My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 691

That's why she suddenly got off the line at this time and thought that Xu Mo had made her like this in such a short period of time, and even fainted, which was terrifying.

After returning to the house, Xu Mo had to spend some time explaining what happened to Qiu Yuelong, who was at a loss.

Of course, Qiu Yuelong did not see Xiaodi binding the spirits, Xu Mo naturally omitted the part that bound the spirits of Xiaodi, using'probably it was a guilty conscience, and her heart was too fragile. Let's be scared and fainted' This explanation was prevarication, and Xiao Di Biling was sent back to the music classroom by Xu Mo for the time being.

Qiu Yuelong, a nerve-breaking guy, didn't feel the crisis at all. On the contrary, he looked very happy after watching those high-definition videos. He even asked Xu Mo: "Mr. Xu! I will make a copy of this video! That’s great! In this case, I can draw according to the pictures taken in the video!?"

Xu Mo hurriedly snatched the phone back, took it back to her, and didn’t copy it to her. Qiu Yuelong said for a while, Xu Mo promised to let her watch the video painting before destroying it, and destroy it immediately after painting. Do not copy.

"By the way, why is she taking pictures of us secretly? Wow, Teacher Xu, look at her, her breasts are fake, and it's so miserable." Qiu Yuelong looked at the unconscious woman closely, full of curiosity.

"How would I know..." Xu Mo replied gloomily. The female fan is still in a coma and has to find a way to wake her up.

Xu Mo just wanted to wake her up, so Qiu Yuelong stopped her. She seemed to have a good idea suddenly, and she said with excitement: "Hey! Teacher Xu, wait a minute! Wake her up and be afraid that she will run away? Or resist? How about... I'll tie her up! In this case, she won't be able to run away!"

How could Qiu Yuelong let go of this rare free exercise item? Her bundling skills still need so much practical training.

Ten minutes later, the female fan was tied up by Qiu Yuelong in a very erotic way. Fortunately, Xu Mo had no sexual interest in her... it didn't matter.

The way to wake her is actually very simple. Xu Mo just stimulates her brain with a little hypnotic technique, but in order to prevent Qiu Yuelong from seeing any clues, Xu Mo still pretends to shake her in a normal way. Body, patted her face, but took the opportunity to stretch her hand to her temple, giving it a slight stimulation.

Soon, the "female fan" slowly opened her eyes. After opening her eyes, Xu Mo's first glance showed a cannibalistic look, and she had to rush to bite Xu in desperation. Mo, the look in his eyes... is like seeing the murderer who killed her family.

"I...I killed you! I'm going to kill you!" She kept trying to break free of her body and rushed towards Xu Mo like crazy, the scene was very scary.

Xu Mo was also shocked, he didn't seem to do anything to her... What is this?

I'm not Chang Wei, I'm Xu Mo, a very upright people's teacher. Why do you hate me so much?

Chapter 751 Why are you scolding her?

"This lady...I wonder if we have any misunderstanding..."

Fortunately, Qiu Yuelong suddenly decided to tie her up like this, otherwise Xu Mo might really be bitten by her.

It was really scary, one person could hate another person to such an extent... Xu Mo felt scared looking at her like this.

But the "female fan" was completely irrational and continued to go crazy, struggling desperately, completely ignoring what state she was in now, she wanted to kill Xu Mo, and ignored everything: "Kill you! I want Kill you! It's you! You ruined me! I'm going to kill you!"

Ruined her?

Xu Mo really became confused as he listened.

When have you done anything that hurts the world?It makes no sense.

Could it be...

Suddenly Xu Mo remembered that when he gave this female fan a hypnotic suggestion that day, there was a suggestion that she would not like herself so much in the future.

That... just to make her not like it that much!

It doesn't mean to make her hate or hate herself.

When did hypnotic cues play word games like this?It shouldn't.

Thinking about it now, there really is only this possibility, otherwise Xu Mo really can't figure out where he has offended others like this. It's totally unreasonable.

The suggestion was made by Xu Mo, so of course Xu Mo can be removed.

He snapped his fingers in front of her eyes...Half of the creatures in the world were gone...Of course not. After snapping his fingers, the hypnotic suggestion on her was completely relieved.

Xu Mo originally thought that everything would return to normal after she was relieved, but never expected that this "female fan" would react even more intensely after the removal, and even the skin on her body would be tightly tied up. The rope was frayed and I wanted to rush to kill Xu Mo. The yelling in her mouth was even worse. It was all words that couldn't be written. Even the dialects of her hometown that she hadn't spoken for many years were forced to come out. This hatred is true. It is too heavy.

what happened?

After removing the hint, it became more serious?Isn't it a hypnotic problem?

Xu Mo was even more at a loss.

And to the, sad Qi Mengmiao, she was also self-sufficient, and eventually killed herself like this. At this time, the hypnotic suggestion in her mind was lifted, and the whole past few days passed her all I think about it all over again, including the white-haired woman who can fly in the air like a ghost, and the woman who threw herself with an electric method, wearing a stick... she tied herself in the toilet and used that thing to harm herself When he broke free, his lower body was almost scrapped... it must be her!That demon!Devil-like woman!

it's him!The woman next to Shui Longyue!

It must be Shui Longyue who asked that woman to do that... it was him... after all... everything was because of him!

Qi Mengmiao had just stepped over the wall and finally entered the academy, and after paying the price... finally saw what she wanted to see.

Really!Just as she thought!

This Shui Longyue is an out-and-out beast!Lust~Crazy!

Just now, Qi Mengmiao hid in the grass outside the window and used her mobile phone to take pictures of Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong.

This girl, at first glance, is his female student!

At such a young age, a high school student... looks so beautiful!?

Did you even get tied up?What a...pervert!

But as long as Xu Mo's performance becomes more perverted, more erotic and passionate, and has no lower limit, the more excited Qi Meng Miao will be!

In the current scene, there is no need for her to add any titles or embellishments. As long as the identity of the teacher Shui Longyue is disclosed and the girl in the video is his female student, this person must be completely finished!And it's not the kind that is finished because of public opinion, but will be completely blocked!

This is a crime!

Everyone knows what kind of fate you will get if you act on your female high school students as a teacher.

At that time...hahahahaha...

Shui Longyue is not an automatic GG!?

His fate will definitely be worse than his own.

Not only will he lose everything, but the beautiful girls around him!Lost his work!Lost his fans!Will lose everything about him!Stay behind bars for ten or twenty years!

Revenge!Now I can finally get revenge!

The hands of Qi Mengmiao holding the mobile phone were shaking with excitement, and she couldn't help laughing. She seemed to have seen Xu Mo's desperate expression and the scene of being taken away by the police, and she couldn't relieve her anger.

Now just...

As long as she finishes filming, just take this precious video material back.

Shui Longyue went to hell completely!

She grinned slyly, the old lady broke her chest...You finally showed your fox tail...


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