xu Mo than treatment and her own condition.

Inadvertently asked Xu Mo a lot of personal matters.

Xu Mo has emotional intelligence and knows what to say and what not to say.There is still a way to soothe people, as long as her mother is relieved to receive treatment.

And, isn't it just worrying that Huali will follow her?

It must be better, Xu Mo will not disappoint every girl.

Sincere, the other party can definitely feel it.

Huali's mother was also completely relieved.

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