My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 568

However, there are still gains, at least because of this, I know what kind of campus life is like, what things have been encountered and what troubles.

After finishing a little bit of what I saw today, coupled with the excessive anxiety of being an inexperienced father, Xu Mo still feels uneasy. The previous idea is getting stronger and stronger. For the sake of his daughter, he really wants this. dry!

On the way back, the more I think about it, the more anxious he gets, but the three thousand things are more sensitive. Except for his own dream, everyone has lost the memory of that period of time after that incident. Now even one can let him No one can help.

After thinking about going, Xu Mo decided to call Lemon. "Hey, Lemon, are you in the laboratory? I have something to do. I want to talk to you. It may not be convenient to talk to you on the phone. I'll go find you." Come on."

"No, on the way home, come and find me at home." Lemon said in a calm voice without emotion.

on the way home?

It is rare to see her go home recently.

"Either way, wait for me at home and I will be there soon."

"it is good."

Lemon is still the same, the words are very concise, without half a word of nonsense, it seems that the relationship with Xu Mo is not like a lover at all.

In fact, two people really have that kind of relationship, after all, they are already...

Twenty minutes later, Xu Mo came to Lemon's house, the top floor of a high-end apartment. The whole building is Lemon's home, but her own room is on the top floor.

PS: Reminder-after the 3000 incident in Thailand, everyone's memories except Wuge Meng and Xu Mo were reset, including Lemon, but Xu Yan was only superficially reset, but the memory was retained.

Recommend a book "That Man Comes from Another World", the author said that he is Mengxin, not a bowl of Du Kang.

Chapter 603 Lemon's Wardrobe

Xu Mo rang the doorbell. Lemon's house has not been remodeled too much by her. It was probably because she was afraid of scaring the ordinary and simple parents who also lived in this building. Those things with too much sense of science and technology treat their two elders. All of them are very uncomfortable with things they are not used to and they are not good at facing. Lemon should also not want them to be too uncomfortable.

Therefore, at least the door must be opened manually.

Before long, Lemon opened the door for Xu Mo.

What she didn't expect at all was that she just came to open the door with a towel around.

Don't think that only a good-sized imperial sister who opens the door with a bath towel is a bonus, but you can't underestimate the flat-shaped loli!Life is not only about ass and tits!

It should be because he came out to open the door for Xu Mo after halfway through the bath. There was nothing left except a bath towel on his body. The tender skin of the snow-white neck was exposed to the air, although the bath towel on the chest was not at all exposed. It is a sign of spreading, but there is no other flavor, especially when you see her pair of smooth but very beautiful legs under the bath towel, you will always remember the appearance of her wearing white silk.

This kind of looming feeling can actually arouse the instinctive imagination of boys more than just being naked, and it is more tempting, and it will make the heart pulse uncontrollable.

Seeing such a rare situation in front of him, Xu Mo didn't have any defense, and he just froze in place, staring at the lemon in front of him as if he wouldn't move, and he even got up somewhere. reacted.

Although the two of them should be regarded as being in a relationship in a certain sense, since the last Mensa incident ended, hasn't there been any indescribable contact?Facing the familiar and unfamiliar situation, the long-lost feeling awakened directly from the depths.

If it weren't for the lemon to be this body now, Xu Mo would definitely not want to endure it.

I swallowed subconsciously, and let my own heat transfer to another place quickly, a little at a loss: " taking a bath?"

"Come in, my parents are downstairs, don't let them see." Lemon is not as easy to express as many emotions and feelings as Xu Mo. If you don't know her, maybe you can feel it from her eyes and tone. No feelings.

But Xu Mo is different. I don’t know whether it’s because of the long contact or because the two people have experienced something together. Although Lemon has always been so cold and indifferent on the surface, Xu Mo can read different emotions. , Knowing whether she is happy or sad.

Lemon stretched out his wet little hand and took Xu Mo in, then closed the door.

Then he walked in front and led Xu Mo into the room. When he was in the aisle, he didn't know what it was on the ground, like some kind of delicate black part fell on the ground, and the lemon bent down to pick it up.

This action itself doesn't feel much, even if it's wearing a skirt, but it's just seeing the degree of fatness, and it doesn't promote the teeth.

But most importantly, she did not wear a skirt!

Not even fattening times!Just around a bath towel!

Therefore, when you bend over to pick up something, you will lean forward, and your little butt will be tilted up, and the bath towel will move up, and then...the most beautiful scene on the girl’s body will be lost. The obscured one appeared in front of Xu Mo.

Fortunately, it was Xu Mo. He would resist this impulse anyway. Otherwise, when he was with Lemon before, he didn't know how many times he had been an animal teacher.

Calm down, calm down... at least this body is still a child...

Xu Mo kept calming himself in his heart like this.

Lemon is really not at all concerned. It may even be because the chest is too small and the bath towel on the chest is not tightly tied. When you bend over and stand up again, the bath towel has completely fallen off to the ground and left. Her small body.

She herself was calm throughout the whole process, she was not shy, and did not say anything. She took the bath towel on the floor again indifferently, but did not surround it. She simply held it in her hand, turned around and spoke indifferently. Xu Mo said, "Sit in the living room for a while, and I will finish the bath first."

" go quickly, don't catch a cold."


After speaking, Lemon went into the bathroom, and soon there was the sound of shower water.

Xu Mo's performance just now was a bit embarrassing, and he thought to himself: Oh... but she is not shy, why am I still shy?However, it has been a few months now, there is really no sign of growth...

What can I do later?

I really don't know if it should be happy or sad.

Recalling Mensa’s dream when he was with Lemon, the evil fire in his body couldn’t be suppressed for a while. Fortunately, Lemon is now in the bathroom. Xu Mo hurried to the living room and poured a few glasses of ice water. This made myself a little better.

"Help me get the clothes." The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and lemon's emotionless voice came.

"Ah? Didn't you bring your clothes in?" Xu Mo was stunned. What happened to Lemon today?How do you feel like being possessed by Nanbing?

If Nan Bing said this sentence, Xu Mo would definitely feel that she was deliberate and deliberately teasing herself.

"I'm alone at home and don't need to bring clothes into the bathroom." Lemon answered in the bathroom.

Think about it, even though Xu Mo said hello in advance, he did come early. Lemon is usually alone, and it is normal for Lemon to go to the bathroom without clothes. Just wash and dry before coming out to wear it.

"If you don't help me take it, I will come out and take it myself." It may be that Xu Mo's voice did not answer, and Lemon said without emotion.

"Take it, take it! You wait for me, where are your clothes?"

Xu Mo knew that Lemon's words were because she had seen her body show that impoverished and overwhelmed shyness just now. If this were not the case, she would have been naked as usual.

Because she's barely shy in front of Xu Mo? Lemon doesn't.

This is the gentleness and carefulness of lemon, Xu Mo can feel it.


"Okay! Wait for me!" Xu Mo hurriedly ran to the bedroom. There was a large wardrobe in the bedroom. After opening it, the eyes were greeted by countless pieces of white silk... It was also the first time that Xu Mo saw it. So, it turns out that white silk can also have so many different styles...

Lemon, how much do you like white silk!

ps: Today is still a day for corpses, not next month or next year. See you~

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