My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 723

That is the real killer football!

Elegy, she also reported high jump and long jump...100 meters or something.

Xu Mo was worried that the elegy easily broke a terrifying world record and caused a sensation, and he dared not sign up for her.

But who knows, on the last day of the intercollegiate competition, the elegy that hasn’t waited until the announcement of the competition can’t sit still, especially seeing everyone in the class get the first place, that is to say... Mo’s chance of dating, now she is the only one left.

It's the last day, and I have to participate in a project to win the first place.

But also because it’s the last day, many of the projects on the last day are relatively unpopular. Elegies can’t be read or understood. She is not very good at those types of studies. She knows her strengths well. Where, so I have been staying here all day.

While waiting, look around to see if there are any projects she can understand and understand, then she will participate immediately without hesitation.

The same is true for on-site registration. Aoba Academy does not have such rigid requirements.

It is actually more encouraging to have more participants temporarily.

Looking at it, the elegy can't understand the rules.

Until she saw a project that seemed to be about to start, a few players had already started practicing there. After watching for a few minutes, she seemed to understand the rules of the competition.

In fact, in the scope of elegy's understanding, the so-called rule... is what counts as a score and what counts as a win.

All in all, you know how to score, and if she wins, she can do it!

She couldn't understand the scoring system like fencing, and the rules of different scores in each place.

The item Ye Elegy has discovered now is table tennis!

That's right, she can see clearly, as long as she hits the ball with that racket, and then the person on the other side cannot catch the ball, and the ball touches the table in the opposite corner to count as a score.

Yep!Just know how to count the score!

Elegy was a little worried, and hurriedly found the responsible teacher to sign up at the table tennis competition.

The teacher in charge was a little surprised and couldn't help but said: "What? Do you want to sign up for the table tennis competition? However, now the competition is about to begin. If you said you want to sign up earlier, maybe..."

The teacher in charge looked at the players who were preparing for the game with some embarrassment.

Those players obviously heard the conversation here. They didn’t mind at all, and showed a very kind smile: “Mr. Zhang, it’s okay. It’s rare that a stranger wants to play with us. Let’s learn from each other. Mind, let her play together, hahaha."

"That's good." Since the players didn't mind, of course the teacher responsible wouldn't say anything, and after registering for the elegy, she let her participate.

When registering, a student next to her kindly reminded her of the elegy, telling her that several of the players in this table tennis competition are very good masters, and almost no one is at the same level as them. The parents of these ping-pong players are all retired famous table tennis players , Talent is quite high, and has received professional training since childhood.

But does Elegy care?

Don't care, she only cares about taking the first place in the competition as soon as possible.

Really pretty casual kind.

Those players are also quite confident, otherwise they will not be so generous to let the elegy join temporarily, just think it’s a bit boring to practice with a few people all day long, and having someone who you don’t know comes over to let them abuse it is an increase in the competition. pleasure.

Before the start of the game, none of the players took the elegy seriously.

Especially when I saw the elegy even the racket's posture was completely wrong, I almost laughed.

It shouldn't be a problem to finish the abuse easily.

Before the start of the game, the referee also said: "Ping-pong matches, you need opponents, you can't release water, you have to go all out, you understand?"

"Understand~ But, if I do my best, I'm afraid this white-haired lady will cry." The opponent player was full of confidence and looked at Elegy for the first time with completely contemptuous eyes.

The elegy was imitating the way she just saw it. She missed the first serve and failed.

Hahaha really is a novice.

Some abuse now.

Then the second ball, elegy concentrates...swings, serves.

A gust of wind violently flew past the player's ears, and even broke some of her hair.

A second later, there was a sound of a shot ball slamming into the ground.

This... is this serve?

This straight serve is meant to kill!?

What kind of monster is this!?

The opposing player seemed to have realized the seriousness of the problem and hadn't slowed down what happened just now.

And the players around her also have the same expression...

Only elegy, scratching his head in disappointment, said embarrassingly: "Sorry...I played a bit higher...Is this ball counted as out of bounds? Then... Now it's your first time to serve? I don’t know the rules very well, I’m sorry..."

At this moment, the opposite player suddenly felt an urge to cry.

This feeling is the same as the feeling the Japanese aunt told her back then.


I just want to play well...what are you doing...

Can't it be fun...

Chapter 792: Dating!

The final result is naturally conceivable. Ye Elegy won the game easily. At least no one dared to fight her. It was not a grade at all, and even life-threatening... Even if the elegy really controls the intensity, the horror of every swing makes people feel like this guy is shooting shot with a table tennis racket.

And the speed of this shot put is faster than that of table tennis!It doesn't make sense!

There was an iron-headed baby who really tried to catch the ball of elegy, but the whole person flew out!

So the game ended easily, and no one dared to compete with Elegy anymore.

As for the results of the final inter-school competition, Class A had all the bad guys... No, the horror record of all the first dominates all the rankings, although Xu Mo had already guessed when he saw that everyone was willing to participate. When the result is reached, it is still somewhat unexpected. After all, what is surprising is how they suddenly have such enthusiasm and all of them have come to participate in this competition. They should not be talents with this personality, right...

When the results were finally announced, Xu Mo didn't have the feeling of getting honor and blood. He obviously won such a big honor, but he didn't seem to have any sense of participation. After all, as the head teacher, he really didn't seem to have done anything. , His students brought back a bunch of champions. it just the feeling of lying down?

Xu Mo even took the stage as a representative to express his thoughts about this inter-school competition...Of course, it was the formal thing. He really didn't feel much about it. After all, he was lying to win, and because on the next day When Xiao Jiu's incident happened, I basically put my energy there.

The inter-school competition finally ended perfectly. Class A and Xu Mo won the honor again. Now Class A is no longer the original Class A. Not only Xu Mo thinks this way, but the teachers and students of the whole school think so too. , If the students return some more, I don’t know what will become.

When Xu Mo returned to the office to pack her things and go back, she was stopped by a young female teacher. She was cautious, her expression a little embarrassed, and said quietly beside Xu Mo, as if she didn’t want others to hear it. Dialogue: "Teacher Xu, your method is too much... They are just a group of children... How can you just do whatever you want to win?"

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