My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 654

Forced to become a female gangster?

The picture was so tired that Xu Mo couldn't imagine it at all.

"Ah... Yi Qiu, can you get me a bath towel? And... temporarily replaced clothes..." Xu Mo pushed open the small slit in the bathroom door and said to the outside.

"Ah? Didn't my mother say that I have prepared the bath towel for you? She didn't take it!? You wait!" Liu Yiqiu thought that Xu Mo was walking in the bathroom right now, and suddenly appeared in his mind She had read the little yellow books under her bed several times in order to understand the scenes she had imagined, and all of them contained such plots. The strong-bodied male protagonist, after taking a shower in the female protagonist’s house, was forced to tear down in the bathroom I didn’t care about her, and I did a good job.

Novels that serve women usually have a lot of effort to describe the body of the male protagonist. What Liu Yiqiu reads is basically a masterpiece of writing, and it is normal that she can think of many pictures that make her feel uneasy.

"Mom! Didn't you say that the bath towel is ready!? Where is it?" Liu Yiqiu asked in a hurry.

"Now, here, you can take it in and give it to Xu Mo. I accidentally forgot it just now."

Liu Yiqiu's mother pretended to sit on the sofa and watch TV casually, but her eyes were already full of plans.

Liu Yiqiu passed the crack of the door and handed the bath towel to Xu Mo easily.

"Well...Is there no clothes I can change on temporarily?" The two talked through the door, Xu Mo wondered if the bath towels could be wiped dry now, but before the clothes were dry, they couldn't just wrap them in the bath towels. Right?How could this posture be the same as the technician just trained in the sauna room in Dongguan?

"I... you can't wear mine... I didn't live with my dad either..."

Xu Mo thinks about it. Although Liu Yiqiu is not a loli figure, she is also a woman. It must be quite different from her own figure as a man. The clothes she can wear, no matter how generous, have become tight-fitting here. She is dressed, not to mention that she shouldn't have the kind of suitable neutral clothes, and she doesn't want to be a female lady.

Although it is okay to use a bath towel to surround the lower body, it is more comfortable even at home.

However, Liu Yiqiu and her mother are here, and it is obviously not good to be like this.

Liu Yiqiu was also afraid that Xu Mo could not catch a cold in the bathroom, and worried about embarrassment, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he must be ashamed to die...seeing his ashamed!

"You... wait for me... there is a small night market stall at the entrance of my community. There are cheap clothes, and you will wear them on the street! I will buy it for you now!"

"Okay! Then trouble you!"

Liu Yiqiu quickly packed up and prepared to go downstairs to buy temporary clothes for Xu Mo, but when he walked to the door, he found that he didn’t know when someone else took away the key he had put here, and the door was actually locked. !

Looking at it again, my unreliable mother had already disappeared and was flying high.

She took away the key, locked Xu Mo and her in the room and walked away by herself!

Liu Yiqiu was frustrated and immediately called her mother. He was about to quarrel with her for three hundred rounds, but there was a very casual and a little laughing voice: "Oh? Did I lock the door? Used to it? That's it, so I forgot. Your dad suddenly urged me to go back and said that the TV was broken, so he told me to go back and accompany him quickly, otherwise he would get bored and get sick."

"How long have you been out? Come back and open the door for me first!"

"Ah? Do you have the heart? How can you have a daughter like this? Your father is in his sixties, what if he is bored and sick? I have to go back quickly, anyway, you and your partner are also Yes, what are you afraid of? Get along with others, what's wrong with staying overnight? I'll open the door for you tomorrow morning. Hee hee hee, be painful and happy, come on, Erya. Huh? Whoa, whoa! Why is there no signal on my cell phone? Hello? Hello?...dudududu..."

PS: Thank you everyone for your blades and rewarding props. I am very touched. I will definitely update it!

Chapter 703 Tun Tun Tun Tun Tun Tun Tun Tun (3 more)

Liu Yiqiu fell to the ground feebly with her mobile phone, and she could even see the triumphant expression of her mother, she was definitely the initiator!She did it just for that!

Why dad is too boring at home to get bored and get sick and let her go home quickly?I didn't find a better reason.

My father is a very buddhist person. He can even sit in the park and look at a flower for a whole day before he comes back. He still feels that the enthusiasm is not enough, and he has a very fulfilling day.

Just my father, can you tell me a boring day?

Liu Yiqiu knows her mother too well, because her personality is to follow her mother, she knows everything her mother is thinking, plus the words she categorically asked Xu Mo at the dinner table just now, she... she doesn't I just think I am an old maiden, want to make myself and Xu Mo make good things quickly, and then let her hug a grandson earlier?

Liu Yiqiu really didn't dare to think about that kind of thing. Once I thought about it, I couldn't stop at all. I would be full of images that underages could not see in my mind, all of them were the little yellows under her bed. She is so familiar with the plot in the book, she put the characters on herself and Xu Mo when she watched it many, many times to vent the impulse in her body.

She could only restrain herself as much as possible in normal times, but she didn't know why, especially when she was alone with Xu Mo privately, holding hands, and kissing, her impulse became stronger, and she couldn't help it at all. The legs can't help tightening, an unprecedented tingling sensation spreads throughout the body, unable to extricate themselves.

Liu Yiqiu might really not know that her mother knew herself better than she, and she was completely guessed by her current state.

However, she still has the side of being a strict teacher for many years, and she still has willpower and reason.

Although she knew that she was very interested in that kind of thing in her heart, or that, under certain circumstances, she could be said to be very yearning, and very much looking forward to that day.

But the thin-skinned and shy, she must dare to think but dare not do it in her heart. She is completely passive and will not take the initiative.

In fact, Liu Yiqiu also thinks that it’s better to be able to be with Xu Mo, be able to like him and be liked by him, and he is already very happy, for fear that if he asks for too much, he will lose or be allowed She hates it. She is really worried. If she said something wrong or did not do well there, she would be hated by Xu Mo. This is her weakness, so when she is with Xu Mo, she always appears cautious. Yes, I gave all the initiative to Xu Mo, and I just had to be the obedient and obedient girlfriend by his side.

Her face was a little red at this time, her mother's purpose was exactly this, but she couldn't tell Xu Mo directly.

How can she have that face.

But now the door is also locked. I have no choice but to walk to the bathroom and tell Xu Mo with some embarrassment: "My mother just went back with something, took my keys away, and locked the door. I won’t be able to come here until tomorrow morning... ...I...I may not be able to go out and buy clothes for you. come out will catch cold inside, and the room will be warmer..."

Xu Mo was also a little drunk in it. He also knew that it was Liu Yiqiu's mother deliberately, but she didn't expect to achieve this level. The assists were too powerful.

"Okay..." Reluctantly, Xu Mo had no choice but to wrap the bath towel around his waist as usual, and walked out like this. Although a little embarrassed, but a man, he always has to be so constrained at this time. , Otherwise what it looks like.

When she walked out to see Liu Yiqiu, she seemed to be petrified in the same place instantly. She didn't know where to put her eyes, her face was red, and she quickly turned around and hesitated for a long time: "I... I sleep in the study at night, and you can sleep in my room...night...goodnight! I'm sleepy! I'm going to bed!"

After she finished speaking, she wanted to run to the study on the other side as if fleeing.

However, Xu Mo stopped him: "Eh, wait...I'll go to sleep in the study room. You can get used to sleeping in your room. I can be anywhere. You don't have to give in to me."

"Okay! Good night, good night!" Her room was next to the bathroom, she slipped in as soon as she turned around, and closed the door tightly.

Xu Mo smiled and shook his head helplessly. It was only half past nine...

Liu Yiqiu is too shy...Yes, for her kind of skinny guys, when she was alone with herself in private, her face would be flushed with nervousness. Now she is surrounded by a bath towel and two people are there again. The state under one roof, coupled with her mother's assists, is too difficult for her.

But it's still very cute. I can be as shy as this, and I don't know how to eat her. It's true... At the very least, I still have the ability to restrain.

Although Liu Yiqiu's mother made various explicit hints and assists, Xu Mo has not forgotten what she thought about Liu Yiqiu.

Although we are together, the feelings with her still conceal something from her. I feel sorry for myself, let alone ruin the chastity of others in this situation. This is to be responsible to her, but also for fear of hurting her. Everything, It's best to wait until she knows what she has.

Xu Mo seemed to be here. He felt that he was all right. Tomorrow morning, he could leave after Liu Yiqiu's mother arrived. It didn't make any difference to rest here for one night.

When I arrived in the study, lying on the sofa chair in the study was also very comfortable and at ease.

After calling Xiao Jiu and saying that he would not go back tonight, Xu Mo lay on the sofa and played with his mobile phone. He was almost a little sleepy, and he turned off the lights and fell asleep early.

And Liu Yiqiu's side was obviously not so peaceful.

After hiding in the room like an escape, she has been trying hard to calm herself down, but she can't do it.

No matter if she opens her eyes or closes her eyes tightly, the scene of Xu Mo's naked upper body just appeared in her mind involuntarily, only surrounded by a bath towel.

The feeling of being strongly attracted by the beloved opposite sex is as itchy and uncomfortable as thousands of little ants crawling on her. I clearly want to control myself not to think about it, but I can't help thinking about the scene.

Even think about more.

Lingering, lingering no matter how.

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