My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 648

"I can feel that my elder brother is a very good teacher. My mothers told me to listen to the teacher and learn what the teacher taught me when I was in school. Although the elder brother just said I am not I understand it, but I will slowly understand it in my heart."

"Your moms?"

"Well, I have two mothers, hehehe." Sanqian smiled very happily. It is a very lucky thing for her to have two mothers who are very good to her.

Seeing her expression like this, Xu Mo felt more at ease. Lemon and Xu Yan lived together with Three Thousand. It seemed that they were really happy. Their original decision was correct.

"Did they not come out with you today?"

"No, I ran out by myself today. Although my mothers treat me very well and love me very much, but they don’t know why, they are not willing to let me go out alone, so I was secretly today. I slipped out because I didn’t want to miss the appointment because I had an appointment with my classmates to watch a movie. But I finally ran out, but my classmates had something to do."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this... Uh, wait, is it a male student or a female student?" Xu Mo suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem and became nervous.

I'm afraid that when I was just three thousand years old, I would have already gone out to watch a movie with my male classmates. Then I would collapse.

"It's a female classmate. The four of us made an appointment."

"That's good, that's good."

"What's wrong? Big brother." San Qian was a little curious, not knowing why Xu Mo would suddenly ask such a question.

"Ah... it's nothing. At your age, it's better to keep a distance with the opposite sex in private. Also, don't sneak out like this. Your mothers are also for your good. They must be worried about you. "

Three thousand smiles cutely: "Well, I see, hehehe."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that big brothers, like my mothers, like to repeat and emphasize these things and feel very kind."

"...Oh, is that so..." Xu Mo always felt that he had been exposed too much, for fear that 3000 would see something, but he wanted to talk to her more on the phone, cherishing this hard-won opportunity .

Since they have already encountered it, there is no way.

She sneaked out by herself, and she didn't worry about it. It's better to stay with her until she went home.

"What movie are you talking about?"

"My student is not a problem girl", my classmates said it is very beautiful! Sanqian also took out the movie theater he bought and passed it to Xu Mo to see.

"Then...I...this...can I watch it with you?" Xu Mo was really a little nervous. He wanted to watch a movie with his daughter. I didn't want to lose this opportunity.

If you just watch a movie, it should be fine.

"Really? Big brother, are you really willing to watch it with me?" San Qian held Xu Mo's hand in surprise, his eyes full of joy.

"Really, really."

"Great! I always feel that watching a movie alone is so lonely! It would be great if I had a big brother with me!"

Xu Mo saw that she agreed, and she was so happy. In fact, she was so moved that she almost cried. He even wanted to make a crazy vent to celebrate the joy of the moment in her heart, but her daughter is here. I managed to endure the joy in my heart, but the corners of his mouth were still raised unconsciously, looking a little scary.

Fortunately, Sanqian doesn’t care about this. She is as happy as Xu Mo. If this strange and kind big brother is watching a movie with her, she will even feel that she is better than a group of classmates to watch a movie with her. Are much happier.

Chapter 695 Introduce my mother to you (3 more)

"But, what should Teacher Chen do?" Both of them completely ignored Teacher Chen, who had been pressed to the ground and had been hypnotized twice as a fool. It seemed a bit pitiful.

However, compared with the things he did, he felt that he deserved the crime and was not so pitiful.

For Xu Mo, this guy should die wherever he likes to die now. There is nothing more important than he is going to watch a movie with his daughter now. No one is allowed to disturb him at this time. .

"For a scum like him, let him go to the police station and explain to the police uncle."

"Then what are we going to do? Send him to the police station?" San Qian asked with some confusion.

"No, don't be so troublesome, just let him go by himself, and if he goes by himself, it can be more honest than if we send him there." Xu Mo smiled and pulled Teacher Chen's servant from the ground. It seems to want to do something.

"Huh? So what are we going to do?"

"In this case, just use hypnosis. Three thousand, come, you hold his forehead like this."

Xu Mo called Sanqian over and taught her what to do.

Sanqian was very obedient, and listened carefully to Xu Mo teaching her.

In fact, it was really easy to teach her, because she would have done similar things when she was in Thailand, but now she just forgot all of them.

"It's just like what you did by hypnotizing him just now, but this time you don't need to control all of his energy. You feel it slowly, focus on the thoughts in your mind, and leave him a little bit of your condensed mental power in his consciousness. , It’s like constantly reminding him what to do, yes, that’s it, focus on—"

Xu Mo had no reservations. He taught Sanqian all the hinting skills in hypnosis, and Sanqian accepted it quickly. Xu Mo only said it once, and she was already able to do quite well. .

"Yes, that's it, it's already a success now, just need to emphasize the hint again, let him go to the police station to confess the facts by himself."

After Three Thousands did exactly that, Teacher Chen suddenly became sober and sat up. He was so sober and hurriedly as if looking for something. He stood up and ran backwards.

If nothing happens, he can arrive at the nearest police station in front of the street in five minutes, and tell the police all the ugly things he has done. This is one of the most convenient uses of hypnotic suggestion. Less troublesome things.

"I never knew that this ability can still be used like this, big brother, you are so amazing!"

Xu Mo smiled gently at her: "It's nothing, just a little trick. By the way, don't forget what I taught you. Although it is just a little trick, it is very practical. If you encounter danger in the future, When you meet someone who is plotting bad things, or you meet a dead pervert in the women’s toilet, remember to use your abilities to protect yourself, don’t let yourself be harmed, do you understand?"

"The dead pervert in the ladies' toilet?"

"Um...this...this is because of it!" He was originally in a good mood, but Xu Mo couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he was reminded of this.

"Hahahaha, big brother, I was joking with you! I know, you are a good person, you are not a pervert, I know it very well in my heart. But you should not go to the women's bathroom next time, others will definitely misunderstand you It."

"Ah...that's good...that's good."

Next, Xu Mo enjoyed the happy time between father and daughter. It was really happy, so happy.

Unexpectedly, watching a movie with my daughter is like this.

During the two-hour movie, Xu Mo felt unfinished. It was not how good the movie was, but that it was great to be able to be with his daughter like this. All his energy was not in the movie, but in the third daughter. Thousand's body.

And three thousand is too, it seems she feels very happy too.

The two walked out of the cinema together, it was past five o'clock, and it was about to get dark.

Sanqian told Xu Mo that she was going home quickly, otherwise the mothers would definitely worry about it, because she left a note when she left, saying that she would go home before the sun went down.

Xu Mo also hurriedly told her to go back soon, so as not to worry her mothers.

When we were parting, Xu Mo did not forget to remind Sanqian: "Sanqian, you must not tell your mother what happened today after you go back, including that you subdued the teacher Chen, and then met me to watch a movie together. Say, just tell your moms that you played in the mall for a day and just watched the movie by yourself."

"Why?" San Qian couldn't help but wonder.

"I am a strange man, watching a movie with you, and having contact with you, they will definitely think that I am a bad person, and they will also be very worried about you. If they know that you come out and come into contact with strangers like this, they In the future, I will definitely not rest assured that you will come out alone, okay?” Although the explanation is also very reasonable, in fact, Xu Mo can’t let Lemon and Xu Yan know that they have been in contact with 3000, otherwise Things will become very troublesome.

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