My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 670

The progress is too fast!

Qiu Yuelong recalled it for a while, her face flushed shyly. It was obviously the kind of state that a girl in love would have. Nan Bing's angry, angry breasts all hurt. Knead quickly.

"En... I think... he... looks very long." Qiu Yuelong said shyly, and began to describe her lover to Nan Bing.

"Grows very long?" Nan Bing looked dumbfounded, does Xu Mo grow very long?Is this describing people?

Long... mean the face is very long?No, Xu Mo's face is very standard, not the long horse face.

Are you talking about height?1.8 meters, still standard, is it long?What a strange woman.

Without giving out any useful information, Nan Bing continued to patiently ask, "Then...Is there anything else? I can't imagine this description."

"Well... I think about it, besides being long, he is also very big."

"Big?" Nan Bing stunned again, what is big?Big belly?Big head?big hand?Where is it?

"anything else?"

"His face is very red, sometimes it looks scary, but when he calms down, he is very cute. He is also very strong. When he gets angry, he is covered with blue veins. His hair is very long and very long."

"The person you love so much is Guan Yu!?" Nan Bing was completely speechless, what kind of a description?Long face, hairy face, blush, strong, tall, who is this not Guan Yu?

Looking at Qiu Yuelong again, she didn't care. The whole person was completely immersed in the feeling of happiness. She was too shy. Nan Bing could only give up seeing her virtue.

I thought to myself, this description doesn't fit Xu Mo at all, it shouldn't be him, right?

Nan Bing was right. The "love" Qiu Yuelong described was indeed not Xu Mo himself, but...somewhere on Xu Mo's body...

After all, Qiu Yuelong really fell in love with this place... Xu Mo was also desperate.

Who knows why she felt in love for the first time when she saw this place!

After Xu Mo's first class is finished, class A will go to art class with class C in the second class.

Courses like art and music classes. Class A is often taken with other classes because of the small number of people. After all, the art rooms and music classrooms are relatively large, so letting them follow more of these art courses is also allowed. Mo this class teacher's arrangement.

Xu Mo sat in the office for the second class and took a rest. She was a little concerned about Qiu Yuelong. She didn't rest well today, she was not in good spirits, and it was the first day to return. I don’t know if she can adapt to it. My class is okay, I'm afraid she can't adapt to other teachers' classes.

But this is an art class, shouldn’t it be a problem?Qiu Yuelong is the best at this.

Unexpectedly, after the second get out of class, Xu Mo soon welcomed the art teacher who came to complain with a black face.

"Teacher Xu! What's the matter with Qiu Yuelong, the newcomer to your class! I'm so embarrassed! I know that the situation of your Class A students is very unusual, but you don't tell me in advance that she is so different... …"

"Qiu Yuelong? What's wrong with her? She is the best at drawing, so she shouldn't make trouble, right?"

Teacher Jin, who teaches the art class, is now full of embarrassment, sitting on the chair with exhaustion, and complaining with Xu Mo angrily: "She did not make trouble, and the painting is very good! But! But! Alas... How can I say! Today, I took care of her newcomer. Without teaching new things, I gave a theme for everyone to play and create a work on their own. The theme is "Amusement Park". The amusement park, or the amusement park in my imagination, but classmate Qiu Yuelong...she..."

"What did she draw!?" Xu Mo already vaguely felt a bad breath.

Teacher Jin smiled bitterly and covered her face: "I'm a woman, I'm really embarrassed to say, Teacher Xu, please see for yourself... This student... I'm really convinced... I have this kind of painter, paint something else... …Is it not good?"

What was handed to Xu Mo was an extremely exquisite watercolor painting with exquisite workmanship, and each figure was very vivid.

This is indeed an amusement park scene, but the people here don't know why, there is no serious play in those facilities in the amusement park, and no one is wearing clothes in the painting!?And there are still many men and women having sex in various facilities of the amusement park?


Xu Mo couldn't complain, it was too embarrassing!

Not only is Teacher Jin embarrassed, as the head teacher, it is also embarrassing to receive such complaints from other teachers!

Teacher Jin covered his face and said: "Teacher Xu...Look...this amusement park...I don't know how I would score it. On the painter, I paint better than me, but this...oh...I really It's very embarrassing...Look at the back. On the back, I asked them to write down the concept and idea of ​​this amusement park that they drew. Look at what this classmate Qiu Yuelong wrote.

Xu Mo quickly turned over and took a look--

Title of Work: "Water Longyue Paradise"

In this paradise, there is no sexual restraint. All people can mate freely here. You can do whatever you want, you can interact with anyone, you can use any method you want, completely free, and you can indulge yourself. Desire, this is the real paradise in the ideal!

Xu Mo: "..."

Instantly petrified.

Because Xu Mo knows that if you go to a special website to search for the title of this work, you can definitely find a book with the same name!

Because this is a plot in the book that Qiu Yuelong once drew!

No wonder it's so familiar when I look at that painting!

How can she draw a book on the art class to show the teacher!Oh my god!

Xu Mo was embarrassed and couldn't do it, so he could only guarantee to teacher Jin, who teaches art, "Teacher Jin, this student came back to class on the first day. I haven't had time to teach her a lot of things. Next time I will definitely... ..."

"And next time? Teacher Xu, you told me that there would be no problems before I promised you to give art class to Class A... I'm really scared of Qiu Yuelong. No matter her background, I I don't dare to teach her anymore. I don't know how I finished this lesson." Teacher Jin was full of dissatisfaction, and it was obvious that he had already decided.

Helplessly, Xu Mo had no choice but to come up with his assassin in order to have art classes in the class.

He whispered: "That... Qiu Yuelong is the niece of Principal Yan..."

Teacher Jin is so beautiful, and the spirit of the whole person is instantly healed: "Never hung up is the true essence of art, and can better reflect the beauty of people! Qiu Yuelong has already understood the true meaning of art at a young age. It's not easy. Teacher Xu, you new classmate, really good, this time... I will give her full marks, hahahaha."

PS: 5 more delivered, but the snowman is not diligent, please blade!Ask for a reward!

Chapter 725 The Second Art Class

"Little ancestor, can you stop painting your paintings in school... Isn't it okay for you to paint something ordinary?" After Xu Mo dealt with Teacher Jin, he immediately found Qiu Yuelong, even a little pleased Mean it.

When Qiu Yuelong came back, Xu Mo felt pretty good in his heart. There was no propaganda committee member in the class. After Qiu Yuelong came back, whether class A could make a report or something.

However, Xu Mo was obviously too naive. If Qiu Yuelong were to make a newspaper report, she would be able to draw a Shuilongyue Paradise 2.0. By then, it would really surprise the audience.

Qiu Yuelong looked disapproving: "Isn't this that teacher Jin asked us to paint the paradise we have imagined? Is it possible for me to lie against my will? This is the paradise in my heart."

"But this is the school, wow, you can't bring up the 18X picture directly! Those teachers will be embarrassed after watching it!"

"What's embarrassment? Mr. Xu, you are not good, don't you feel embarrassed at all? Besides, this is not an 18X picture. Didn't you see that all the important parts of me are not drawn? This is just to take care of everyone. It's not drawn."

Xu Mo took a closer look after listening to her words. Sure enough, although the happy people in the paradise were naked and completely indulged, all important parts of their bodies were deliberately omitted by Qiu Yuelong, but... …Still strange, isn’t it?

It is really difficult for her to understand what she means. Xu Mo feels pressured. Sure enough, it is only the first step for the students of Class A to let them return. It is the most important thing for them to get used to and accept school life. key.

She must tell her how to survive in school in a way that she can understand and accept.

It doesn't matter to own class, other teachers' classes are the most important thing. It is impossible for every teacher to be as patient as his own to accommodate her behavior.Xu Mo could not bear the feeling of being complained by other teachers every day in the office. It was really embarrassing.

It is straightforward to understand that it is definitely not acceptable to not let her paint what she wants, and it must be done in a clever way.

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