My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 664

She smiled heartily: “I’m really a little excited. I’ve been in this business for a few years. Is this the first time I have met a writer? Are you creating stories about people like us? Then I’m being interviewed. Hahahaha, I’m so happy, this is my first time! I’m a little excited. But then again...I really only need me to chat with you? Nothing else?"

Qiu Yuelong nodded, and sat down again with a paper and pen facing her: "Of course, I came here to collect the material. You only need to answer my questions from your perspective in the most truthful way. Zhilian You don’t need to take off your clothes. I’m still worried that you will hook his soul away."

"No, no." 99 quickly waved his hand, and smiled at Xu Mo.

"It’s a bit uncomfortable to go into the room without taking off your clothes... Sister, just interview me, isn’t it just chatting? I’m the best at it. I’ll tell you what you want to know. But if you’re just If you want to chat with me, I can’t ask for that much. I will tell the front desk for a while and just charge the price per person.” 99 seems to be ready and ready to answer Qiu Yuelong’s questions at any time. She seemed to understand her wrongly and regarded Qiu Yuelong as a writer instead of an 18X cartoonist, but it didn't matter, anyway, she was a creator, so she could understand it.

"No, Sister 99, the money will still be given to you as promised. If I can collect the materials smoothly, it will help me a lot. You don't need to shirk it." Of course Qiu Yuelong doesn't care about the money, for her A piece of cake.

"Then... well, sister, just ask, I will tell you everything I know."

"Well, because of some things, the heroine I conceived entered the clubhouse and started from being forced to learn basic service projects, so I have to understand some things about you as a practitioner. Then, start from how you do it. Let’s start."

Originally 99 she looked very happy and excited, but after Qiu Yuelong had just asked this question, 99’s face couldn’t help but a layer of gloom that could not be concealed appeared, as if directly poking the most vulnerable in her heart. Part of it was the same, and it was suffocated at once.

With a gloomy look, she tried her best to make a smile, which inevitably made people feel a little bit sour: "This...sister, you may not know that the most taboo thing in our business is actually to ask the young lady this question. The guests here know that, so they won’t ask us questions like this. Alas...everyone has their own difficulties. No one is willing to do this from the beginning, words... Well, hahaha, I started this business all of a sudden, I have forgotten it for many years."

Even though she explained this way, Xu Mo could still see from her bitter face and laughter. In fact, she hadn't forgotten it, just didn't want to say it.

However, after speaking, her expression seemed to struggle again, and the corners of her mouth trembled a few times, not knowing whether she should do it or not.

"Sister, what you said... you want to create one, and the heroine is to do our story, right?"

"Well, that's right."

"A lot of people will see it?"

"En...I think so, there will be many."

99 took a deep breath, as if finally decided: "Well then... But, these are really the most taboo things to say in our business, and I can only... tell me what I heard from my sisters. The situation is. Actually, we are really simple, not as bad as outsiders think, we are not monsters, we are just ordinary people, who don’t have any pain or stories, alas, compared to others Maybe it’s not a good story to say. It’s nothing more than the fact that the family owes money and can’t afford it, the family is sick, the boyfriend is forced to do it by gambling, and the poor are afraid to make money and live a comfortable life. The reason is very good. It’s simple, it’s quick to make money in this business, it’s actually a personal effort, no brains, no threshold, as long as you work hard, you can make a lot of money."

"Then—after that? There will always be a day when you don't do it." Qiu Yuelong listened very carefully and kept recording.

"After that, the population flow in our business is very fast. Maybe the sister you are still doing together today will not see her tomorrow. You went ashore, went to a place you didn't know at all, and started a new life. Everyone is like this. We all know that this kind of life will not last long and we have plans."

"We make a lot of money. The normal rake in a day is more than 10,000 yuan. If there are more top guests, there will be 20,000 to 30,000 rake in a day. But in our business, people who will spend a lot of money are really There are very few people, basically very hardworking and thrifty. If you see our usual life, you really won’t think that our monthly income may be four or five million. I do it by buying vegetables myself, and I won’t buy things randomly. It’s very economical. Look at my LV bag, hahaha, a fake for 100 yuan."

"Many sisters think this way. They can wait until the age is over, or they can’t support themselves, and they don’t have to do it any time they want. Take the money they have saved, go home, or go to a city where no one knows them. In a small shop, it’s not bad to be a beautician, and to start a new life. No one will know your past, just like a new student. Of course, there are many people who come home and get married when they are old."

Xu Mo was a little surprised when he heard the word "married", but he quickly retracted his expression.

But it was still noticed by 99.

But she just smiled faintly: "I know what you are thinking. Some of our sisters usually come into contact with rich people. Even if they will be taken care of on the way, they will not always be willing to be taken care of, so they should return home. Find someone to marry. And, because of this, honest men are especially sought-after among us. That kind of older virgins can't be better. We really see too many of those men, and all the men who come to the club You know what it is like. When we really want a new start later, we are only willing to find an honest person to marry, have a child, and live a stable and stable life."

"We have done this kind of bad job, but it doesn't mean that our character is bad. We are not vain people. We are more willing to marry honest people who don't have much money. Basically, those married sisters lived before. I am very happy, let alone cheating, or going to the sea to do this kind of business. Finding an honest husband is already a little sorry for others because of his past work. Because of this, I will cherish this man even more. It’s very sweet and loving. And when you are all used to the new life, this past life will be forgotten. It is no longer a burden. You will live well and happy."

When 99 said it, there was an expression of envy in her eyes that could not be concealed.

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~

Chapter 716 to be a model

"Like Sister 99, in the future, my wish is to go home and find a good man to marry and live a normal life?"

99 Her expression gradually lowered again: "Go back...I might not go back."

She forced a smile again, fiddling with her hair and said: "I never thought about marrying someone. A woman like me can't bear to harm others, but I don't want to be a minor third. I might do it again. I won’t do this in one year. Oh, yes, I really want to open a fruit shop, and I might really open it at that time. If you encounter it in the future, please remember to buy more fruit~"

"A woman like you, 99, has a good body, a beautiful appearance, and an easy-going and considerate personality. It makes no sense for a man to dislike you after he comes here? So, there are many people who usually pursue you, right? "

99 smiled awkwardly: "It's beautiful...that's also painted with makeup. Actually, I look very ordinary, and you are really good-looking sister. We are in the service industry, and the guests come here to enjoy us. The most considerate service is to treat them like their loved ones, so many people will have this illusion, and they will tell us that they like, or love or something, but, the guests here can’t believe these words. Yes, they just want your body to be a momentary impulse. The so-called likes and loves are those that don’t come to the end, and men, this little brother must also understand it. If a man knows your past After doing this kind of work, would you still like you willingly, marry you, and live your life with you? It's impossible."

"Actually, I don’t understand the thoughts in the hearts of those sisters who would choose to hide the past and marry an honest person, and even envy them a little. It’s just that I really can’t get past this hurdle in my heart. I always feel that if it’s true. There is an honest man who unreservedly fell in love with you and loves you, treats you well, but you hide this past from him... I really can't do it."

"We do this job for two or three years at most, and we won't do it for too long, because the body will get worse and worse, and it is normal to have sequelae in the future. We are only thirty days a month and only the aunt will come. Only then can I take a vacation for seven days, and all the remaining days have to work. If you are working, it’s okay to do that. Women are not like men. The harm of excessive indulgence is slightly less, but it cannot be said that there is no. The most important thing is that we are one. At night, you have to take many baths at work. A guest takes two baths. Why do you have to take more than seven or eight baths in one night? A woman's body is already cold. As time goes by, the body's cold becomes more and more serious. Severe coldness in women can even lead to lifelong sequelae. Every time the eldest aunt comes, it will be like death. As they get older, they are more likely to get many gynecological diseases. In severe cases, they may not be able to walk until they are 40 or 50. Say, this is all true. That's why the sisters all want to get married and have a baby. Later, when they are older, their health will not be good because of the sequelae. Some people will stay with them and take care of themselves."

"Then 99 sisters, what are you going to do in the future? You don't plan to marry."

Regarding this point, 99 seems to be very optimistic: "After the fruit store opens and the business stabilizes, it’s okay to have another child. In fact, the sister has already understood that she will not marry someone to harm others and give birth. It’s good for children to spend their lives with themselves, aren’t there many single mothers now?"

"You are not going to marry, how can you have children and be single mothers?"

"Hahaha, sister, it’s good for you to be young now. We are women. If a woman wants to get pregnant, wouldn’t it be easy? Going to that nightclub, bar or something, no matter how many mobile dating apps are now available, and Those men are all a hundred volunteers. When the time comes, they really want to have a child. Just find a healthy and handsome man to borrow some seeds."

Speaking of the last time, 99 actually turned his eyes to Xu Mo, causing Xu Mo to sweat a little: "Brother, don't be afraid, sister won't ask you to borrow it, hahaha, sister is not happy yet."

99 is very easy-going, making such jokes is also quite suitable for a chat atmosphere.

I just don't know what Qiu Yuelong thinks in her heart, at least in Xu Mo's opinion, listening to 99 said this is simply opening the door to a new world, and she knows a lot of their unknown aspects.

These contents should be able to play a significant role in Qiu Yuelong's creation, right?Isn't one of the links in my own creation to try to show stories that you don't usually see?

Qiu Yuelong asked a lot more afterwards, and later asked 99 what she likes to do during rest. 99 said embarrassedly: "If I said that during rest, I would like to volunteer to go to the nursing home to accompany the elderly You wouldn’t believe me chatting or something? My sisters also think I’m weird, so why do I have this hobby?"

"Haha...maybe the people you usually contact are too messy, at least when you are resting, I want to talk to people who really want to chat with you. I do this kind of industry and give money and things to those lonely elderly people. It’s a little bit of virtue. Actually, I don’t know why... After going there once, I am used to going there once a week.” She said flatly, and for the first time some real gentleness was revealed in her words. emotion.

"99, is your organization as a volunteer in our city? I am a teacher at the school. Perhaps I can advise the school and cooperate with you. In this case, there can be more donations of materials. "

"Really!? Brother, you are so kind! I can meet many teachers, professors and so on at my work. This is the first time I have met someone who is as kind as your heart. Thank you first~"

Xu Mo smiled a little embarrassedly, and said to his heart, compared with 99, his "kindness" is really a bit different, and there is only so much he can do temporarily.

Continue to talk for a while, the topic will not be so heavy, because Qiu Yuelong wants to understand the direction of their specific services.

Qiu Yuelong pointed to the big water bed in the bathroom: "Sister 99, I want to know what that is used for. Can you tell me the detailed steps?"

"Why, sister, let me demonstrate it for you?"

99 looked at Xu Mo with a smile, Xu Mo lowered his head in embarrassment again, and sure enough, he was too bad at dealing with such things...

Fortunately, Qiu Yuelong doesn't let this happen. She just said in a very pleasant tone: "No, 99 sister, you teach me next to me, and then Teacher Xu can be a model."

Chapter 717 Target

"Eh? Sister, do you really want to learn?" 99 just seemed to think Qiu Yuelong was joking, but he didn't expect that she really wanted to learn.

Qiu Yuelong nodded earnestly: "Well, this is how I collect materials. Only by experiencing it personally can I create works that I am satisfied with."

"This...then I will teach you some tricks on the bed? You don't usually use this trick on the water bed at home, right?" 99 doesn't seem to understand what Qiu Yuelong means by taking materials.

"It's okay, Sister 99, I have seen all the tricks on the bed abroad, and they are all in Dongguan, but I really want to experience this waterbed first, so please teach me what I need to do."

"Okay sister, let's go to the bathroom first? Originally, this waterbed project is our signature service here. If I let the manager and the boss know that I teach others, I must be scolded to death, but I believe you won’t tell me. It's okay, come on, come here, slide carefully."

99 skillfully opened the bathroom door and invited Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong in together.

Xu Mo sat there with a dazed expression, damn I haven't said anything yet?Why don't you ask me first?

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