My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 728

The same is true for Concubine Chen. Although she has not yet become shining, she is also one of the ordinary people who are working hard. Xu Mo has always believed in her, so she tried her best to help her find such an opportunity for her to go to the crew. Identity learning.

Waiting for her to transform, she will break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, becoming as shining as Fang Zhizhi.

The first pair of lilies can become like this now, Xu Mo also has an indescribable sense of pride.

Especially when Fang Zhizhi admitted it, Xu Mo was really happy for her.

As a teacher, don't you just hope that students will grow under your own education?

Of course...for confession...just...

"Teacher, thank you."

"Zhizhi, don't say thank you to me, you really have grown up."

Actually, one day, I can say this to students.

It's incredible.

PS: I don't dig pits anymore, I have been filling pits, haven't you found it!After filling it out (not so fast if you want to finish it), consider whether it is over or continue digging. After all, this book has been written for almost three years, and I was shocked 233333.

Chapter 789: Fang Zhizhi's Decision

Fang Zhizhi was silent for a long time, because Xu Mo couldn't see her reaction with his back to Xu Mo.

Only after a while, seeing Fang Zhizhi's back tremble a few times, he took a deep breath, as if he had made some important decision.

Fang Zhizhi still decided to talk.

After all, this is her most important purpose today.

During this period of time, Fang Zhizhi has always been looking for the right opportunity to tell Xu Mo well, but has never found an opportunity. Now on the original rooftop, the words just now seem to be foreshadowing. She is already Be prepared to say these words to Xu Mo.

In fact, she doesn't know whether it is appropriate or not. After these words are said, what kind of reaction Xu Mo will have, but this matter...Apart from her mother and concubine, the person she most wants to talk about is Xu Mo. If it weren't for Xu Mo, she wouldn't...

But Xu Mo was the first one. Fang Zhizhi hadn't told Concubine Chen nor her mother about her decision. She wanted Xu Mo to be the first to know.

"Teacher, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead, I will listen to you. But, do you want to come back first... Although there are guardrails, it is still quite dangerous..."

"It's okay, I'll just stand here and say...I'm much better, I won't feel so scared anymore." Fang Zhizhi said softly.

She clutched her skirt tightly with her back facing Xu Mo: "Teacher, I have seriously considered the matter you told me before, and now I have made a decision..."

Xu Mo didn't react for a while. I didn't know what she was talking about, so she paused for a while, but quickly remembered, could it be about her previous considerations?

Wasn't it because of that TV series that you knew you had an inexplicable fire with yourself some time ago?Just like Fang Zhizhi is so hot now, if she really likes acting and wants to be an actor, there is no doubt that this is the best opportunity for her. Take this opportunity and don't let yourself regret it.

I want to seize the opportunity to be an actor and start a formal acting career, but I still don’t want to be an actor, I want to do something else in the future.

This is what Xu Mo told her to seriously consider, because to be honest, this opportunity... is really rare, if you really want to become an actor.

Because I don't want her to give up such a good opportunity for her due to external factors, she will already regret it in the future, at least because of the decision she made after serious consideration, how can she not regret it.

After thinking about this, Xu Mo couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

To be honest, he is also very complicated in this matter.

I don't know how she will decide.

Before I knew it, my palms were sweaty.

"I want to register for the December art exam." She said lightly.

Art test...?

The art test means that she wants to apply for a relevant professional university. Many celebrities also participated in the art test when they were young.

Sure enough, she still hopes to seize this opportunity to go this way.

After all... She really likes acting, and she really likes TV dramas.

Xu Mo knew in his heart that her chances of making this decision would be much higher. This is the most normal result. Such a good opportunity will be in front of her, and no one will be moved.

But... I really don't know why.

As a teacher, shouldn't you be happy for her?The future of students is bright, and they will soon become real stars.

But I just can't get happy in my heart, and now my face is full of smiles, I always feel bored in my heart.

I really want Fang Zhizhi to make another decision, but how can he influence other people's lives?

After all, this is Fang Zhizhi’s ideal, um...this is a good thing, I have to be happy for her!

This was not a sincere idea, so Xu Mo worked hard in his heart to say something to congratulate her on her decision.

It has been brewing for a long time... just can't think of anything to congratulate her.


It wasn't until Fang Zhizhi said something like this that Xu Mo shook his head.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm an actor, will I be interviewed by reporters for this in the future..."

The above are all words that Xu Mo forced out of his heart. In fact, he didn't think so at all, and he couldn't be happy.

Fang Zhizhi's tone seemed a little puzzled: "Actress? Teacher, you don't seem to understand what I mean."


"I want to take the art test for the directing major of the Central Academy of Drama. I have given up being an actor."


Xu Mo was so surprised that she almost fell to the ground accidentally. This was completely unexpected. How could she suddenly want to take the directing major in the Academy of Drama?

"But... but is this really good? Why do you suddenly want to learn director? Zhizhi, you really think about it? Don't you like TV dramas and the feeling of acting? Give up such a good opportunity... Really can?"

She clearly hoped that she would give up, but she still asked.

Because I really don't want her to regret it.

Fang Zhizhi didn't hesitate. She really considered it clearly and nodded with certainty: "Well, teacher, I made the decision after serious consideration. As expected, I still can't become an actor."

She looked up at the clouds in the sky: "When I first thought about it, I really didn't want to give up such a good opportunity and want to try to become an actor. But when I was about to decide like this, I thought about it again... Sure enough, I gave up. It's better. How to put it, um... I have liked watching TV dramas since I was a child. It can be said that it is the only hobby. When I was in Japan, I participated in TV dramas with my teacher for the first time. I really enjoyed that kind of filming. It feels that everything is fine. But teacher, you said that when I make a decision, I must consider it thoroughly, so I think more."

"In the future, if I become an actor, I will definitely have a love scene. Although I can refuse a kiss scene, or even use a dislocation filming, even if I refuse to shoot a love scene, there will be many times when I have physical contact with an actor in a normal scene. There will be a lot of men among my people... But I don’t want this, I don’t want the person I like to watch me have contact with other men on the screen, even if it’s filming, even if it’s just a normal handshake Okay, I don't want to. I can't accept this in my heart... Maybe I'm really weird. I don't want so many opposite sexes to like me, I just want to... let the people I like... like me. "

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