My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 582

So... what's wrong?

The more Xu Mo thought about it, the more he felt a mess in his mind. There were so many things that happened tonight, which made people feel irritable. He didn't want to think about it anymore. He just wanted to let go of everything and get a good sleep. All the negative energies are taken away, and after the spirit is refreshed the next day, think about any problems again.

Back in the room, Xu Mo didn't even have time to take off his clothes. He fell asleep and fell asleep immediately.

At night, it was calm.

And Xu Mo, it seems that he was not sleeping well.

He had a dream, dreaming that he met the real Xia Xia, Xia Xia came back, and they met, but after the first hug they met, Xia Xia stabbed him in his body with a knife and pinched it with both hands. Caught his neck.

She had a cold expression and said nothing.

Xu Mo felt that he was going to be choked off, and the fear of welcoming death made him collapse all over.

Extremely difficult.

And at the moment when he was about to be strangled, Xu Mo's dream changed again. The summer was gone, but his sister Xu Yan was replaced by his sister Xu Yan...and lemon... Nanbing... elegy... Huali... Liu Yiqiu...Everyone showed a cold expression to themselves, they all had a small knife in their hands, and they seemed to be about to stab themselves.

This dream is too real and can no longer be described.

In short, this night Xu Mo is really reincarnating in one nightmare after another. The nightmares that he might not have had a few in a year, seem to be all concentrated on this night, one after another, not at all. disconnect.

No one knows what Xu Mo experienced this night. When Xu Mo was finally awakened from his dream, it was already sunny and broad daylight outside the window.

There was a very uncomfortable and sticky feeling on my body, and I didn't know how much cold sweat I had left all night.

Xu Mo was dressed coarsely, his whole body was in very bad condition, and his energy was slack. Up to now, it seems that his hair is all wet.

"Are you okay... Oh my god... have you had a nightmare?"

Nan Bingye's Elegy, and Xiao Jiu were all standing by Xu Mo's bed at this time, looking at him nervously.

Seeing him wake up, Xiao Jiu quickly handed over a glass of water.

Xu Mo received the water without saying anything, it was just a burst of water.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down..."

"Cough cough cough cough cough!!!!..."

"Look, it's choking..."

Xu Mo felt that he had slowed down. It was really not easy. What kind of sin he had caused, and he had a nightmare all night, and now I see them all in a trance. Fortunately, he knows that. It was definitely not the real them who had the knife, but a nightmare, and he was not an adult, how could he be stabbed by the beloved woman.

"It's okay... I have a nightmare..." Xu Mo's voice was a little hoarse, and his throat hurt.

"You scared us to death. The soundproofing of our house is so good. When Xiao Jiu came in the morning to call you when you got up, you opened the door and only saw you lying in bed sweating and howling loudly. We heard all the doors."

PS: 2 more delivered, good night, begging for the blade, daily incense.

Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Three

Xu Mo felt uncomfortable all over his body. It was quite embarrassing for a big man to be so scared by the things in his dream, even his legs were a little soft when he sat up from the bed.

If according to Nan Bing's words, just because of nightmares, Chen Bo was gone, and Xu Mo was so scared that he lost that ability, and their sexual blessings in this life would be gone.

But of course it was not as exaggerated as Nan Bing said. Xu Mo felt that although he was frightened, these nightmares were indeed tortured by him, but it is not enough to say that they all affected that aspect.It's not really being scared in reality, it's just dreams, nightmares will definitely wake up, and Xu Mo will be better after waking up.

"Really, why do you have nightmares?" Xu Mo's nightmares were of course discussed as a topic during breakfast in the morning.

"Master is too tired recently. After all, he is getting busy." Xiao Jiu's expression was slightly worried. She was also terrified when she saw Xu Mo's state in the morning, for fear that Xu Mo was ill. Still how.

If it is a nightmare, I feel a little relieved in my heart.

Everyone thinks that having nightmares is not a big deal. Many people have nightmares occasionally and are also frightened by nightmares. This is a normal reaction and it is not a disease. It is just a dream.

"En... don't worry, it should be like this..." Xu Mo drank a large cup of tea, but still couldn't calm down completely.

Ye Elegy was constantly rubbing his hands back and forth in Xu Mo's temples, using his own strength to stabilize Xu Mo's emotions and physical functions.

What she can do is try to make Xu Mo calm down.

In other aspects, Xu Mo still needs to calm down himself.

"Master today happens to be a rest day, so you can take a good rest at home, adjust your spirit, and rest early in the evening, it should not be like this again."

What Xiao Jiu said is reasonable. The nightmare was probably caused by what happened that night and the stress in my heart. Because I was sure that Tang Xi was not in summer, I was always very depressed. The thoughts in the brain are also very confused.

If you have a nightmare because of this, it is not unreasonable.

Xu Mo nodded, and accepted Xiao Jiu’s suggestion. Today, let your mind and body relax. Don’t have a second nightmare series like that last night. It’s really tossing people...

"Eh, I said that this rest day is good, but you have to accompany me! But you... let's take a good rest day! I will be a Buddhist one day today. I won't touch you. Remember to make up for it after a few days of rest. Me." Nan Bing made a regretful voice. It was her turn to be happy today.

Of course, this is a day defined by her. Her desire in that aspect is much stronger than that of elegy. So basically the so-called happy sex day belongs to her, and there is no clear time, but occasionally everyone will discuss it. On a rest day, Xu Mo will accompany them to do what they want.

Elegy basically likes to let Xu Mo practice martial arts with him, go shopping to pick up money and so on, and Nan Bing...Of course it is that, she will not miss this opportunity at all.

It was her turn today. Although regret is really a pity, she is actually more worried about Xu Mo's body than those, and she will be very considerate to let Xu Mo take a good rest first, and she can do everything with her. Put it back.

Fortunately, Xu Mo was surrounded by a group of lovely people who were considerate and cared about him. Today, he really lay at home for a day.

Just lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV and chatting with Nan Bing and the others, the time passed quickly.

By the way, about the Huali who came yesterday.

Hearing from Nan Bing, Hua Li hurried back to the hospital in the middle of the night after guarding the harmonious and safe network environment for a night. If she hadn't reminded her of the time, she might have kept guarding.

When she left, Nan Bing handed her a pair of disposable underwear ambiguously.

Huali blushed and went to the bathroom before leaving Xu Mo's house.

Nan Bing deliberately lay next to Xu Mo's ear when she said this, and whispered, "The one she replaced is still in my room. That silly girl is an electrical idiot. She doesn't know how to use a washing machine. She didn't even throw it in. Activate the washing function. I took it out. I haven’t washed it yet. Do you want it? I’ll get it for you."

"Forget it... forget it."

"Why? Don't you like this kind of thing very much, have you changed sex?"

"No, anyway, if I say what I want, you will definitely not give me hers, but you will give me yours, right?"

"You understand me more and more~" Nan Bing was very happy, and couldn't help but rubbed Xu Mo against him and started acting like a baby.

"After all, they are all so familiar..."

"If it weren't for letting me rest well today, I would definitely eat you! I hate it, people will feel a little bit hurt! Don't tell you this, remember to rest early in the evening!" Nan Bing did seem to be picked suddenly. When I became sexually interested, I also knew in my heart that if I crooked with Xu Mogan again, I couldn't help it. After reminding Xu Mo, I hurried upstairs by myself. I guess I won't be down before dinner.

Xu Mo just passed a day like this.

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