My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 637

Forget the pain maybe

It's not easy to forget you

Although Xu Mo remained awake, he didn't know what was going on. The feeling of singing was completely different from him. Even his voice had changed slightly.

The sound of vicissitudes in the sadness spread through the sound of the entire music club classroom. For a time, the four of them seemed to be drawn to the soul, and they looked at the handheld microphone with surprise and inconceivability. ink.

"Oh my God... Teacher Xu's voice... is too nice to hear..."

"Why... I feel so sad..."

"Um...really...I really want to cry..."

This song was full of sadness, but Xu Mo was able to interpret this song vividly with his emotions and his own voice. Although it is indeed not comparable to the original song of his brother, it is still quite standard.

One day you will know

Life wouldn't be different without me

Life is too hasty

I'm so scared that I always have tears in my eyes

Forget me, there will be no pain

Leave the past in the wind


The end of the song is perfect.

Xu Mo didn't use too many techniques, but just sang the essence of this song and sang the story of this song completely, which really moved people's hearts.

Such a voice, such an emotion, with such lyrics...

sounds amazing.

The four people in the music club had completely fallen into it, and even the tears had already flowed and they didn't react. After Xu Mo sang, they were even dumbfounded for a long time.

Xu Mo was actually dumbfounded. You know, he really didn't prepare anything, and he didn't know that he could sing so well.

It’s just that when you sing, there is such a force that is pulling oneself, pulling one's own voice should be sad, pulling one's own emotions, thinking of summer, thinking of many things, completely devoted to this song, and there is Xu Mo really wanted to know how to deal with many sound details.

These shouldn't be things he has mastered.

Don't think about it, this must have been done by Xiaodi Binling.

Was it this feeling?

She has been leading how she should sing this song.

Therefore, the final effect will be so perfect.

"Ms. remember you are not a music teacher..."

"Are you preparing to debut as a singer?"

"Oh my god, this is too... so nice... I cried."

They are still immersed in it, and the power of this kind of music makes them a little unable to extricate themselves.

Then, Xu Mo didn't know why he wanted to do this, and suddenly such an idea came into his mind: want to play the violin!

Subconsciously he took the violin in Niu Feier's hand, as if he was about to start playing.

Xu Mo was also puzzled. He obviously hadn't studied the violin for a long time. Even if it was, could Xiao Di Bin Ling guide him to play the tune?

Soon Xu Mo got the answer. He didn't know anything about the violin. From the moment he set up the violin, he seemed to have muscle memory, and his body knew exactly what actions to perform and how to play the violin.

At that moment, Xu Mo Mingming felt that he was not possessed, but he had a similar feeling.

His temperament began to become more elegant, picking up a small lift like a gentleman, resting it between his shoulders under the minibus, and turning his wrist with his bow.

The violin is no better than an exam. If there is no time to settle and accumulate, let alone a decent tune, even the sound of the bow hitting the string will be noise.

Can you really make a song?Xu Mo himself doubted it.

"Hong Kong--" The moment Xu Mo touched the string with his bow, he made an unpleasant goosebump noise, which was comparable to Niu Feier. Sure enough, this is what Xu Mo, a beginner, should have. appearance.

But soon, the noise actually only lasted for that moment, and then the strings and bow seemed to start to work in harmony, producing a very harmonious tune.

Xu Mo didn't know what song he was pulling, and he hadn't even listened to it. Whether it was pulling or tune, it was not his original memory.

And Niu Feier showed a rare expression of surprise, she knew very well about the violin.This tune is a unique tremolo on the high-pitched strings. This tune cleverly uses the up and down tremolo technique. The melody is bright and cheerful. Through this tune, people can seem to see a tremolo. In this painting, in the dense forests, the sun is shining brightly, the skylarks are vying among the branches, and the mist and sunshine are sprinkled on the bushes through the branches and leaves. The scenery is picturesque.

She can play so well, she has only heard her father play it-the world-renowned violin player, John Niu!

Time seemed to stop. Xu Mo didn't know what happened. What happened during the whole performance?Your body is just like fully automatic.

PS: The fourth update, let me see if I still need to write the fifth update. I will remember to watch the IG and RNG finals tomorrow!Although I have been an IG fan for many years, RNG is so strong and I feel like I can't win.

The 680th chapter must be strong (5 more)

The audience is silent!

After Xu Moola was finished, he was even more at a loss, and hurriedly put down the violin as if he did not do it himself.

But it was useless, everyone saw it.

The four-member group of the music club has already admired Xu Mo's five bodies, especially Niu Feier, who knows the violin best from a family of violinists.

In the performance just now, she could even see the shadow of her father back then, really!Even some habitual movements feel exactly the same!

Because Dad is also a famous performer, is Teacher Xu imitating Dad?Even if it is imitated, the imitation is too perfect, and there is no fault in the performance.

Isn't this really a music teacher?

And Xiao Di Bian Ling finally appeared, her small face showed a proud expression, and the old man with a raised nose: "This is music, music!"

While the four members of the music club were still immersed in the performance just now, and involuntarily began to discuss with excitement, Xu Mo quickly asked her in a low voice: "What did you do to me just now? How can I perform so well? I am completely I don't know how to do this."

Xiaodi Bianling is totally unclear about her abilities. It seems that she only discovered that she can do this kind of thing for the first time today: "I don’t know, I’m just so angry that I want them to listen to real music What it looks like, I think I can try it like this, so I tried it. When you sing, I try to guide your emotions and make a little change in your voice. Just modify it a little bit. It’s not good. . When playing the violin, didn’t it make noise at the first time? At that time, I knew you would not, so the previous singing method was useless. Fortunately, I have been guiding you to imagine what I saw before practicing in the music classroom. The movements of the students in the past, and then you pull it very well. I don’t know how to say it. In short, it’s like this!"

Xiaodi Bound Spirit is really...I don't know anything about his own abilities... Isn't it amazing?

This is almost like a portable million-level tuner!

If there is her help, wouldn’t it be true that even these four people--

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