My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 675

The new book list...The data has gone from eight times to ten times the gap...

No... impossible!

This is absolutely impossible!

This guy who draws low-level comics!how is this possible!

Those dead fat houses!Obviously I would only want to see my breasts and my welfare photos more!


A guy who doesn't even show his face and draws low-level comics!


No, I must do something!must!

You wait for me!

Shui Longyue!

PS: The next chapter is about to start sending benefits.

Chapter 731 Revised Rules

Compared with Qiu Yuelong’s calmness here, Qi Mengmiao has obviously begun to be unable to sit still. She has maintained her position at the top of the new book list for two months. All her early operations and the popularity of her efforts to win, all Because of this turned out "My Secret", it was completely in vain. How important is the number one position? Qi Meng Xiao, who is good at hype, knows her heart. If she loses number one, she is nothing. Many of the gimmicks accumulated before for hype can no longer be used, and now they are used, and they will only be regarded as a laughing stock in comparison with Shui Longyue.

Shui Longyue’s new work is of course the person most affected by the fire. The original perfect plan was all disrupted, and her operation team is also anxiously messed up. Today alone, compared to the previous average daily flow rate dropped by 100%. Of fifty!What a terrible number this is.

No one cares about Qi Meng Meow, all of them ran to Shui Longyue.

Even Qi Mengmiao couldn’t sit still today. She posted a secret big move that she had taken before on her personal Weibo, looking for the most suitable opportunity to take a photo— —

In the photo, she was wearing sexy underwear, very explicit, her shoulder straps were half down, eating crabs as if she didn't care, and the text:'Crabs in this season are actually quite delicious~ You guys too Do you want to taste it~ I can feed you guys, ah~'

The point is that she deliberately showed more of this photo, and then she would ask the navy to go around and post a comparison photo after PS filter on the Internet. That photo can be seen directly through the underwear to see the light part. .

This is intentional by Qi Mengmiao, just to make a lot of hype, and use the means of exhaustion.

But the most irritating thing is that not many people paid attention to her in this wave of operations today, nor did it cause much discussion. This circle is just that big, and it is not an entertainment circle. The daily topics in the circle are limited. The fact that she ran out of photos could not cause discussion at all. Everyone was discussing "My Secret" and Shui Longyue.

Before that, Qi Mengmiao, who was so proud and complacent, had been swelling like the sky, was the first time she tasted failure. For her, she couldn't swallow this breath.

I...for this book...for myself today, how much much effort I sleep with those disgusting bosses...the editor...make a so-called cute look... ...I can't lose!absolute!

If I lose, I will have nothing, and I have to return to the feeling that no one watched and no one sought after the work. I don't want it... I don't want it!

At this time, Qi Mengmiao's agent gave her an idea: "Teacher! I found a loophole in the new book list of the Polar Bear platform!"

"What loophole?"

The agent rushed to Qi Mengmiao's side and showed her the phone screen: "Look! The new book list is ranked according to the monthly pass, right? What do you need to do to get a monthly pass on the Polar Bear platform? Only There are two methods. One is that the platform will give each VIP user 2 monthly passes every month, and the second is that for every 100 yuan recharged, there will be 2 monthly passes. There are only these two methods!"

Qi Meng frowned, and angrily kicked the agent next to her with her foot: "Of course I know this! Why did you suddenly come to tell me this? What's the use!?"

The agent got up on the ground and hurriedly explained: "That's not the case, listen to me... The reason why the book "My Secret" can surpass you on the new book list on the first day is because this book has Many big local tyrants give rewards. The first day of rewarding income is 500,000, which is more than 10,000 monthly tickets. As long as the money is crazy, isn't it the same as swiping tickets? This rule is obviously unreasonable! "

"The number of monthly passes is cumulative! If "My Secret" follows the rule that each user can only vote for a maximum of 2 monthly passes, instead of using the ticket-swiping loopholes that can continuously get monthly passes with more rewards! "My Secret", which opened two months earlier, "Perverted Option" obviously has an advantage! No matter how many local tyrants there are, we are not afraid! Our lead is the accumulation of time and cannot be surpassed! As long as the new book list rules Once we change it, we can be number one again!"

"You have such a good relationship with the editor-in-chief. As an author, protest against this obviously flawed unfair rule, and let the editor-in-chief make changes? I have seen it! Our cumulative number of voting users in 2 months is definitely higher than The other party wants more!"

Qi Mengmiao smiled immediately after hearing the idea given by her agent. It works!This method definitely works!

Yes... yes!

Isn't that guy a tyrant reader?

I took advantage of the loopholes in the monthly ticket rules of the new book list to surpass me!

This is not fair!Absolutely unfair!

change!I want to change the Polar Bear platform back for me!

She immediately called the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief took the initiative to seduce and hook her on the day she came to the polar bear. She went to her own bed and became her prey. From that day on, any welfare for the polar bear was her priority. , Any work recommended to her is completely under the control of Qi Mengmiao.

As long as the other party is the smelly men who love her body, they must be confident.

She quickly explained her meaning to the editor-in-chief on the phone. However, the editor-in-chief's voice on the day of the call was also very embarrassed: "Teacher Qi Mengmiao... Although the rules of the monthly pass you mentioned are indeed a bit wrong, it will cause local tyrant readers. There are too many suspects that have the meaning of swiping the ticket, but it must be changed next month... Otherwise, the readers...especially the local tyrant readers who just got so much money to vote for the monthly ticket on the first day. I really can’t change it now. If this rule is changed, readers will definitely have to fry it, and our platform’s reputation will be severely damaged. I and the boss... can’t explain it."

Why does the editor-in-chief not know what Qi Mengmiao intended to revise the rules immediately?This change will benefit her, and she will be able to reach the top position in the new book list, and she will not be surpassed so easily by the sudden emergence of Shui Longyue.

There is one thing to say, the editor's heart is undoubtedly towards Shui Longyue. The data on the first day alone is enough to prove that Shui Longyue has unlimited benefits and potential, which is very precious to the entire polar bear platform. In terms of value, Shui Longyue has surpassed Qi Mengmiao in the whole company.

Now that Qi Mengmiao suddenly made such an unreasonable request, she definitely couldn't agree to her.

Before, when she was in full swing, everyone was holding her, but now it's different, who...who would care about a weed that completely lost its value?

PS: My hands hurt so much... I don’t know if it’s because this month is really too hard. I never wrote more than 200,000 words QAQ in a month before.

Chapter 732: What Nan Bing Borrows

Qi Mengmiao understood the meaning of the other party's words. She may be arrogant that she might know that there was such a day, for fear that her chess pieces would suddenly not be dictated, the corners of her insidious mouth rose slightly, and she said to the other end of the phone: "Okay. Ah, editor-in-chief. Now there is a newcomer, and the performance has improved a little, so forget me? My two months of continuous operation promotion, how much traffic has helped the company to get in, there is no credit for hard work, right? Now Just chased me together?"

"Oh... we certainly didn't mean that... Teacher Qi Mengmiao, please calm down a little bit. We will definitely respect your opinion on this monthly ticket rule, and study and modify the strategy to implement it next month." Answered like this.

Qi Meng Meow snorted coldly, her eyes getting colder: "Huh, calm down? I'm very calm now, editor-in-chief, I won't say anything else to you. Since there are loopholes in the monthly ticket rules, it is the biggest unfairness to me. It must be revised right away. I haven’t gotten cool yet. When I went to your house for the night with you, just to be on the safe side, I took a few very special photos with you while you were sleeping. Okay, I also helped you beautify your face by the way. Would you like to see it?"

After she finished speaking, she showed a victorious posture and sneered at the phone's hair mercilessly.

The editor-in-chief on the other end of the phone was silent at this time without any response.

The next day, the editor-in-chief ignored the opposition of everyone in the company and resolutely asked the technical department to immediately modify the current monthly pass rules and adjust the current data of the ranking according to the revised rules.

When the editor-in-chief did so, there is no doubt that he said to everyone in the company: I have a leg with Qi Mengmiao!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a naked betrayal of the company's interests, just to help Qi Mengmiao take the lead.

Obviously Shui Longyue is the target that the company should focus on.

But the editor-in-chief has the power, and no one can have any opinion on him. He must do what he wants to do. Helplessly, the technical department, editorial department, and operation department collectively scolded the editor-in-chief while working overtime. Things are done.

An announcement came out from the operation.

Probably the meaning of course is to find loopholes in the monthly ticket rules, which will cause a phenomenon of ticket brushing, which is unfair to other authors. For the sake of fairness and for the experience of more users, we decided to modify the rules.

The unified change is that each user can vote for a maximum of 2 monthly tickets, and every recharge of 100 yuan is no longer a monthly ticket, but a recommendation ticket, and an opportunity for authors you like to recommend.

The excess monthly tickets sent before are all cleared on the ranking list, according to the rule of 2 votes per user.

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