My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 613

It's all here, wouldn't it be more dangerous to let him escape now and go back alone?

You can't go anyway.

Can only bite the bullet.

"This...Is the reason for the heavy sullenness here because of the old woman?"

"I hope so." Li Yinyuan replied something that sounded weird, so that Xu Mo would not know what to answer for a while.


The two moved forward cautiously, both in a tight and cautious state.

"On the corner ahead, there is a small two-story building, which is very dilapidated." Xu Mo pointed to the road. The distance was about 500 meters, but this section of the road was not so easy to walk. The speed of the two people was as slow as possible. Li Yinyuan said that if the action is too big, it will be easy to alarm all the ghosts attracted by the Yin Qi, and it will be very troublesome at that time. She can protect herself, but she cannot guarantee that Xu Mo is safe.

In this way, go forward at the speed of a tortoise, as sneaky as a thief.

Suddenly, Li Yinyuan, who was walking in front, turned around and covered Xu Mo's mouth. Xu Mo reacted and raised his head, and saw a woman in red with an expressionless face passing by them step by step. .

There was only the footsteps of the red woman's high heels, which sounded very permeating.

"Don't speak out, don't panic, be careful to startle her, pretend that you are also a ghost. The charm I just gave you is to cover your vitality." Li Yinyuan whispered, lying in Xu Mo's ear.

and many more……

In other words...

This red woman... is it a ghost?

Moreover, Li Yinyuan said, the ghosts here are all violent ghosts attracted by Yin Qi, the kind that can hurt people?

Just like the real horror game, Xu Mo didn't dare to breathe, he just listened to the sound of the high heels going further and further.

"Okay, it's already far away." Li Yinyuan patted Xu Mo, indicating that he is okay for the time being and can continue to walk forward.

Xu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, cold sweat all over.

By the way... Is this talisman to cover up vitality?

However, Li Yinyuan doesn't seem to have posted this symbol?

No, no, no, she must have used some other special method to cover up her breath, it must be so, because she thinks too much.

What I saw tonight is really the first time in his life that Xu Mo has had such an experience. Up to now, Xu Mo is in a state of tightness and cannot relax.

I have lived for more than 20 years, and I saw a real ghost for the first time. Is there anything more exciting than this?

It's better than extreme sports like bungee jumping, I don't know where it goes.

PS: 3 more arrived, and this month has ended perfectly. My full attendance has been maintained for a month, and everyone has seen it. I have fulfilled my promise.

In the new month, September, we continue to work hard.

Chapter 649 Don't you love to jump in line?

Xu Mo had no time to care about other things, and after that, there were still several ghosts passing by them one after another. Some of these ghosts were extremely terrifying, and they really looked like ghosts, if not strong. Suppressing his body, Xu Mo was really worried that he would tremble involuntarily and then Li Gui would discover the abuse.

"These ghosts are attracted by the Yin Qi here, as long as you don't make any weird actions to let them discover that you are not a ghost." Li Yinyuan reminded, she can see that she is still comfortable, she cares The question is whether Xu Mo will show his feet and be discovered, that may be troublesome.

"Okay...I know..." Xu Mo worked hard to keep his breath, even more nervous than during the college entrance examination.

"At twelve o'clock at midnight, the yin is the heaviest. At the time when the two days pass, the so-called sun and the moon alternate, time turns, and between the two days, the yin flies away."

Sure enough, as Li Yinyuan said, although the distance is only 500 meters, the whole process is like walking a long, long distance. The further you go, the more ghosts you will encounter.

Especially now, Xu Mo could vaguely see several animals gathered in front of him...maybe there were a dozen of them, all of them standing there.

What I met before was passed by them one by one, and I haven't encountered so many times at once.

"Try not to breathe." Li Yinyuan frowned, and directly took Xu Mo's hand to speed up some steps and walked forward, wanting to pass directly here.

Before Xu Mo could react, Li Yinyuan had already dragged him into the group of ghosts.

Surrounded by a group of real ghosts, it felt like it couldn't be more exciting, and it was hard to have a second experience in your life. The faces of these ghosts were pale, without the slightest breath of strangeness.

Xu Mo held his breath tightly, just wanting to leave here quickly.


After half a minute, it seemed that he had finally left the place where the ghosts gathered.

However, Xu Mo was just about to slow down a bit, he only felt a chill behind his back, as if something was approaching him.

He looked up sharply, and at this moment, a face appeared in front of Xu Mo.

Just less than five centimeters in front, a face paler than Xue's, her eyes shrugged, her lips were bright red, and a grimace was looking at Xu Mo.

This is the first time Xu Mo has been so close to a ghost face to face, almost face to face.

Moreover, this is really a male ghost!

If it is a good-looking female ghost, then forget it!

Xu Mo could feel the freezing and piercing sensation from his skin, and the nerves in his brain were constantly spasming.

Afraid is really scared, and suddenly a ghost appears like this to startle you, aren’t you afraid?

Xu Mo almost yelled out at the time, but soon discovered that this ghost's appearance,

Why are you so familiar!

Although it is said that after becoming a ghost, there will be ghost characteristics, especially Li ghost, the characteristics are more obvious, but the basic appearance cannot be changed.

Xu Mo remembered the ghost in front of him, isn't this the old man who jumped in the queue that he met at the station yesterday?Li Yinyuan saw his fate and knew that he was about to die tragically, so he kindly reminded him to go home soon, so that he had time to meet his family for the last time, and personally explain the funeral, but he ignored Li Yinyuan’s second half of the sentence and the deadline. When I arrived, my heart palsy died in the station.

This ghost stared at Xu Mo like this,

and!He stretched out his hand and pulled the robe of Li Yinyuan that Xu Mo was wearing.

He turned his head and glanced at Li Yinyuan next to Xu Mo again, his eyes suddenly emitting a strange and evil light.

"Hehehe... So... I just said... So you cut your hair... I almost didn't recognize it, you little bitch..."

When this ghost spoke in front of Xu Mo, there was an icy airflow across his face, the kind of coldness that really pierced the flesh.

Ma, this guy is here to seek revenge?

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