My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 580

Tang Xi's mother was happily holding Tang Xi's father's finger at the sketch that was playing on the TV and smiling, but it seemed to be a freeze-frame scene. The two of them were completely still, motionless, and did not blink their eyes.

Tang Xi didn't seem strange at all. It seemed that he knew what was going on. When she sat on the sofa, she was the only one left in this living room for a moment.

Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling, her face was full of sadness.

PS: My courage is notoriously small, don't panic, the plot needs it.

Chapter 620 Regret for Helping

Xu Mo walked home unconsciously, his condition was indeed very poor.

Especially the bleak atmosphere of the big night in the wild, it made him feel bad.

But to be honest, the neighborhood is sparsely populated and the buildings are almost dilapidated old-fashioned houses, or they are simply ruins after the demolition. It is better during the day. At night, the street lights on this street are basically old and in disrepair. It was useless, only dim light, and the whole atmosphere was terrifying. I heard that there was a domestic suspense film selected here for the scene some time ago.

Girls or fainthearted people will definitely be scared to walk this road at night.

But Xu Mo didn't feel anything. He might have received the education of socialism and became an excellent teacher of the people. He has a relationship with the people's halo. He has never been afraid of these unnecessary things.

After living in this neighborhood for a long time, I have long been accustomed to the streets with this atmosphere.

There is no such thing as fear.

What kind of gods and ghosts, how could it exist? It's the 21st century now, and we need to talk about science.

...Forget it, revise this sentence. After all, there is a god in the house who claims to be from another world. As for the god, it still seems to have a special ability at least now. Revise this sentence.

And they came from another world, and it has nothing to do with our world.

Xu Mo didn't believe it anymore. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China could not become a spirit. In the 21st century, how could there be demons and ghosts?

Just go home as usual, but today because I came home from Tang Xi, the route may be a bit different from usual, but Xu Mo didn't care.

A big man, who is not afraid of ghosts, tribulations, and even more tribulations, what else can he have?

Dejected and walked for a while, Xu Mo did not pay attention to any changes in the surrounding environment. He had all kinds of negative thoughts in his heart. Because of the summer, he even thought about going home if there is a grocery store on the way home. Buy a few bottles of small wine and go home alone, toast a glass to death tomorrow.

At this moment, Xu Mo unexpectedly heard the crisp sound of crutches he heard before, and he was close at hand.

Looking up, isn't it the old lady with bad legs and legs I just met?

The old lady seemed to have seen Xu Mo and smiled kindly at him. Although the old lady looked very old, her face was kind and kind, and she had an indescribable sense of intimacy. Maybe this generation of young people More or less people have some fond memories of their kind grandparents when they were young, so naturally, in fact, they will feel more cordial to such kind-looking old people.

She seems to be right in front of her house—a self-built two-story house that looks like it may have a history of fifty to sixty years. Regardless of the second story, it is actually very small, like two shops stacked on top of each other. Knowing that this house, even if it is not a dangerous one, is almost time.

And the old lady was pulling out a bunch of rusty keys out of her pocket with a bit of effort, and clattering in front of the door for a long time, the old man, the light was not enough, and the key could not be inserted into the lock at all. Seeing Xu Mo worrying about her, this grandma seems to be used to it and has been tinkering with herself for a long time.

Xu Mo took a second look when he walked past her. This door was broken like this. The heavily moulded wooden door had many holes. I believe that a normal person would push this door harder and completely lose its effect.

This door is still locked... there is no difference between it and not...

An old man is trying to open the door lock in front of you time and time again. I believe most people will still help this when they see it. It was originally a trivial matter. The old man just can't see the location of the keyhole. In addition, it seems so difficult when the hands are shaking, which is of course a piece of cake for young people.

"Grandma, let me help you open it." Xu Mo walked over, took the bunch of rusty keys in her hand, inserted it into the keyhole and turned it on.

Xu Mo even wondered if the broken door was unscrewed by himself without using the key. It was too easy.

"Thank you, young man, come in, come in and sit...Oh..." The old lady was also very happy to see Xu Mo opened the door for her. Xu Mo wanted to go in and sit down, but she didn't say half of her words. Nearly falling down again, Xu Mo had to hurry her up and bring her into the house.

Although the house is dilapidated, it is still clean. It seems that the old people live in this place.

It's just that only a few candles were found in the house, not even a light, so it's no wonder that grandma has bad eyes.

"My eyes are not good. Basically, I slept after dark at night... The electricity bill is quite expensive, so I don't like to decorate the lights. The candles are good and save money. My old lady is enough." Quite optimistic, always happy, and poured Xu Mo a cup of hot tea.

The old man seemed to be a devout Buddhist believer. He couldn't bear to even light up the lamp, but in the room, a small tape recorder was used to circulate the sound of chanting. Xu Mo didn't really understand what it was, but it sounded like it. Similar to what the monks and monks read, the room always smelled of burning incense, and she also had a few strings of Buddhist beads on her hands.

Xu Mo actually had no intention of staying and chatting with her. He just passed by and opened the door for her. After drinking a cup of tea, he simply exchanged a few words with her and wanted to leave.

But before leaving, the old lady asked him for a favor.

"Young man, can you please do me a favor?"

"You said, it's okay."

"There is a table of Eight Immortals upstairs with some things for worshipping the Buddha. I put it on when I went out at night. Now it's just time. Can you take it all for me? My old cold legs happened to be guilty. I'm weak, I can't climb the stairs... Well... if my wife is still there..."

Looking at her legs and feet, it was indeed very bad, and the stairs really couldn't be climbed up.

It was just helping to tidy up some things, and Xu Mo naturally agreed without much consideration.

Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue. Besides, the demands of others are not excessive. The old man is so kind and kind, so Xu Mo naturally helped this.

It's just that, maybe in the near future, he might regret it, regretting that he didn't think about it and made this decision.

PS: I didn’t think about the name of the new chapter, just because of the relationship between the new role and the new student. This chapter will definitely have a little suspense element. I am super timid, so you don’t have to panic, you won’t write that kind of horror. When something comes out to scare you, I might be scared to death when I write it, and I certainly won't have it.

As the first newcomer to appear after my resurrection, the new character must have a lot of shots, so you can guess what girl it is.

Today 2 is also completed, than heart.

Chapter 621 Appreciation of the Yellow Master

Xu Mo went upstairs just to help her clean up all the things that were placed on the table of the Eight Immortals to worship the Buddha according to the old lady's request. Xu Mo didn't know these things very well, and he couldn't even name some things. , But it is also similar to the utensils used for sacrifices, such as a small incense burner, steamed buns and pastries for sacrifices, etc. It seems that the old lady is really pious enough, and she is an old man living alone with inconvenient legs and legs to make such a big table. Things are busy enough.

After receiving it in a big baggage, he directly took it down and handed it to the old lady.

The old lady's kind face was filled with a smile again. After thanking Xu Mo for a few words, she did not continue to keep him, saying that her legs and feet were inconvenient, so she refused to give Xu Mo.

Xu Mo exchanged a few words, and left the old woman's house, ready to go back to his own house.

What is a little strange is that when Xu Mo left the old lady’s house, he suddenly felt a little dazed for a moment, and his head felt a little dizzy, especially the tingling sensation on the wrist, but it was very painful. It will disappear soon.

Xu Mo paused, checked his own hands, there was nothing abnormal, and inspected his physical condition with the power of "qi," and it was also very good.

Probably, it was a sudden cramp.

Thinking like this in my mind, I still didn't want to go home.

On the way home, there were no other emergencies, but because of the delay, it was actually past 11 o'clock when I returned home.

Pushing open the door, you can see Xiao Jiu is processing the ingredients in the open kitchen. These will be used for breakfast tomorrow morning, so that you can save a lot of morning time.

"Master, you're back..." Xiao Jiu immediately put down what was in his hands, wiped his hands and ran to Xu Mo. Her signature warm smile really made Xu Mo feel a little bit weak in his heart tonight. Xiao Jiu must have been an angel in his previous life...

Xiao Jiu’s attitude towards herself is no longer so embarrassing and shy now. Although she is definitely a little bit shy compared to when she started, she can see that she is much better than the previous embarrassment period. After all, the two of them that day After saying those words, he must have come closer.

She still wore the maid outfit that she wore when she was working, and did her job carefully. Xu Mo greeted her when she walked in. Without stopping, she helped Xu Mo take the briefcase and put it away. Help him take off his coat and hang it up.

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