My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 587

PS: I'm so timid!Don't panic!The plot needs wow!Today is 2 more, but only one chapter, enough words.

Chapter 628: Looking for Li Yinyuan

Li Yinyuan's condition really caused chills in the spine, and her condition has been confirmed by Wu Ge Meng, which means that she does have that ability.

This oldest supernatural power actually exists.

However, Xu Mo was even more worried about his situation. He had also heard a lot about this aspect, such as head drop, Gu art, etc., which one he encountered has not yet been known, maybe Only after I really found Li Yinyuan can I find out.

He really doesn’t want to be tortured by that kind of nightmare anymore. If this goes on, he will become neurotic in less than a week, and he is also afraid that he will really be horribly lowered by someone, and his life is about to come. My life is at stake, but my life is the most precious. The lemon has not grown up and I haven’t found it in summer. My confidantes have not yet become pregnant. I haven’t finished writing this book. The author has to eat. I can’t do it now. Inexplicably dead here!

Find!Go find her!

Although the unknown factors on Li Yinyuan were also terrifying, Xu Mo still didn't want to just die inexplicably.

Isn't it just going to find your own students...Sooner or later, you still have to face it.

Xu Mo tried his best to overcome that kind of psychological fear and cheered up. He really didn't want to be tortured like that anymore. It was still early morning, the sun was shining and the sky was bright, there was nothing to be afraid of, so hurry up and find it now. Li Yinyuan!

Just leave. Fortunately, Wu Ge Meng is still a bit conscientious, and he provided himself with a shortcut to find Li Yinyuan. This is the pointer that Xu Mo is holding at this time, which looks a bit chronological. According to Wu Ge Meng, just follow Keep walking in the direction of the pointer and you will be able to find Li Yinyuan.

Xu Mo took the fastest time to go to a free trading market near his home, bought everything he could think of, sorted out his clothes, put on a set of convenient sportswear, and put it on his back. I took a mountaineering bag that looked particularly heavy and stuffed all the things I bought just now. It looked so heavy that it couldn't fit in the bag, and there was a mahogany sword on it.

And the bag contains cinnabar, realgar, garlic, cross, anti-wolf electric shock...

The merger of China and the West, as well as modern weapons, Xu Mo really didn't know what to prepare to deal with that kind of supernatural thing. He was too bad at it, so he could only collect everything he could think of with an impression in his mind.

He even went to a farmer's market and asked the stall owner if he had a pair of black donkey hoofs in front of the donkey-killing stall.

The stall owner was stunned, and actually pulled Xu Mo aside in a low voice, and asked Xu Mo if he was going to the tomb and if there were any ways. He also wanted to introduce him to his teammates who went to the tomb together, and he said he was called Fatty Wang. , Zhang Qiling and Wu shoes should be these names, inexplicably, Xu Mo ignored them, and failed to buy the hoofs. The stall owner said that they were bought by a group of people who claimed to be from the love apartment a few hours ago. Now, they also said they were going to the tomb.

Back to the topic.

Xu Mo packed up his clothes, this outfit, people who didn't know thought he was going on a mountain trip.

The main reason is that maybe you are about to face some supernatural things that you have never encountered before, and you don't know how to deal with it. It seems that you are so lame. Obviously, you have learned all kinds of abilities because of various adventures. It is several times stronger than ordinary people , But in front of this kind of thing, it still seems so weak.

After that, he left a note to Xiao Jiu and the others who were still sleeping, and Xu Mo officially set off.

Just follow the direction of the pointer in his hand, and Xu Mo just keep walking... keep walking.

After walking for a long time, I found that the pointer still didn't stop, and still pointed to a reverse direction to move forward by himself. Xu Mo took a taxi and pointed the road to let the driver drive.

Until the amount shown on the taxi reached 300 yuan, Xu Mo frowned and found that something was wrong.

At this time, Dote has arrived in the next city!

With a taxi fare of 300 yuan, one can imagine how far Xu Mo has gone now.

Only then did Xu Mo realize that Wu Ge Meng only allowed himself to follow the direction of the pointer, but when is he a head?

If Li Yinyuan is now on the other side of the earth, overseas!?

Do you want to go on like this stupidly?

Wu Ge Meng should really upgrade this old thing, the user experience is too bad, at least it should be like Dragon Ball Radar?

In this way, I don't know how long it will take to find Li Yinyuan's person.

After spending too long on the road, Xu Mo now has people here in the neighboring city, a completely strange place, what should I do next?

In fact, the direction of the pointer on this road has not changed. They are all pointing in the same direction. Xu Mo thought of this, so he could simply take the high-speed train. Take a high-speed train that goes in that direction. It doesn't matter, it's okay to drive in the direction of the pointer anyway. Once the pointer has a new response, you can remember the position and get off at the nearest stop and rush over.

The speed of the high-speed rail is much faster than that of a taxi. It can save yourself a lot of time to test out where Li Yinyuan's person is.

Of course, the prerequisite for this method to work is also that Li Yinyuan is still in China. If she really is on the other side of the earth, it will be really difficult.

Xu Mo was in a hurry and didn’t want to wait until it was dark before doing this, so he came to the city’s high-speed railway station as quickly as possible, judged the position of the pointer a bit, and checked it on the mobile app. The number of trains driving in this direction rushed to the ticket office to queue up to buy tickets.

Because Xu Mo wanted to try if he could buy the ticket for the 30-minute bus, he could only come to the ticket office to try his luck. This kind of car that will be driven soon cannot be bought on the APP, only at the ticket office. You can buy it.

The sooner the better. If you can't buy it, you can only buy it after an hour. Anyway, you have to wait. It's better to try your luck. Maybe you can actually buy it. You can save a lot of time before dark.

Xu Mo came to the ticket office. There were a lot of people in line here, full of people, bags of luggage, suddenly crowded, accent dialects of various places, noisy people connected to earphones: "Burn my calories!" I couldn't hear it clearly.

No wonder it is not unreasonable to say that the train station is the easiest place to lose things.

But there was no way. In order to save time and buy time for himself, Xu Mo bit his head and squeezed in and lined up behind the end of the line at a window that seemed to be a little less crowded.

PS: I want to know when your summer vacation ends?

Chapter 629: The Old Man Jumping the Line

Despite this, Xu Mo still had an endless stream of people queuing at this window. Within a few minutes, there were a dozen people behind Xu Mo, and the people in front of Xu Mo probably counted them, and there were about 16 or seven.

Fortunately, the staff here are very efficient, and the speed is very fast. Everyone who buys a ticket takes documents or pays for non-inking, and she can completely handle it in a minute.

Xu Moan quietly waited for the number of people in front to diminish.

Counting silently in my heart.

Ten more people will be my turn...

There are eight others...



But when Xu Mo was about to count to five in his heart, the person who bought the ticket at the front window seemed to have encountered some problems. He did not buy the ticket as quickly as the others in front, and it took a lot of time.

Therefore, in Xu Mo's mind, the five has not been counted.

The line in line suddenly stopped moving, and the people in the back would feel a little anxious, and would have some opinions and dissatisfaction with that person, and would involuntarily stretch their heads to see what he was doing.

Xu Mo was so close, it was only five people away, so he could see when he looked up.

In front of the window is a young boy with a shirt and a school uniform. He looks like a high school student, has thick glasses, and has a lot of pimples on his face. He is carrying a schoolbag. It seems that his personality belongs to that. Kind of very honest, will not cause trouble in school.

Xu Mo is also a glorious people's teacher anyway, and he still has this vision.

This year, more students go to junior high school to go to high school. It’s not uncommon at all. Parents like to send their children to big cities in order for their children to go to a better school. They usually board at school, but they are closed on weekends. They don’t necessarily go home. After all, some people’s homes are close, and some are far away. They may have to rush back to school immediately after a long time. Otherwise, they will not be able to catch up with Monday morning study.

These years, being a student is really hard.

This boy is probably the case of Xu Mogues. The school is closed on weekends, so he took a car home and went home.

He looked anxious at this time and lacked social experience. Obviously, he was very anxious when encountering such a sudden situation. The movements in his hand were trembling, and he constantly rummaged in his bag.

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