My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 552


"Don't... don't want me..."

"I won't want you."



The above is the situation of Liu Yiqiu.

They did not take the initiative to contact Xu Mo at Lemon and Xu Yan, but if they could see the situation there, plus three thousand, the three of them are watching the TV screen of Xu Mo's performance over and over again, Lemon's face. There was no superfluous expression on the face, Xu Yan showed a faint smile, looked at the man on the TV, and then pulled Sanqian over.

"Does the big brother on TV look good?"

"Good-looking! Who is this mother? Why does it feel like my heart is warm?"

Xu Yan smiled and did not answer the question.

Concubine Chen called Fang Zhizhi one person, and the two people didn't know what they said. The phone call lasted five hours.

Fang Zhizhi’s situation may be a little more serious than Xu Mo. She didn’t know how to deal with it. From childhood to big, friends, classmates and teachers, all the people she knew, including those who were not familiar with, contacted her because of this. Something...

She really felt like she couldn't handle it anymore. She just wanted to go to class quickly, so that she could stay by Xu Mo's side and feel at ease.

And Xu Mo asked her to think about a problem seriously, she was also thinking hard.

Sitting in the pet hospital, Tang Xi turned on the video software on his mobile phone and watched the footage of Xu Mo's role over and over again, silently showing a warm smile, his face gradually flushed, as if he would never get tired.

Chapter 583: Running away from home

In fact, even the best couples or husbands and wives sometimes have a little unpleasantness or quarrel.

For example, this morning, Nan Bing seemed to have studied the news about Xu Mo for one night, and finally sorted out all the news that was written in a mess, that is, that wanted to slander Xu Mo, and also all the media who wrote the news. They are all picked up.

There are also some sailors who deliberately discredit Xu Modai’s rhythm on Weibo Post Bar. She used ten accounts alone, and spent the whole night with others, but this morning she was still fighting. .

She really couldn't see that there were so many people scolding Xu Mo and discrediting Xu Mo for no reason. She just couldn't see this, and she kept holding back the fire from yesterday to today.

The online scolding war seems to be intensifying. Those professional sprayers and keyboard guys have experienced a lot of battles. How could Nan Bing be their opponents, losing streak and retreating, and really dissatisfied.

'Don't be blind BB on the Internet, have the ability, real SOLO!'

'SOLO is SOLO, I'm afraid of you, I'm a little vicious!Spicy chicken!'

Nan Bing is really itchy with hate. As the strongest general in organization, when has she been subjected to such humiliation, she was actually suffocated by others, and the person she loves was sprayed.

In her eyes, she couldn't tolerate people saying that Xu Mo was not good at all, but she couldn't!

This morning, unconvinced, she really wanted to take Ye Elegy together to give Xu Mo a sigh of relief, to pull out those who discredited Xu Mo and beat the real people until they didn’t dare to send those messy things. until.

This movement of course alarmed Xu Mo, but Xu Mo didn't mean to support Nan Bing at all. Instead, he stopped and persuaded: "What are you doing? What are you going to do with elegy? Those people on the Internet love to talk about it. What are you talking about? What do you care about so much and what you do? I don’t care, just don’t look at those things. The water inside is too deep, and the entertainment industry is like this, so I don’t like it. Just leave it alone. Sit down and eat early. Look, I made your favorite corn lotus seed porridge. If you don’t eat it hot, it won’t taste so good."

Nan Bing, who was in anger, heard Xu Mo's answer, and he was undoubtedly thrown with cold water, and immediately felt that her heart was filled with grievances. Isn't she so angry for Xu Mo's sake?But Xu Mo has no intention of supporting her now, and even thinks that what she is doing is wrong?

"Me! I'm also for you! These scolding you so much, I feel uncomfortable!" Nan Bing said angrily, very emotional, but more of the bitter grievances in his heart.My favorite corn lotus porridge in front of me has no motivation to take a bite.

"Hey, relax your mind. These people are constantly scolding. As long as you don't care about them, they will naturally feel boring after scolding them. You have to pay attention to them so that they really feel interesting and will continue. It’s not against the law to scold someone at night, but if you really go offline and beat them, it’s a real violation of the law. So scold it, you know I’m not like that. I don’t care what others think of me, I care what you think In my opinion, be good, let’s eat, you’re done, go to sleep well, didn’t you sleep last night? The dark circles are so heavy, make up for it, and let Xiao Jiu go later. Turn on the heating and air conditioning in your room, and you can sleep more comfortably. It's a bit cold today. Don't do these meaningless things anymore." Xu Mo's remarks are actually very warm, and they are really related to Nan Bing.

Just like what he said, he really doesn't care about those online comments. This is just an accident. He won't really be a star, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't care.

I don't want Nan Bing and the others to participate too much in this matter, especially because of this matter, which affects their mood, which Xu Mo didn't want to see.

Seeing Nan Bing like this, he really felt distressed, so he kindly persuaded him.

But Nan Bing’s character is so, after all, she is particularly sensitive when she is still angry and wronged. Xu Mo’s last sentence, “Stop doing these meaningless things” directly lit the fuse, and she stood up and lost. I took the chopsticks and ran out of the house: "It's not a meaningless thing!"

She feels wronged, so wronged!

She is going to run away from home!

Seeing Nan Bing who suddenly ran away, Xu Mo was stunned: "Where is she going..."

Xiao Jiu asked with concern: "Master, otherwise I will go after Miss Nan Bing..."

Xu Mo shook his head: "It's okay, no need. She is angry now, and will be back by herself later."


Nan Bing, who ran away from home, regretted it as soon as he ran out of the house.

What's wrong with me, how can I run away from home?Didn't this make him dislike himself on purpose?

No, can I not say such excessive things, I obviously do it for his good, how can I say that to me!

Don't take me seriously!I want to run away from home, make you worry about me too!


Even though he thought so, Nan Bing was worried about waiting for a while and Xu Mo was afraid that he could not find him.

After thinking about it, he simply took off his shoes and threw them at the door, with the toes facing the direction they were going.

Feeling uneasy again, he continued to line up a few stones and pointed to the right side neatly.

Then she ran away from home for about ten meters to the right, and looked back uneasy to see if the sign she left was still there.

I have been away from home for five minutes...

Why don't you come out to find me?

Is he really not worried?

Ah... I really don't get taken seriously!

So wronged... angry!pissed off!

Nan Bing continued to be angry. She ran for about 100 meters. She couldn't hold on anymore. She was really worried that Xu Mo could not find her, so she simply sat down on a stone chair about 100 meters away. Waiting.

Ten minutes.

Why doesn't he come out to find me... so annoying... what is he thinking...

It's obviously his fault...

Is it true...Don't like me?

He must not like this kind of woman who runs away from home casually?

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