My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 571

Lemon skin is really good. After all, this body is young, white in color, delicate and smooth, and it breaks when blown. It is like stroking satin, which is not a feature of any woman of any age.

It feels...not good...

There is no way for Xu Mo to calm down with this feeling and help her massage her fatigue. On the contrary, it is getting more and more exciting and getting angry.

In order to prevent embarrassment from happening, Xu Mo also took the initiative to find a topic to talk to Lemon, distracting.

"Ah... By the way, Lemon, have you... been doing anything lately? I haven't come to class for a while."

"In the laboratory, I have something to do."

"Oh... this way..."

Xu Mo also secretly scolded herself for being stupid, knowing that Lemon has been taking care of 3000 recently, she couldn't let herself know about this, so what else should she ask.

Both people actually have their own careful thoughts about this matter, but it is not convenient to tell each other.

I don't know if she will find out if she really took the lemon money to buy the school.

If you were really discovered by Lemon and used the money to buy a school for 3000, it would be really hard to explain, by coincidence?Is there such a coincidence?

Forget it, plan it out at that time... Anyway, it must not be discovered.

Otherwise, I would really disturb the lives of three thousand of them again.

For Xu Yan, for lemons, and for three thousand.

At least not yet.

I have to find a way to deal with the big troubles of Three Thousand.

Otherwise, this secret has to be kept in my heart forever.

You can't even tell Sanqian honestly that I am your father.

This kind of pain is really uncomfortable for a father.

It was silent again...

Xu Mo's massage has been in the second half, pressing her palms on Lemon's back, and then gathering Qi through exercises. A rush of heat spreads from the back of Lemon to her body, instantly activating every cell in her body. .

This one can be regarded as the most important step in the whole massage process. If the technique reaches the end, it really has a very good fatigue-relieving effect.

Lemon was lying on the bed, closing his eyes, and the feeling of comfort came in an instant, even she couldn't help humming, making such a sound.



Lemon usually!They are all expressionless and speechless...

And now...this...sound is made.

For Xu Mo, it was the most exciting killer!

The whole person became stiff.

Of course, the most stiff thing is naturally somewhere...

It's over... It's over!

Because I was kneeling on Lemon again, once that place stiffened, it really just happened to be pushed out, and pressed against Lemon’s waist through the pants...

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

After a few minutes, Lemon's emotionless voice broke the peace.

"Let me help you."

"This... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do this... this... mine... really..."

"Take off your pants."

"No need, no need! Really no need! I'll be fine in a while!" Xu Mo quickly waved, trying to get up embarrassed.

"Isn't it uncomfortable to hold back?"

"Uncomfortable, can I...your body still..."

"I didn't say to help you in that way, you forgot, I can—"

Lemon paused, and pointed to his mouth and his feet, which reminded Xu Mo of some incredible memories.

Xu Mo was petrified, completely petrified, lost his reason, and didn't know how to answer.

Seeing Xu Mo staying silent for a long time, Lemon lowered her head and couldn't see her expression, but her voice was still the same without emotion, but at this time it seemed to have a bit more jerky taste, as if suddenly dumb. ,she says--

"Occasionally, I also want to do my duty as a girlfriend."

"So, at least let me, in this way, help you."

Little Lemon, after saying this, threw himself into Xu Mo's arms...

There is no such thing as reason.

PS: This chapter is not uncut.

Chapter 607 Restart!resurrection!

I don't know how long it has passed, Xu Mo was completely immersed in another world and enjoying what Lemon said: "I want to do my girlfriend's responsibility."

With a trembling of his body, Lemon finally left Xu Mo's arms, got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. It didn't take long for him to hear the sound of splashing water.

Xu Mo's expression was a bit awkward, especially when he touched the area where the lemon was sitting on the bed sheet just now, there was such a small piece of transparent water. This should be...

Ah... What a crime...

If it weren't for her current relationship with her body being too small, she wouldn't have been so uncomfortable long ago.

It seems that at least another three years...four years?

Then you can only wait slowly. Anyway, for them, there is still a long time in the future. It is actually quite good to change this way of intimacy occasionally. It does not mean that you have to do the last step to feel the lover. There are many, many ways to love love, but they all have the same effect... right?

In this open age, the physiological problems that people of the same sex will not worry about are naturally not a big problem in the eyes of Xu Mo and Lemon.

Xu Mo knows well, but Lemon knows better.

Then there is no problem at all.

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