My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 616

If you think about it, if you don't have Li Yinyuan, if you have that nightmare every day, one day you will be tortured to death.

Xu Mo was really convinced. There is no rule, but the materials used are still low-quality materials. This ghost is really tolerant, and this can make her successfully cast the spell?It's too rigorous!

Dare to love this old woman is actually looking for a book to cast a spell?What does she want to do?

Why be such a vicious person?

Xu Mo sighed, "Hey, since everyone has been killed by the curse he cast, let's run away for nothing, let's go?"

Xu Mo saw that Li Yinyuan's face was still cold and serious, as if she was still waiting for something, and did not relax her guard.

A pair of eyes kept looking around, as if preparing to see through all the turbidity.

Not knowing why, she suddenly moved, and pushed Xu Mo by her side, not allowing Xu Mo to take a step forward.

Send... Did something happen?

Could it be...

The most unwilling thing to happen still happened.

It is no wonder that Li Yinyuan has always looked sad and very vigilant. It is estimated that she did not tell her what she said just now.

But deliberately...

Said to another person.

PS: Don't panic, think about my women's clothing and you won't be afraid!I was reading Crayon Shin-Chan when I was writing this chapter!

Chapter 653 I hate it

The black liquid gradually formed a light cyan air current, and they continued to gather together, and soon changed from light cyan to green.

Li Yinyuan already knew something: "This is the resentment of the ghost. The stronger the resentment, the darker the color. The surrounding yin is extremely heavy, which perfectly contributes to its abilities."

"In other words, there is..."

Li Yinyuan didn't deny it, and covered Xu Mo's mouth with his hand.Her eyes were cold and bitter, and she stared at the black liquid that was changing. The green resentment was getting stronger and stronger. According to Li Yinyuan, this ghost was under the blessing of extremely yin-qi environment. Is it even more powerful?

What's more terrifying is that a person's figure gradually appeared in the gathering green air current. It was a person wearing a white robe. She was standing in the dark. Because of the white robe, she was barely able to see her. Silhouette.

Xu Mo just saw it, and he didn't get over yet, he felt as if his neck was pinched by something, and he was stubbornly holding on and refused to let go.

Xu Mo struggled subconsciously, grabbing with his hands on his neck, but he couldn't touch anything, damn...what a's the most annoying, I can't touch it, how can I play this?It's not fair competition at all!

Fortunately, Li Yinyuan quickly stretched his hand, and I don’t know if it was because of this that the ghost was scared or why, Xu Mo’s pinched throat was quickly released, and the whole person fell to the ground. Fortunately, he was rough. The fleshy ones won't be a big deal.

Then, Xu Mo heard a series of gloomy laughter. I believe Li Yinyuan must have heard it too: "Hehe...hehehe... I said how I failed... I became a sacrifice... It turns kid doesn't know where to find such a little girl...It's all you...all you...Originally...just a little bit...just a little bit to succeed... "

"Don’t pretend to be a god anymore, you are the old man who used Khmer black law to curse people. Didn’t you hear what I just said? I just told you. Now, you still don’t understand. Do you use Khmer black law like this, no matter what your purpose is, your final result will not be any better. There are many Khmer black laws and regulations, and you did not abide by them, even if the final cast is successful, your own The side effect is not only as simple as death, even the soul is swallowed by ghosts and gods, and you will never live beyond life. Unexpectedly, you died yesterday, and you became a ghost so quickly, and you have accumulated such a deep grievance, even if it is a hundred years old. It is very difficult for Li ghosts to achieve this level of resentment. It is really beyond my expectation. However, you have heard what I deliberately told you just now. Fortunately, you still retain your soul after you die. You are just a dead ghost for a day. , When you get there, you can accompany you to reincarnate like an ordinary ghost."

Li Yinyuan's voice was extremely cold, more...inaccessible than before.

Even... it makes you feel like you want to suffocate.

Unexpectedly, the voice laughed eerie and weird: "Hahaha...reincarnation?! Why should I go to reincarnation! What you said has no meaning to me at all! As long as it succeeds, it’s fine. ! Even if I die, it doesn’t matter! I don’t care about black and white! I don’t care about the rules or the rules! I have no interest in this! As long as it can help me accomplish that thing! I don’t care about anything! Thanks to you … It’s good to become a ghost now… Ha ha ha… You don’t have to be dragged down by the body of the wind-candy candle anymore, now it’s much easier to move around… Ha ha ha... It’s so good... It seems to be younger same……"

Li Yinyuan frowned, and those strange eyes stared at the shadow of the white robe again. The hand formula was already stretched, as if he was almost ready to read the formula: "What purpose do you have to make you have such a big grievance? I know that you are just a savage ghost. Although the grievance is a bit heavier, you will not be my opponent. I can wipe you out at any time."

"Hehe... I saw... the little girl movie... You are indeed amazing... What you did below... I saw all of them... But I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid... Catch ghosts? So what...hehehe...come...have the try..."

Xu Mo watched nervously on the side, thinking that since this ghost saw the scene when he was going downstairs just now, why is it so arrogant, shouldn't he run quickly when he sees Li Yinyuan who can get rid of ghosts?

But when Xu Mo just thought about it like this, he somehow felt that his body was not listening. Although his will was still reserved, his body had already moved involuntarily at this time, and even his speech... They all became weird and gloomy, as if two people were talking, repeating the superimposed voices: "Are you sure, in this case, you can drive me? Ha ha ha..."

Xu Mo's spirit is still there, he can still perceive the development of things, but now this situation... I have always heard about ghost upper body and so on before, never expected that he would really have a ghost upper body one day. .

I thought about it before, saying that if you will be a ghost in this life, you must be a female ghost.

But now the wish has been fulfilled, the female ghost is true, but she is an old woman...this feeling is really too bad.

Li Yinyuan may have been careless too, and did not expect the old woman to have this hand, Xu Mo also felt strange, it seemed that nothing happened, and he was inexplicably upper body.

"Your grievances made you even learn how to possess your body only one day after your death. It really surprised me."

The possessed Xu Mo smiled contemptuously: "Ha ha ha... this is also written in the book I found from the old book stand... teach people how to get out of their souls and attach themselves to people... but prepared I need too much material, I'm already a ghost...according to the above formula...sure works. I am now tied to the soul of this kid, you are here to drive me, ha ha ha... be careful , Even the soul of this kid will be driven away by you!"

The possessed Xu Mo raised his hand as soon as he finished speaking. All the glass windows in the second-floor house were shattered by a mysterious force. The shattered glass fragments did not fall, but flew up one after another. As Li Yinyuan flew away, the cut of the broken glass was extremely sharp. This was to tie Li Yinyuan into a hornet's nest!

Xu Mo really wondered if this old woman was surnamed Rong if she liked to stick people so much.

Facing the deadly pile of glass shards, Li Yinyuan opened his hands and performed the formulas at the same time. When the shards hit her, an invisible wall was formed, blocking all the shards outside. It hurt her body.

The possessed Xu Mo's appearance is getting more and more weird, with the cyan ghostly entanglement on his body, his expression is extremely hideous, step by step, he walked to the ghost and god altar, turned his head and said to Li Yinyuan: "You...give me a stand. There...or else, I’m self-destructive! This kid will follow along! Hahahaha...just the last step...just the last step...I'm almost done...before I finish...everyone Don't disturb me anymore!"

The bitterness in Xu Mo's heart and the feeling of being possessed is really uncomfortable. In this case, can Li Yinyuan still help herself?

Looking at Li Yinyuan's expression, it was still cold and cold, without any change in expression, just standing there staring at the possessed Xu Mo.

"What the hell do you want?" She didn't say anything else, let her leave Xu Mo's body or other words, but asked this one.

Xu Mo, who was possessed, took out the heavy-tasting extremely yin objects from the altar one by one, perhaps because her wish was about to succeed, and she spoke the truth without scruples. After all, when people are about to succeed, they will want to share their joy with others. A large part of the reason why the circle of friends exists is for this, right?

"Ha ha ha... my purpose... is very simple... I want to bring back my wife's soul... to my side... He died of illness half a year ago..."

Li Yinyuan replied coldly: "It is meaningless for you to do this. You miss him, but he is already dead, and he cannot be resurrected. For him, reincarnation is the best thing, not his The soul is brought back to reunite, people and ghosts have different paths, even if you are a ghost now, I believe he does not want to see you like this."

"Miss him!? Reunion? Hahahaha... Do you think I miss him too much and want to see him... That's why he did this? He still reincarnates? I deliberately didn't let him reincarnate! Let him come back! His soul is torn! Reborn! What kind of fetus! I'm going to personally... let him go!"

Xu Mo originally thought it was because of the deep love between the husband and wife. This old woman thought of such an idea because she was reluctant to let her partner die. But she never expected that things seemed not like this, but so extreme, not love, but because hate.

"A few years ago, my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. The advanced stage... his body is worse than every day, and when he arrives at the back... the hospital has no way... he can't get out of bed, he is very weak. I take care of him seriously. He, feed him, change his dressing, wash him the excrement on the bed, a husband and wife, he became so ill, I can not let him leave him...We have no children...he is only me... …I treat him like this, hoping that his last days will be a little more comfortable...I won’t be in vain for a lifetime with both of us..."

"I treated him this way, but what about him!? How did he treat me? Half a year ago... he still died of illness... Before leaving, do you know... what did he say to me?"

"He said... He actually cheated several times in his life... When he was old... He also cheated... He never loved me... Not a day... All I have is grateful for... Tell me Thanks, he left..."

"A few days after he died... I was driven out of the house by someone I didn't know... At that time I knew... Not long after he found out that he died... he secretly made a will without telling me... ...Gave the house to a mistress...heh...even if I took care of him like this during his last period, he still didn't change his mind and told me the existence of the will, so that people would amend the will... To treat him, I spent all the savings in the family, the house is gone, nothing is left... I can only live in... this kind of place! Do you know! It's all him... it's all him... I hate him... I hate... I have spent my whole life for him... But this is what I got... He is good... He will be nothing if he is dead, and he will be happy... and even reborn ...I hate...I hate!"

"Half a year ago, I saw in the old book stand that there is a method to call souls in the broken book... I decided... I will try anyway... I must not... I can't let him go like this Reincarnation... I will personally... tear his soul! To make up for my hatred!"

"I have done everything written in the book... I followed the steps... Worshiping Lord Ghost and God... As long as the number of sacrifices is sufficient... Lord Ghost and God will use my power... to recall his soul here... …Curse nine male males and sacrifice to the ghosts and gods…I have done it…just…there is only the last step…”

Li Yinyuan was silent, just looking at Xu Mo who had been possessed almost madly.

The old woman had already set up the altar again, and she attached it to Xu Mo, as if she was acting herself, smiling foolishly: "All that is left is...this last step..."

She died at the table of the Eight Immortals before. It is estimated that she was doing the last step of the ceremony, because Xu Mo found Li Yinyuan here to break the curse with a red umbrella, which made her have such an accident.

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