My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 632

PS: I’ve been updating my liver for the past few days. I don’t ask anyone to give anything. I just have a blade to vote. Then I can read another book of mine, "If I knock on this staff, you may die." "That's it.

Chapter 673 Music Society (3 more)

Happy to be happy, Xu Mo still told Xiao Di Biling what she thought, she was very excited: "Okay! I think as long as these places are there, I can continue to survive wherever I go, and As before, I can do the same things with these instruments every day."

In the absence of Li Yinyuan, Xu Mo will try his best.

Xiaodi Biling herself didn't know if it would work, but the answer to Xu Mo was that she felt very happy and accepted Xu Mo's opinion.

In short, give it a try.

After all, this is just an idea. If you want to implement it, there is no certainty about it. Even the last time it was passed with Liu Yiqiugou, all the things built are based on the opinions of the school directors with very realistic vision. The school's music club is almost The club is going to be abolished, and there is no result at all. In contrast, the tennis club has just won the championship, how can it not build a tennis court to build a concert hall?Unless those people's brains are flooded.

"Big villain, I think I'm so sleepy now, I really want to sleep... Um... No more... I have to go back to the violin..." The excited little Di Ling Ling with big eyes didn't know what happened. Suddenly he was fighting with his eyelids and looked extremely tired, and his body began to become illusory. Finally, it took a lot of effort to get into the violin.

"..." Xu Mo was a little worried. Her state was obviously very abnormal, probably caused by the absence of ground bondage, and she didn't know how long it could last.

Also, since when did my name become a big badass...It's really a retro way of swearing.

----split line----

After sleeping and waking up, Xu Mo had already received the pile of things sent by Lemon’s client, and put them together with the violin that Xiao Di tie Ling drilled into. Xu Mo’s room was instantly filled with these things. , I can’t scream for several times, I guess I’m still resting.

I still have to go to school to work today, and I can only leave first.

Today is Friday, and every Friday afternoon, there will be no class schedules in the school, and time will be reserved for various clubs to carry out club activities. If there are no faculty members who are responsible for the clubs, in fact, Friday afternoon is the most leisurely time Of it.

Xu Mo may have been like this in the past. Every Friday afternoon, he has already started to leave early, watching the anchor 29 in the office, or watching a new show, not to mention more comfortable.

But today is different. Today Xu Mo left the office early and went to the club activity area. He also has very important things to do today. She was surprised when she met other teachers on the way: "En Teacher Xu? Have you served as the responsible teacher of any club?"

"Ah... I haven't yet. I just want to take a look at the activities of various clubs. I am very interested. I have been here for a few months. I am quite unfamiliar with the various clubs in our school." The teacher who came here can be said to have spent a long time at Qingye Academy and knows everything in the school very well. Xu Mo just needs to talk to her to find out what he wants to know.

"Oh, that's it, it's pretty good, you don't know, in fact, many clubs want you to be their club teacher, after all, you are the only male teacher in our school, and now, you are outside again So famous, just like celebrities, if you can serve as the responsible teacher of a certain club, you can definitely increase their enthusiasm to a great extent. For the students, it’s a good thing.” The teacher was very enthusiastic, and Xu Mo said a lot about school clubs.

"Ms. Xu, what club are you more interested in in our school? I can take you to see it. If you think it is suitable, you can be their responsible teacher. Well, like our school's tennis club, equestrian club, Literary clubs are all very strong key clubs. I recommend you to visit them."

Xu Mo hesitated for a moment and said to the teacher: "Um...well, I'm still quite interested in our school's music club. I want to see it. Can you take me there?"

"Ah!? You want to see a music club?" Obviously, the teacher showed a very surprised expression.

His attitude towards Xu Mo has changed a little.

"Mr. Xu, our school’s music club is on the verge of being abolished. At the end of this semester, they will certainly not pass the evaluation. The abolition of clubs is already a certainty. I don’t recommend you to visit that club. Let's find a better club to check it out."

Xu Mo's goal is that music club. It cannot build a concert hall. This music club is the real source. To deal with this problem, you must first fix the source.

"This...I like music a lot recently, so I just look at it casually."

The teacher sighed with great disappointment, and said to Xu Moyu earnestly: "Teacher Xu, you will really regret it when you see it. Our school's music club really can't do it."

"I also asked other teachers before, and they all said the same. I am really curious, what is the situation of our school's music club? Why is Aoba also a noble school, and our students also have prominent backgrounds in their homes. Yes, the education they received from an early age is more professional than that of ordinary people, like music, especially Western musical instruments. Isn’t the rich people most like to let their favorite children learn from an early age? It shouldn’t be too bad, right?”

Xu Mo is right. In this era, learning a musical instrument is not a very simple task. If you want to learn well, it is no different from burning money. Many ordinary families do not hesitate to exhaust their wealth in order to let their children learn the piano well. Good teachers were invited to send them to foreign countries for training, and they all fell on this, not to mention those children from rich families.

In order to cultivate these elegant musical literacy from an early age, mastering an instrument such as a piano and a small handicraft will definitely make a lot of effort.

How could a child raised in this way be worse?

The teacher’s expression is very complicated: "It is precisely because there are too many students who have been cultivating and learning music since childhood, so no good seedlings will be willing to join the music club. They have cultivated their talents in music since they were young, especially until now. Moving towards musicians diligently, they must not waste time and energy in the club. Compared with clubs, they have a more professional environment and teachers at home, as well as more professional competition arrangements. Although our school is an aristocratic school, the club is a club after all. The level is different. They cannot accommodate them, and they will not join. It will only reduce their level and affect their future development."

Xu Mo understands. Simply put, it is these wealthy eldest ladies in Qingye Academy. Those who are interested in music and cultivated as musicians are already the strongest kings, and the school clubs are in their eyes. Bronze players, how could they want to play with them.

PS: The third thing is that there is no response to such diligent updates recently, do you want to update more, or want to take it more slowly every day?Seek answers.

Chapter 674 The voice is very real (4 more)

"The previous music club was okay. In the past few years, it has been completely broken. It used to be divided into singing clubs, light music clubs, composition clubs, etc., and now they are collectively called music clubs, and even so, there are only members of the club. The four people are just at the right level, and the level is very poor. Our teachers are all a headache for this club. Don’t be afraid that you will laugh at Teacher Xu. When you didn’t come last year, our Aoba Academy had an activity. Each club in the school can do it on their own To apply for a performance program, this event invited a lot of media and guests from all walks of life to watch. The previous programs were very good and were in line with our school level, but it was the turn of the music club... After the performance, many guests had tinnitus. , There are many guests who expressed extreme discomfort and want to leave... This is the dark history of our school, the most shameful one in front of so many people."

Xu Mo could feel that when the teacher talked about it, his expression was also painful. She should be one of the victims at that time.

That being said, this music club really deserves to be abolished... It's really amazing that it can survive till now.

"So, I really don't recommend you to go to the music club. It's really nothing good, and the farther away from this club, the better."

"I... I'll go and see... Recently, I am interested in the most music, how much I want to participate in... Can you tell me where the music club is?"

The female teacher almost rolled her eyes by Xu Moqi, and said so much to Xu Mo, but it was all for nothing.

The attitude instantly cooled down, and I didn't want to continue speaking: "The music club will just turn left in front and go inside to the last one... I have something wrong, let's go."

Xu Mo shook his head a little embarrassedly, and walked along the path the teacher pointed out.

When I approached, I realized that the music club was actually in the corridor.

Obviously there are all empty classrooms all around, so why arrange the music club there?

Until Xu Mo walked to the door of the music club, he finally understood why...

Xu Mo really feels like having doesn't work...really can't stand it...

I really don’t know how to describe the power. Xu Mo has heard of pentatonic, and also heard of bear children playing the violin, but he did not expect that there could be such a sound in the world?That thing is neither a song nor a song!FAK!

What the hell is that?

I thought that the female teacher was a bit exaggerated when she talked to herself, how bad can the singing be?Xu Mo really believed it now.

After a full delay of 30 minutes to go to the bathroom, Xu Mocai finally returned to the door of the music club.

This time Xu Mo was cautious, not daring to approach easily. After hearing the sound of music inside, he pushed the door open as fast as he could and walked in.

There are four girls in the music club's classroom. They should be practicing, and when they see Xu Mo who suddenly walk in, they look dazed.

Xu Mo didn't have any impression of these four girls, and they couldn't call out their names.

Xu Mo didn't know what to say in the opening remarks. The atmosphere was a bit awkward, until a girl with a microphone in her hand who seemed to be playing with the speakers suddenly stood up excitedly, pointed at Xu Mo and said, "Ah! Teacher Xu! Why are you here!"

And the other three girls next to her were also in hindsight, showing awakened expressions one after another, apparently recognizing Xu Mo, the only male teacher in the school, everyone knows.

"It's been a long time since no one else came in here. I didn't expect that it would be Teacher Xu..."

Xu Mo thought yes, if it wasn't for this to come and see your situation, I wouldn't come...Oh, thinking of the sound just now, my stomach hurts again.

"Is this the music club?" Xu Mo asked after greeting them.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xu, we are a music club. I am the president of Yang Mi in Class 3, and I am good at singing."

The other three girls also started to introduce themselves.

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