My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 689

Xu Mo felt that Qiu Yuelong was now leading him to stretch out his hand somewhere...well...

Xu Mo's fingers entered a warm was soft...a lot of water...

But there is no...white...white tiger!?

No, no, I wanted to be crooked, Qiu Yuelong just put Xu Mo's finger into her mouth and kissed her lips with her lips. What do you think?

That's right, even Xu Mo felt crooked for a moment, thinking it was another place.

But in fact, Qiu Yuelong just slightly adjusted the clothes she was wearing, and did not take it off. At this moment, she just put Xu Mo's finger into her mouth.

But just like this, Xu Mo was about to be overwhelmed.

No, I can't stand it anymore.

Isn't it uncomfortable for Qiu Yuelong to sit there?

Xu Mo is a veteran driver who has already experienced many battles. He must have never imagined that he was defeated in Qiu Yuelong's mouth today, and he was just kissing his finger!

This is not there yet!

It's still early!

But Xu Mo can't see it, and it feels like this, really like a certain place... isn't it?

Xu Mo also restrained himself from saying there with the last consciousness: "Yue...Yuelong? don't put it there..."

Xu Mo didn't notice it until Qiu Yuelong opened her mouth and took out Xu Mo's finger.

"Finally... visual..."

After Qiu Yuelong said such a sentence in Xu Mo's ear in a charming tone, a strip of cloth was inserted into Xu Mo's palm, which felt good to the touch, and then... opened Xu Mo's eyes. A cloth covered in a veil.

Once Xu Mo opened his eyes after regaining his vision, the picture he saw was a bit unbearable, and Qiu Yuelong was dripping with sweat, and he was dressed and sitting on Xu Mo's waist with a charming face. She just looked at him like this, as if she was ready to do anything with Xu Mo at any time, or... she was already in a posture to eat Xu Mo.

I don't know when Qiu Yuelong went to change into a loose pajamas, and the strip of cloth in Xu Mo's hand was the strap of her pajamas, which was usually tied to her waist.

As long as Xu Mo pulls like that...

Qiu Yuelong could see everything all over her body, seeing what all men wanted to see.

"Come on, Master... Xiaoyue, I...I'm ready...Want to see the scene of Xiaoyue taking off his clothes? Pull...pull away..."

To be honest, Xu Mo really couldn't hold on anymore, this pull... is really subconsciously pulling away!


Qiu Yuelong was not eager or slow, and looked more feminine, and chuckles softly, "Um...what? Master doesn't want to see Xiaoyue's body?"

"I want to... I want to see!" This is Xu Mo's big truth, his voice has already been husky, and if he doesn't answer, he will definitely be humiliated.

"Then... just pull it away slowly... Xiaoyue is the master's person... after that... will Xiaoyue move it? Or will the master move it?"

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Can't stand it anymore!

As a man!

Xu Mo feels that if he has to survive until now, if there is a timing, he must be the longest one in the world to endure this kind of scene!

No one can be Liu Xia Hui under such circumstances!

Absolutely not!

Once this is done, there is really no reason or irrationality. There is still room for this kind of thing in the brain?

The current Xu Mo is full of thoughts about wanting to see the scene after Qiu Yuelong takes off his clothes. If Xu Mo’s limbs are now untied, he will definitely become a fierce beast, forcibly Qiu Yuelong rushed over and became an animal teacher, making an indelible mistake in the sacred campus.

Xu Mo can't manage that much.

He wants to commit a crime!

There is no longer such an idea than now!

He violently pulled the strap in his hand, and at the same time, Qiu Yuelong's loose pajamas fell down at the same time.

If Xu Mo sees the fair and tender picture now, if it is normal for Xu Mo to see, maybe there is no such strong feeling, um... it will definitely not happen, maybe just look at it a few more times, but impulsively, it won’t. ... can live in control.

But isn't the so-called visual sensory stimulation exactly like this?The biggest killer move left after all the senses were stimulated was really unstoppable. Seeing such a picture now was definitely a blow, completely defeating all men's morals.

There is only one thing in my mind, and that is...mating!Mate again!

However, can this go smoothly?

Don't forget, when they do these things, there is another pair of eyes staring at it!

PS: Kill the ruler!

Chapter 749: Little Earth Fairy

That's right, maybe it was about the same time as Xu Mo pulled down the strap... There was a very violent noise outside the window, and a woman's voice made a terrible scream.

Because the sound is too miserable, and it's so close, as if it's just outside the window, it's impossible not to attract others' attention.

This feeling...It's the same as when your mother suddenly opened the door and walked in.

Or when you are having a happy sex with your girlfriend, suddenly someone is standing at your door talking loudly... Regardless of whether you care or not, your partner will definitely care too!

If someone is here, people will be shy at first reaction?Except for special hobbies...If the sound insulation is not good, you can only proceed carefully, which is not uncomfortable at all.

And that sudden scream was enough to have a better effect than these two examples. Xu Mo, who was already thinking about committing a crime, was already ready to break free from the rope, and he woke up in an instant. The fire in this place ceased instantly.

Fortunately... Fortunately, it is not a sudden accident when you are already working. If you are suddenly frightened when you are doing something, you will not raise it!

I really don't know if it was lucky or unfortunate, Xu Mo almost really wanted to commit a crime against Qiu Yuelong, getting into the play too deeply.

And Qiu Yuelong, who was also deeply involved in the play, seemed to have returned to normal because of the terrible scream outside, and looked at Xu Mo with a puzzled look: "Huh? Teacher Xu? We were not still collecting materials just now. Are you there? Why did you suddenly scream so badly? It made me feel out of shape all of a sudden, and it was hard to prepare a good character... Ah...! Could it be! Did I overwhelm it!?"

Qiu Yuelong is much more at a loss than Xu Mo. She was too into the play just now, and she was completely integrated into the role. She hadn't returned to reality at all, and didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and even thought it was Xu Mo's misery. Screaming, I thought I was sitting on Xu Mo's waist and pressed her lover... If it was pressed in half, wouldn't the 36cm become 18cm?

She quickly took off Xu Mo's pants and checked it carefully, and saw that her lover was healthy and healthy, and very energetic. She showed an expression of joy and intoxication, but she was relieved.

"You...Oh! Stop making trouble! Now is not the time to collect the material! The sound came from outside the window, there is someone outside the window! You quickly help me untie the rope! Hurry up!" Xu Mo is getting more and more panic now. He was much more awake than Qiu Yuelong. The more awake he was, the more he realized the seriousness of the problem, but there was cold sweat behind him.

If there are really people out there, it will be over.

It stands to reason that Qiu Yuelong, who lives in the college, should be the only place in this school.

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