My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 681

Is disgusting!

The kind that I don't want to look at!

Naked dislike!It's like seeing something disgusting!

how come!?

My body is very good!The skin has always been well maintained!

He looks so beautiful again!?

Why on earth?

Having achieved this level, why don't you just look at yourself?Just forget it if you are indifferent, and still feel abandon it?

Are you really a problem with your sexual orientation!?

Qi Mengmiao is about to collapse. She has a strong sense of self-confidence in her appearance and looks. Xu Mo is still indifferent when she achieves this, making her completely feel a sense of frustration that she has never had before, as if The mood of "My Secret", which was completely lost to Shui Longyue for the first time, is exactly the same!

She doesn't understand why on earth!

Why is Shui Longyue indifferent?She doesn't believe that there are any good men in this world.

She was standing in the cold wind on the corner with her upper body naked, but she cast only disgusting eyes, and she felt like a fool.

"You... better put on your clothes... I... I have something to do! Bye!" Xu Mo was too lazy to stay for another second, this inexplicable woman was truly inexhaustible, and she did such a thing.

"Why... why... why refuse me?" In the cold wind, when Qi Mengmiao couldn't believe this, Xu Mo had already slipped away.

In fact, Xu Mo heard her last words.

Why refuse?

Because you are ugly.

The makeup paintings are pretty good, but I’m probably about the same age as I am. I always feel a little weird in lolita clothes. I don’t have that kind of temperament. I don’t seem to like that outfit at all. Everything seems too artificial.

And the pair of chests.


The chest is divided into bowl type, hemispherical type, conical type, erect type, downward tilted type, etc., and there are many different branches.

And the type of woman's breast...

Maybe she doesn't know it herself.

No, normal people generally don't see any clues. They feel like they are a pair of normal breasts, which are quite plump and nice. I want to touch them.

But Xu Mo is different, Xu Mo now has countless milk watching, can see the details, and know how to appreciate.

He saw at a glance that the woman's breasts were asymmetrical, one big and the other small, asymmetrical to each other, even the two little pinks were crooked. Once you look at this detail, you will feel uncomfortable. Anyway, If you can't appreciate it, Xu Mo will show disgust.

That's right, it's ugly...

There is really no other reason to refuse you.

Even the lemon airport is much better than yours.

In fact, the ugly chest is also quite good, and there is no discrimination.

After all, they will be eaten if they are very beautiful-Master Guan Milk, Xu Mo.

The seven hundred and thirty-ninth chapter mentality collapsed

Xu Mo was so ridiculous that she had no interest in the methods and appearance she was so proud of. It was even more so that Qi Mengmao broke down. Now she can't believe this is true. Originally... Obviously, even the plan was in mind, but now he was standing on a street corner with his upper body naked like a pervert, and there was not even a person to look straight.

Before, when she took a few photos selling welfare, countless people licked and reposted them there, and even now she has done this step in front of Shui Longyue... and then another fiasco.

Qi Mengmiao was going crazy. She put on her clothes and followed, the corners of her suffocated mouth were biting and bleeding, and she looked like a cannibal.

Special!This guy!As long as he is not gay, there is definitely a problem with aesthetics!

Such a good-looking woman, can you see this guy usually?

You can only see it on the Internet!

The woman who looks better than himself is his plain-looking picture, who also hides his identity specially. Would someone who is a poor professional teacher look after?I don't know how to cherish... Damn it!

Qi Mengmiao even tried a special experiment. At this time, she was passing by a young man who was an office worker. Without saying anything, she tore her clothes again in front of others...

The passerby young man stood there in an instant, with a pair of eyes staring at the scene of Qi Meng's chest, his saliva was about to flow out, and his expressions were all greed and desire, and Xu Mo just showed completeness. Different.

"Sister... can I..."

"Fuck! Stinky cock wire!" Qi Mengmiao was angry, doing this deliberately was only for the purpose of experimentation. The passer-by in front of her had no use value, and she didn't have to pretend to be that way anymore. At the corner of the street, he quickly followed Xu Mo's departure direction.

"This guy? Running so fast?" Qi Meng Xiao followed and glanced at her phone screen. She was a thoughtful person. She was in Xu Mo's pocket the first time she took the initiative to reach Xu Mo. I put a gadget for positioning, the tracker can be easily bought from the Internet. It is usually used to investigate husband or wife cheating. Now this kind of thing is not high-tech, although it is very It is cheap, but at least the function can be used.

Qi Meng Meow took a look. It's been about two kilometers, but only five minutes have passed. Did this guy go back by car?

But it doesn't matter, there is only positioning.

Qi Mengmiao took a taxi and followed the location on the phone.

She didn't get out of the car until she reached the door of Xu Mo's house.

There is not even a convenience store in the wilderness around here, and there are few buildings, but there is a small single-family villa here... It's really a bit abrupt.

Shui Longyue, does she live here?

Qi Mengmiao glanced down at the location displayed on her mobile phone. It should be correct. Otherwise, there would be no other houses that seemed to be able to live in.

Although this villa looks a bit small, it is quite exquisite.

How can Shui Longyue have been famous for so many years, should he still have money to make this house?Qi Mengmiao doesn't know much about the market of 18X books abroad, and my visual inspection is probably nothing great. How much can I make by selling that kind of stuff?It's pretty good to earn such a small villa.

However, if you have the money to get a small villa in such a place, why not buy a nice two-story small building on the left of the city center at a similar price?Usually life is more convenient. I believe most people would think this way, otherwise he wouldn't be the only family nearby.

God is mysterious, this damn thing.

It is suspicious to hide the identity from the suspicious point. He is such a well-known cartoonist, but he wants to hide his identity suspiciously. He puts a good manuscript fee and does not make money. I really don’t understand what kind of teacher I am going to do, and I still live here. Kind of remote and uninhabited place.

There must be a ghost!So suspicious!

He must be hiding some unspeakable secret!Correct!That's it, because he has a ghost in his heart and is too cautious, afraid that others will discover his secrets, so he was not tempted by himself just now, right!?It must be so!

It’s not that I’m bad!

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