My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 678

The door was locked.

Stayed in the room all day,

She is now, disheveled, like a lunatic.

There was no good thing in the room, it was all smashed by her.

She lost.

This time... completely lost!

I am not convinced!I can not be reconciled!I can not be reconciled!

PS: I wish you all a happy National Day!

I really envy you that you can have a seven-day holiday. The Snowman will probably have a day off tomorrow, and also take a good day off, relax and relax, so I probably won’t update it tomorrow. Please understand.

After the rest tomorrow, I will still update diligently this month.

I worked so hard last month, often changing five and six, and updated 20W words each month.

In October, more words will be updated~

I have used last month to prove that I am no longer the pigeon~

I am a hardworking snowman~ I love you guys and happy holidays!Have fun!

Chapter 735: Going for Revenge

All the consequences are caused by Qi Mengmiao herself. Now no matter how powerful her operational ability and how strong her background is, it will not help. She was wrong from the beginning. She underestimated her opponent and even beat her heart. I look down on everyone in this circle, and think that fans who like this kind of comics, and even like myself, are all disgusting fat houses. It will only be disgusting. From the very beginning, she did not love this business, this circle , Perhaps, this is the reason for her failure.

Qiu Yuelong always believes in her own works and her readers, so she will not be shaken no matter what happens. She will use her own works to compete against her opponents and get the results dignified.

However, Qi Meng Miao is still obsessed with it. She vented in her room, and her heart was full of resentment towards Shui Longyue.

If it wasn't for this guy who suddenly appeared... I... I wouldn't be like this.

Now it’s not a question of being surpassed and becoming the second one. My own reviews are all over, and more and more fans turn black. No one will pay attention to what I post or anything. Instead, there will be a group of sprayers who are crazy about themselves. Bad behavior.

Judging from the data and the current form, the performance of "Perverted Options" will only get worse and worse. Maybe the new book term ends, and the subscription effect is not good after starting to charge, and the platform will ask itself to cut it.

Why is this happening?

It's all because of this guy who suddenly appeared!

Everything was fine!

Because of the fire of "Perverted Options", the fans that I managed to manage, as well as the relationship between the parties that I exchanged with my body, the previous animation, live-action adaptation, and peripheral production have all reached the final stage. On the day of the accident, all these third-party manufacturers suspended their previous contracts with Qi Mengmiao due to the pressure of public opinion. Whether it was adaptation or peripherals, there would be no further results.

Everyone knows that she is going to have a cold. It is just a matter of time. And because too many people are frantically reporting the relationship to the relevant department, the relevant department will continue to tell Qi Mengmiao and her All kinds of detailed censorship of the works of, those third-party manufacturers will not offend those who do not dare to offend because of some small interests and the relationship of having a physical transaction with Qi Mengmiao. This muddy water trip.

Qimengmiao already knows what the ending will be like.

Including the agent who had been giving her advice, she had already run away with some precious ornaments placed outside during the time she was locked in the room, and she would never have anything to do with Qi Mengmiao.

This is the heart of the people. Knowing that you want a cold, you are a fool if you don't run away. Who wants to be investigated by the relevant department with you?

Within a day, Qi Meng Miao almost lost everything.

She thought of who she used to be in her extreme resentment.

She loved drawing since she was a child and was inspired to become a teenage cartoonist. She successfully got the chance to debut at the age of 19. She did not choose to go to university for her dream, but went forward with her dream.

But the reality is cruel, not as beautiful as her dreams. Her girly comics are no one cares about, and hardly get any results. No matter how hard you create, and no matter how hard you work, the works will be devalued by the editor when they are released. Dismissed by readers.

He was beheaded countless times, and even later he could only do some work for other cartoonists to make ends meet.

The so-called dream has long been obliterated in her heart.

She only has unwillingness and imbalance in her heart. Why can't her work be confirmed?Why didn't I get any reward for paying so much?It's unfair.

Qi Mengmiao's mentality changed in this way. She used the money she saved to get cosmetic surgery and changed from girl manga to polar bear anime and started her own plan.

As she planned, everything went so smoothly. In just a few months, she finally used her own means to become the well-known cartoonist of her dreams. On the Internet, a group of fans are doing her dog licking every day. Yes, in her opinion, these so-called fans are just their own licking dogs.

In her heart, she despised them.

My heart is even more distorted.

She is using these methods step by step to achieve achievements that cartoonists can't achieve no matter how hard they draw, animation, live-action adaptation, peripherals...the long-term new book list.

So, comics... isn't it simple?

This group of people who read comics will not appreciate real comics at all, and they will not appreciate the things you have worked so hard to create. They are just a group of disgusting fat houses who have no vision and only know how to think with their lower body.

What a simple thing to get results.

Just post photos, send benefits, and pretend to be cute. Isn’t that enough?

Why work hard...

Those who work hard to draw comics are too stupid.

When will it be comparable to me?


However, Qi Mengmiao has completely lost everything now, her dream is broken, and reality makes it difficult for her to stand up.

She didn't realize her problem. For her, all the problems now lay on Shui Longyue. If it weren't for this person, she would have been able to get everything she wanted smoothly.

It's all this guy.

Even if it is completely finished now, she can't watch Shui Longyue get the things she has never gotten before.

Maybe it's resentment, maybe it's jealousy, it doesn't matter.

Qi Mengmiao decided to pull Shui Longyue into the water.

You hurt me, so don't think about it.

The current trend of public opinion is all towards you, okay, then I will personally dig out those "unspeakable" things about you and make them public. At that time, will public opinion still be like this towards you?

Heh... let you taste my pain too.

Qi Mengmiao got up from the ground, picked up the computer he had smashed on the ground before, and could barely use it.

Log in to a certain website, enter the account password, and there are many documents in it.

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