My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 606

Xu Mo didn't know what Li Yinyuan was going to do. On the one hand, he was indeed a little worried that she would be injured because of this, so he didn't act rashly.

Seeing that Xu Mo had sat down again, the driver sneered and began to focus on Li Yinyuan.

He felt curious, why Li Yinyuan was not afraid or panicked at all, just like the performance on the road just now, it was silent.

"Little beauty, who on earth are you? How did you know about the cheap stuff?"

"I said, she is here, everything she told me personally." Li Yinyuan replied without emotion.

"Ha ha ha ha, did you deliberately scare me? It's a pity to tell you that I didn't believe in ghosts or evil since I was born. You told me there are ghosts in this world? I only believe in what I can see. You say this It's impossible to scare me. I won't be scared by you at all. It's useless. What does it matter if she is really here? I'm not afraid at all! What about ghosts? Want to be killed by me again!? Cheap~good! Hahahahaha!"

As soon as his voice fell, his face turned sharply, his eyes became vicious and cold, he used the dagger against Li Yinyuan's face and almost touched him, grabbed her shoulder with his hand, and said fiercely, "Is there a ghost? Okay, we have time to talk slowly, little beauty, if you want to become a ghost, I can do it for you. Warning, don’t say this in front of me to scare me, it’s useless! If there is a ghost, I His mother stood upside down and shit! Oh, there is a shit! Show me, huh?"

Li Yinyuan didn't say a word, letting him threaten this way.

Perhaps it was because he couldn't see Li Yinyuan's face, couldn't see the expression on her face, and it didn't make the driver feel any pleasure. He suddenly grabbed the long hair covering Li Yinyuan's face and cut it with a dagger. It: "Why are you not scared at all? Oh, I see, you must be scared, right? Scared to speak, don't you? You know? Big brother, I like to see beautiful women show that It’s an ugly and scared expression, hehehe, I want to take a good look at the way you are scared, is it also so ugly...Your hair is really in the way, let me help you lose it, girl. You can’t have that long hides your expression...come...I'll help really gets in the way."

"Hey! You!" Xu Mo wanted to forcefully stop him when he saw such an aggressive behavior, but at this moment, it seemed that an invisible force held him back, otherwise he would interfere with the development of the matter.

When Xu Mo reacted, the driver's movements were very fast. With a single cut, the sharp dagger directly reduced all the long hair that covered Li Yinyuan's face in front of him. After a single cut, only the front of the forehead was left. For the part, the current hairstyle is almost flat bangs, just cut with a knife, it must not be neatly trimmed by a barber with scissors.

Li Yinyuan has always used her hair to cover her face deliberately. Xu Mo doesn’t know if she did it deliberately or unintentionally. But... this way, you can finally see Li Yinyuan’s face clearly. Up.

Xu Mo only saw part of her appearance at the moment when her hair was blown up by the wind, and she was very impressed, especially her eyes, and now she still has lingering fears... I don’t know what happened. As if the soul was penetrated.

But this time, I can see clearly that she has no hair that covers her face, but she doesn't have that special feeling.

It's actually the same as before, but this time it's clearer and more obvious.

Her face is very beautiful, she was born very beautiful, and to be honest, she has a taste like Ye Elegy's ancient beauty, only because she is too thin, so that such a good face does not appear so prominent.The skin on her face is the same as her body, very white, but she does not feel sickly white.

As for those eyes, except for the severe dark circles and the eyes that seemed to be slightly brighter than normal people, there was nothing special about them. They felt different from the first time Xu Mo saw her true face.

"Oh, it's really a little beautiful woman, sure enough, I feel right. Hehehe, it's a pity, you are also a beautiful are must be the same as them, look down on me and despise me. Huh? Hmm? Why are you not talking? Why are you not afraid? Do you think that I really won't hurt you? You are crying for me! Call me! Please don't kill you!"

After cutting off the hair on Li Yinyuan’s face and seeing her original appearance, the driver may have been irritated, more emotional, and on the verge of losing control at any time...No, he has been losing control all the time, he has collapsed, then take The dagger on Li Yinyuan's face seemed even more dangerous.

The expression on Li Yinyuan's face was very cold, still silent.

Even if the driver threatened this level, she remained indifferent.

It may be that he completely angered the driver. He finally couldn't sit still, and started to yell at him. If he cursed a lot like crazy and even couldn't write it, he just wanted to kill Li Yinyuan here: "Why do you use Look at me with this expression! You are looking down on me! You are looking down on me! I want to kill you! Kill you... Ah! Ah! Ah!!!"

I don’t know why, the driver was ready to do it. The dagger in his hand was raised high and was about to stab, but suddenly he let out several heart-piercing screams, and the dagger in his hand fell suddenly. I got on the ground, opened the door of the car like crazy and started to escape. The screams in my mouth never stopped. I fell on my face several times and there was blood all over my body. What are you saying: "Help! Don't come here! Don't!"

Xu Mo was dumbfounded throughout.

He had no time to think as things were progressing.

What happened to that driver?

Why did it happen all of a sudden?

The driver did not run far. It was a mountain road. The surrounding road conditions were very bad. Soon after, I heard the sound of something falling down the mountain, the last scream, and...

The sound of broken bones.

Everything was over, and it was quiet again instantly.

Quiet and terrible.

too frightening.

Xu Mo could even hear himself swallowing saliva.

At a loss.

What did Li Yinyuan do?

That driver is dead now...right?

What is going on now?

Li Yinyuan in the car was still silent. I believe she also heard the sound of the driver having fallen down the mountain. She stretched out her hand to tidy up her hair a bit. Maybe she was not used to the relationship that there was nothing covering her face. She felt that she cared about the hair.

The good-looking hair, although it is indeed too long, was cut off by such a devil with a dagger. It must be uncomfortable in my heart, right?

Xu Mo has a lot to ask her, but now that she sees her appearance, I want to comfort her first... Maybe it's better.

"That kind of guy, I can easily subdue him from the beginning. You should tell me so that your hair will not be given by him..."

"No, no," Li Yinyuan said.


Li Yinyuan turned his face to look at Xu Mo like this.

Xu Mo also looked at her face. He was really not used to this feeling. Looking at her real appearance, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"When I got into the car, the driver opened the door for me and ran into me. I saw that he was about to die from the cliff, his body was broken and his body was dead."

"If you just shot the uniform, he will not fall to death according to the original fate, but a few hours later, he will die with a heart attack."

Xu Mo knew this, he had already guessed this about the old man before.

Li Yinyuan can see the death of the person who touched her within a month. What would he die for? If she helped someone escape the original cause of death, that person would die a few hours later, but the original cause of death was not , So it can only be heart palsy.

That's what she meant to be able to keep the dead from the third watch to the fifth watch.

"I don't want him to die because of heart palsy, so I won't let you do it." When Li Yinyuan said this, there was an expression on her face.

She smiled, relaxed and natural.

PS: All female readers must pay attention to safety when going out!Protect yourself!

Chapter 643: I am not a Virgin

What Li Yinyuan said... Although it’s correct to say so, it’s cheaper for such a devil to let him die in this way. Why should he interfere with him again, causing him to eventually die with heart palsy? Drop it?

However, Xu Mo still cared a little bit about Li Yinyuan's smile just now.

Is it because she was given the retribution for such an evil person that she laughed?

Moreover, after laughing, Li Yinyuan, who had returned to the silent state, seemed to be talking to herself, saying something that made Xu Mo more concerned: "Look, people who are alive are often more evil and more evil than those ghosts. terror."

This sentence is very meaningful, and Xu Mo has no way to refute it.

Perhaps it is just like what Li Yinyuan said, since ghosts are what people look like after death, then a person like that perverted murderer driver is an evil devil living in this world. Death is not a pity, and he cannot be a living person. What excuses.

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