My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 699

"No, you can't refuse, you must make a request!"

Seeing Xu Mo's tough attitude, Xiao Jiu also fell silent, as if she was really thinking about what she wanted to ask Xu Mo.

This is the best way.

She frowned slightly, thought about it for about a minute, then made a decision immediately, and said directly to Xu Mo, "Then...Can you go shopping with me? It's rare to be able to meet the young master today because of the event. Let’s go back early together. I just need to buy the ingredients for dinner, okay?"

The last sentence "Okay" even seemed a bit afraid that Xu Mo would refuse.

This request...

"Is that really the case? I will go shopping with you...I can also take the time to accompany you at any time, anytime, or you can change the terms, such as...Do you want to buy clothes? Or what do you want to eat? "This condition is simply too simple.

But Xiao Jiu shook his head and insisted: "Master, I really only asked for this one. I don't know why, but I especially want to go shopping with Master today. I don't want anything else. If I want to mention it. If you ask, you really can only think of this one."

The seven hundred and sixtieth chapter is hurt


These two people really went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

After all, Xiao Jiu made a rare request. How could Xu Mo not satisfy her? What's more, it was such a simple, simple and even a bit excessive request.

And isn’t it just like going to the vegetable market to buy food?Ordinary can’t be more ordinary, there is nothing to mention at all, Xiao Jiu is very skilled, and very capable, bargaining without the help of Mo, many vendors here also recognize her, and the people from far away greet her. Come over, leave her the freshest dishes, and give her a lot of small gifts like green onions, ginger, and so on.

The only thing Xu Mo did was stay with her all the way. Xiao Jiu didn’t even want to help her with the basket, she said to Xu Mo, “Master, you don’t need to help me, this is me. As a maid should do, your hands are always tired of writing, so try not to mention such heavy things."

It really feels like being taken care of.

That is, only Xiao Jiu can do this.

Although the process of buying vegetables is so simple, it seems that I haven't had such a dull feeling for a long time, right?

Sometimes the pace of life is too fast. It's actually good to be able to walk out with her comfortably like this, shopping for groceries. What's missing is this plain feeling.

Suddenly imagined the future life.

After a few years, everything settled down, and he was an ordinary teacher. He went to class everyday and went home after get off work.

In the home... Will there be any of them?

Perhaps when it comes to that time, you can enjoy the plain and laid-back life.

"Master, master~ look at this! The uncle of the fish stall just gave me a very fresh little yellow croaker! It must be delicious when you go home and fry it! Master likes fried fish, right?"

Xiao Jiu rushed towards Xu Mo and broke Xu Mo's illusion in a daze.

It was really satisfying to see her happy, Xiao Jiu.

Indeed, Xiao Jiu's condition today is undoubtedly much better than usual, and the whole person is full of vitality as if he has endless energy, and his mood is very good.

Xiao Jiu must be happy. She might be as sweet as honey in her heart. He didn't expect something that couldn't be spoken. In the end, he could still get what he wanted, and really went shopping with the young master to the vegetable market.

Really, she has never dared to ask for too much, she has never thought about dating or anything.

But if you just buy groceries, you can really be so happy.

Maybe she could not fall asleep with excitement until she went to bed tonight.

What Xiao Jiu does is simple, and what he wants is just that simple.

It was almost evening on their way home.

The two masters and servants happily carried the vegetables they just bought, chatting about the ordinary daily topics, and slowly walked home.

Everything was fine, and because Xiao Jiu is in very good condition today, both of them are talking and laughing.

But suddenly Xiao Jiu's expression seemed to be twisted violently, and he squatted down immediately, covering the position of his heel, and he couldn't help making a "hiss--" sound in his mouth.

Xu Mo hurriedly leaned in to help her Ren Zhen check the condition of her feet and asked: "What's wrong? What's wrong with the feet? Is it twisted?"

"Cramps... cramps... cramps..." It looked like it was very painful, cold sweat dripped from Xiao Jiu's cheeks, and he was holding on, but his feet seemed to be unable to move.

Are you cramping?

Good point, how can you cramp?This section of the road is very smooth, and Xiao Jiu doesn't seem to be tripped while walking.

But now I can't think of so much. As a teacher, you must have the ability to deal with various emergencies, such as cramps. Of course Xu Mo knows what to do.

Seeing Xiao Jiu hurt so much, Xu Mo hurriedly said nothing, straightened Xiao Jiu’s leg, took off the shoes on her foot, pulled the front end of her foot with his hand, and put it in a cocked state, repeatedly exerting force several times Xu Mo also sweated, mainly because he was too worried about Xiao Jiu's situation.

After going on for a few times, Xu Mo relaxed a little bit, but still firmly pinched her little feet in his hands: "How about? Is it better? You straighten your feet and try to move them slowly. Don't be afraid, I am here."

Because Xu Mo just took measures in time, Xiao Jiu is no longer in pain as much as before. When he recovered, he realized what kind of state he was in. Xu Mo took off his shoes, and his own The foot... is being held by Xu Mo in his hand.

Master, he is... so nervous... is... because of my leg cramps, are you caring about me?

Xiao Jiu's heart was pounding, and the scene of Xu Mo immediately helping herself deal with cramps without saying a word appeared in front of her.

"Master...I...I'm all right... Take your hand away... Dirty..." She was very embarrassed and blushed and moved Xu Mo's hand from her foot, gently She stood up on the ground, but she still stumbled a bit, which made Xu Mo nervous, for fear that she would accidentally get another cramp.

But the first thing Xiao Jiu tried to stand up was not to check her own situation, but immediately took out her handkerchief from her skirt pocket and squatted in front of Xu Mo seriously and really wiped his hands.

Because just now, Xu Mo has been holding her feet.

"What are you doing? Oh, really, you are going to piss me off, where is this dirty? Don't wipe it, look at how your feet are? Are they still hurting?" Xu Mo hurriedly Stopping her behavior, he put her handkerchief into her pocket again, instead he squatted in front of Xiao Jiu, and once again carefully checked the condition of her heel.

Xu Mo really doesn't mind that, just step back ten thousand steps, isn't it just catching her feet?Xu Mo doesn't feel dirty, and even if it weren't for such a stressful situation, he might feel excited and a little bit not want to wash his hands.

It's a bit red. Although the cramps just got relieved, there should still be pain now.

Xiao Jiu blushed, hesitated, and suddenly became embarrassed, not knowing how to answer Xu Mo.

Xu Mo suddenly became tough at this time, and he wouldn't be so uncomfortable looking at Xiao Jiu.

Without thinking, he hugged her light body and walked home like this.

"Eh!!! Young Master... Young Master! No... Please don't..." Faced with the sudden embrace of the princess, Xiao Jiu panicked, struggling constantly in Xu Mo's arms.

I am a can I be held by the young master like this?

"Be honest with me. Your foot hurts. I will take you back and have a good rest."

Xu Mo's tone is very firm, and he will also have this tough side.

And this attitude, in front of the girl... is simply the most attractive overbearing.

ps: Xiaojiu's heel cramps are foreshadowing. It is estimated that it will be revealed in the next chapter. Anyway, you will definitely not know what it means to heel cramps, hehehe.

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