My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 627

The number of chapters of the 666th chapter is awesome (first more)

In fact, when Xu Mo took Liu Yiqiu to visit the building just now, there seemed to be a crazy voice in his ear suggesting that he let him play the pen fairy game here, and told him that no matter what the problem is, he can help. He answered and gave him an answer.

Xu Mo felt a trance in his mind, but he didn't know what the reason was. In the end, he could hold back to stay sensible, insist as if nothing had happened, and sent Liu Yiqiu out.

After that, because of this incident, Xu Mo hurried home and wanted to go to Li Yinyuan to ask for more information. She was an expert in this interview. It must be right to find her. If she was still in that factory, it would be easy to find her. .

It's just that I never thought that my luck was so unlucky, and I encountered this kind of supernatural event again, although I don't know why it was not affected this time, as if it didn't work for me.

When he came home, he found that Li Yinyuan was not in any other place. He was just sitting on the sofa in his home and watching TV.

It seems that she really likes watching TV.

When she was just right, Xu Mo told her the whole story. Li Yinyuan quickly gave Xu Mo the answer. It happened at night that she was able to communicate smoothly: "Listening to the situation, it is probably the Earth Bound Spirit that exists there. Well, although there is a certain amount of power that can affect humans, it will not intentionally hurt people. Those female students are probably pranked or driven away by her like this, so they are not injured, and nothing is wrong. ."

"Earthbound Spirit? Are they all the ghosts who had resentment in their lifetime?"

"That's all wrong ideas. The true earth-bound spirit is not a ghost, not even a ghost. The earth-bound spirit is actually a soul bound on the earth, but the bondage provides protection, in other words, it is also" The meaning of “spirit protected by the earth” means that the soul can be in many ways. It can be a person or an animal, even a table, chair, stone, or plant. There is a soul, and it can become an earth-bound spirit for many reasons. There is also a saying that the earth-bound spirit is actually the infant form of the earth god, and as long as its "earth-bound" scope is expanded ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, and one million times, it will be the land god who masters the land.

After Li Yinyuan gave Xu Mo popular science, Xu Mo was also taken aback: "Since it's not a ghost, it's even an earth god, then why does it do such a thing?"

"It’s hard to say that Earthbound Spirits also have wisdom and their own personalities. Maybe it’s a prank for some reason. Fortunately, you carry the amulet I left you with you to reduce their impact on you, otherwise You are probably the same as your student now, not knowing that you were sitting on that rooftop in a daze.

Xu Mo realized that it was the facial tissue that Xiao Jiu handed over to him when he left. Was it the talisman Li Yinyuan left for him?Thanks to this thing... Otherwise, if I were discovered on the rooftop, the school would really be a mess, and public opinion would definitely not be able to suppress it.

"Earthbound Spirit is not a ghost. You can see it when you want it to be seen. When you want to hide, I can't even see it. You must find a way to attract her to show up before you can catch it."

Xu Mo thought for a while and confirmed: "Are you sure it won't hurt people, right?"

"Well, it's the level of mischief at best. If the earth-bound spirit hurts people, the consequences it will suffer are very serious."

"Then I think of a way, doesn't it like acting like a fairy? Then I can force her to show up. You watch it by the side, don't show up, wait for it to show up, you will..."

----split line----

As a result, under Xu Mo's plan, he successfully captured a wild little earth bound spirit.

In order to attract it to show up is really not easy, and everyone has seen the process, very shameless, no one can stand the humiliation and molesting.

Therefore, Li Yinyuan's strength subdued the little Di Ling Ling, who was unable to run and could not run without the strength, could only sit on the ground and cry like this super aggrieved.

"You are the devil!" She cried and complained to Xu Mo. She looked very annoyed, and her face was still flushed with no sign of fading.

Seeing Xiao Di Bian Ling sitting on the ground so aggrieved and crying, Xu Mo really felt a sense of guilt. This little Di Bian Ling looked like a student, wearing the old school uniform of the past, exactly like a There is nothing different for ordinary female students.

Isn't it as if I was bullying her...

"Hey, don't cry... Isn't this intentional to say you like that to show you? Isn't it OK for me to apologize to you? Don't cry..." Xu Mo comforted, but was bound by that little ground. Ling Chao glared fiercely: "You bad guy! I hate you!"

Xu Mo looked embarrassed: "This...Who told you to prank the students first... You can't blame me for this."

There were tears in the corners of Xiaodi Bianling's eyes. He was a little unconvinced when he heard this, and he refuted with anger: "What! It's all the students who came to my site to explore inexplicably. What kind of pen fairy game in my room, it’s really noisy, I don’t like being disturbed the least! If they don’t scare them, they will definitely come here again!"

"So you put her on the rooftop?"

"Yeah! Nothing can happen again, you can't die! If I kill someone, I will be the one to be punished! I just want to quietly be a beautiful spirit binding, is it so difficult?"

Xu Mo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Yinyuan, who came to him. Li Yinyuan squatted in front of Xiaodi Bianling and looked at her blankly. It was not intentional to scare her, because she was like this to people she didn't know. Attitude only.

However, compared to Xu Mo's hatred, Xiao Di Bian Ling was really scared of Li Yinyuan. Just as Li Yinyuan approached her and squatted in front of her, it was obvious that his face was full of fear, looking at Li Yinyuan in panic. , And no longer dare to speak so presumptuously.

"What kind of place are you bound to the spirit?" Li Yinyuan asked.

The little Di Bian Ling, who had been very uncooperative just now, suddenly became honest, just like a student who had committed a crime and confessed to the teacher.

"I... I don't know... I have been here since I was conscious, and it has been a long time. The students who used to listen to music classes here every day practice here, and listen to them playing instruments and singing. I like it very much. But then everyone left. I was the only one left here. I practiced here alone. Every day, every day, violin, harp, guitar, zither, flute, drum... so I don’t want anyone to disturb me! I taught them a lesson!"

PS: The first one. I don’t know which ones today. It depends on the situation. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m taking care of my family. Everything is fine and fine.

Chapter 667 Old Problems (Part 2)

Li Yinyuan nodded: "Everything is alive. I am afraid that she is the creature that this music classroom has condensed for a long time. After the teaching building is abandoned, it still exists here. She will naturally repeat it before she sees it here. All the things that people do here, there are many factors that form this kind of earth-binding spirit. Perhaps the most likely reason is people’s strong beliefs and desires."

Xiaodi Bound Spirit looked a little dazed, she didn't know how she was born.

When Xu Mo heard what Li Yinyuan said, he also thought of the various awards in this music classroom. I believe that the students in this class must also be very good ones. They usually play for their dreams and faith every day. My own youth, practicing here, playing here, singing, and love for music, perhaps as Li Yinyuan said, this is how Xiaodi Bianling was born.

Therefore, even if no one is here now, this place has been completely abandoned, and she does not want any outsiders to bother.

"Don't look at her like this. In fact, this kind of earth-bound spirit can be regarded as earth immortal. After it grows up, it will be very beneficial. Look at this abandoned teaching building. No one has been here for a long time. It should be Yin Qi Diffuse, attracting ghosts. But along the way, I didn’t even see a ghost. This is the ability of the earth to bind spirits. Where she is, the'area of ​​the earth bound' is her ability range, ability Within the scope, there will be no ghosts."

That said, she is really a good fellow.

Maybe I heard Li Yinyuan say this to her. She looked proud: "Hmph, that's right, all the ghosts such as the red-dressed seniors and green-hat seniors that were attracted here were all driven away by me! They dare not do whatever they want in front of me!"

That being the case, Xu Mo and Li Yinyuan couldn’t hurt her because of this, and asked Li Yinyuan to help her solve the spell that had just weakened her, and said to her: "Little earth binds the spirit, don’t pretend to be a ghost in the future. This place has long been abandoned, and the school will not take care of it. Today the school held a student meeting to talk about this matter. No one will disturb you anymore. You can rest assured."

"I don't believe your nonsense! You bad guy, you just cheated me around!"

Obviously Xiaodi Biling's opinion on Xu Mo is still very big, and he is still sulking.

Moreover, it may be that Li Yinyuan, who she was afraid of, was present and she was restrained, otherwise she might have rushed forward to fight Xu Mo.

Although she didn't know who Li Yinyuan was, she was very scared when she saw her. She knew that this woman could not be offended, and she could only be honest in front of her.

"Isn't this to attract you out? Someone told you to play a prank. Really, I am the teacher of the school. Why do you lie to you? This old school building will not be managed."

"Ok... OK! You can't lie to me!"

"I really won't lie to you this time."

Sure enough, this little earth bound spirit was just like a child who hadn't grown up, and it was exactly what she had turned into. It felt like she was fighting with the children, and it was just fine to coax it.

"All right!" Xiaodi Biling gradually sneaked into a broken piano in the music classroom, and then the broken piano heard the sound of piano playing, although only a few. The notes are already very nice.

"No more pranks."

"I know, I know, you're so long, go quickly, don't disturb me." After saying that, she ignored Xu Mo again and completely dived into the piano to play.

When he left here, Xu Mo also noticed a strange thing. Xiaodi Bound Spirit was so loud and loud inside, but as long as he walked out of the music classroom, he could no longer hear the sound inside. No wonder, if the old school building heard the sound of piano every night, it would definitely be mistaken for haunted.

When I went back, Li Yinyuan said that he wanted to go to Xu Mo’s house and watch TV. Xu Mo certainly wouldn’t refuse, because Li Yinyuan helped me with today’s affairs, and it was actually the first time that she took her to the school. .

Somehow let her touch the school.

Although I don't know how she feels, she can't see anything from her.

All I know is that she seems to be particularly interested in supernatural movies.

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