My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 608

"Like the old man who died alone, I also told you that if you can save one, what can you do? Even if I really have the power to bring the dead back to life, you can really save everyone. People are born with a desire to do evil and are weak-willed. There are many things like this that happen all the time. What we can do is to make the wicked take responsibility for their sins instead of saving them. Do you understand?"

Xu Mo nodded, but shook his head again. The thoughts in his heart were a bit complicated. He was not a Virgin, but it was human nature. It was normal to have such thoughts. He was just thinking about what Li Yinyuan said.

She is actually trying to express something to herself.

It's just that Xu Mo never understood it.

Then things went a lot smoother.

Because Li Yinyuan had the information provided by the woman before, and the scene like this, Xu Mo troubled Lemon again overnight, causing her to use some resources that were not very troublesome to solve the last thing.

Because Xu Mo hopes to do this best.

The vain death of this woman shouldn't go on silently following the homicide process.

In order to prevent more people from being murdered like her, this case must arouse more attention so that the whole society can see it and be vigilant.

Especially for these women who take a taxi alone in the middle of the night, such hidden dangers must be paid attention to.

Xu Mo took care of everything.

After an hour, the police will find here and find the car the driver parked here, the corpse he crashed into the mountain and the smashed corpse, and a crime he wrote personally.

The crime history was written on it, and his crime process and the location where the body was buried were written down in detail. The police could easily solve the case, find the body as quickly as possible, and send it to the funeral home for placement.

Then, because I asked Lemon to let her use some resources, various media will soon report on this distressing case, arousing social attention and discussion, and more people will intervene in this case. More organizations and third parties will improve safety considerations because of this case, more women will be more vigilant when going out alone at night, and there will be more channels for them to promptly send out distress signals when they are in danger... …

The families of the victims can also get the greatest compensation.

Although the people are gone, no amount of compensation will certainly not make up for the pain they have suffered in their hearts... But Xu Mo really can only do so much and fight for so much.

Li Yinyuan knew what Xu Mo was about to do. She heard and saw everything on the side, and she knew Xu Mo's thoughts.

Until Xu Mo finished all these things and got in the car arranged by Lemon and was ready to go back, the sky was already bright. Li Yinyuan just said, it’s dawn, so it’s not convenient to find the old lady who harmed Xu Mo today. I had to wait until tomorrow night, and we got in the car with Xu Mo.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"I think it’s better to be alive. So I don’t want to see more people become dead ghosts for no reason, and I don’t want to see anyone become alive ghosts. I am not a Virgin, neither do I Knowing that I am limited in my ability and cannot save everyone, but who made me run into it? One can save one." Xu Mo was already very tired when he was in the car. He didn't have a good rest for three days and touched again this evening When it came to this kind of thing, he fell into a drowsy drowsiness when he finished speaking.

Therefore, he did not see the expression on Li Yinyuan's face after he said this, and the tear she quietly wiped away.

PS: Is it all already started?

Chapter 644 Circle of Friends

Xu Mo fell asleep deeply like this, and the exhaustion of his body was too much. As long as he fell asleep a little bit like this, he could not get up for a while.

Li Yinyuan really helped him. Xu Mo slept especially at ease. He had never had that kind of strange nightmare. Instead, he had several beautiful dreams in a row. It's so comfortable.

When Xu Mo mistily woke up, Xu Mo glanced at the sun outside. It was the afternoon?I also feel empty and hungry in my stomach. I seem to have been sleeping for long enough, but it is really too comfortable. This rare feeling of comfort after getting up has made Xu Mo's spirits. It all got better all at once.

This is all thanks to Li Yinyuan, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't be able to sleep so comfortably without any worries.

What is the first thing a person wakes up?

Of course it's looking at the phone.

Is there anything more important than this?

The first time Xu Mo picked up his mobile phone, he noticed the hotspot on Weibo. It was the incident that Dudu’s ride-hailing had left last night. Like Xu Mo thought, it has caused a lot of issues in a short period of time. The attention and discussion of ”is becoming a hot social topic. More people will join the discussion in the future. Various channels and platform media will also rush to report, and relevant people will also intervene... It seems that the poor woman, You can also rest in peace.

At least her thing really made many women more vigilant and avoided a lot of unnecessary harm. She also did a very meaningful thing for the world.

In this way, I can rest assured.

Then open WeChat and habitually check if there is any news.

Because the recent era is rapidly evolving, there is no smart phone or WeChat, and it’s not convenient to go out to buy something or do things recently, especially in this intelligent era, so as to have more communication with them in peacetime. Xu Mo rarely opened the WeChat that they had been too lazy to use a while ago. They added it if they had WeChat, and they didn’t even use WeChat. Like Ye Elegy, Xu Mo would also teach her how to use it and help her with one. Cell phone, by the way, I won’t tell her the price of the cell phone.

Fortunately, most of them are using WeChat now. It is much more convenient for Xu Mo to have something to do, or to find them to improve his relationship when he is bored.

Of course, the most important thing is the Moments of Friends. I usually take a look at the Moments they send to help them get to know them better and know what they usually encounter. If you see them in a bad mood one day, or If you encounter something bad, please give comfort and help in time.

In short, WeChat is a very convenient social software for Xu Mo.

After a glance, there were not many messages, only Nan Bing sent one: You are dead!

The simple four words expressed her anger when she sent this sentence.

By the way, Nan Bing used a photo of her and Xu Mo for her avatar. At first, she planned to ask Xu Mo to use a couple avatar with her, but Xu Mo thought that if she used a couple avatar, wouldn’t it be in her WeChat account? A bunch of people with the same profile picture?

After being rejected by Xu Mo, she pestered Xu Mo to use her photo as an avatar again. Xu Mo Ning was unyielding and would not change his avatar when he was beaten to death. Up to now, the avatar is still a handsome snowman.

If you leave a message, there are lemons.

'Things are all arranged, remember to send me a message when you go home safely.'

This was sent last night. Lemon really cares about him.

Xu Mo didn't reply in time when he fell asleep, and now hurriedly replied:'Thank you, the matter has been settled.I accidentally fell asleep after arriving home safely yesterday, so sorry.'

Originally thought Lemon should not reply so quickly, she is probably busy now, but she didn't expect it to be a second reply, although it was just a few short words:'That's good.'

Could it be that Lemon has been waiting for his reply with his phone, so he can reply so quickly?Impossible hahaha...

Apart from this, there are no other messages. There is also group news from the school's teacher group. The discussion was actually about the incident last night, which attracted widespread attention from the school teachers and was discussed early in the morning.

By the way, I took a look at the Moments of Friends. Ye Wange just learned to use WeChat. All Moments of Moments are forwarding lottery or forwarding to receive red envelopes. She also added a lot of groups who grab red envelopes. She is a martial artist. People, is the hand speed comparable to normal people?I heard that by grabbing red envelopes, I can grab a lot of money in one day. For her, it is very happy. She is immersed in the happy world of red envelopes every day and can’t extricate herself, even now she rarely stays in the yard. I saw her on the tree inside.

In the case of lemon, there is nothing in the circle of friends, but it is often a little unpleasant and short, like "really difficult to use", the function is too silly, and it is speechless. It seems that all of them are complaining about the functions and mechanisms of WeChat. This is no wonder Well, if Lemon is allowed to design it herself, it may be 10 years ahead.

But why is she still using WeChat while she is using it so badly?

There is a post from her that explains this.

'If it weren't for getting closer to him, software like this would have been thrown into the trash for a few times.'

It is really impossible to say that my heart will not feel warm.

A little lemon, really has as much energy as the sun.

Liu Yiqiu's circle of friends is a very useful one, and there is nothing more personal. He usually forwards some excellent articles about education in his circle of friends, and shares them with teachers or parents in need.

As for other people's circles of friends, Xu Mo hasn't seen anything too special that they post for the time being. Isn't this kind of thing in the circle of friends just some of the most normal daily routines for everyone?

By the way, Xu Mo saw the cover of his Moments when he was scanning Moments. I don’t know when he was replaced with Nan Bing’s face. He deliberately made a threatening expression. A word: I want to see who came to see my boyfriend’s circle of friends!

You don't need to look at it to know that this kind of thing was done by her, and Xu Mo was scared and changed quickly.

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