My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 730

That's too scary!

How about you five minutes and me five minutes?

The other person uses his hands first?

This kind of unhealthy picture has already appeared in Xu Mo's mind, and even the real person is not feeling well on the road.

It's all because Fang Zhizhi just said something like that...that made Xu Mo so embarrassed.

The relationship between her and Concubine Chen is very good. Although it is only friendship now, it is still much closer than the friendship of ordinary people. Even for this kind of thing, you have to keep a hand to touch each other’s chest. This kind of friendship is really... rare.

Xu Mo even thought about it very seriously on the road, because both of them have confessed, and both like them to like themselves... If you say, what will happen in the future, Chen Fei'er and Fang Zhizhi will not be the only Accept the type of double... double what?

It's like playing badminton.

There are singles players and doubles players.

Some people can only play singles.

Some people can play singles and doubles.

Some people can only doubles!

Fang Zhizhi and Concubine Chen are probably the kind of badminton players who can only play doubles.

It would be troublesome if they were to play singles. They would only care about the feelings of the other side, and would not want to enjoy the joy of the game alone.

In singles matches, Xu Mo, who is the opponent, only wants to attack her other side. Then, Xu Mo, who is the opponent, is depressed when he plays like this, right?

It's not that it's bad, feels exciting if you think about it, but where can you find such an existence, players who only want doubles.

It must be very challenging to play opposite two by one person.

The above is all about playing badminton, so please don't get crooked.

Now Xu Mo looked at Fang Zhizhi, only to feel that his whole body became hot involuntarily...

Although both of them were slightly embarrassed because of the accident just now, they still spent more time talking about business on the road.

It's a serious matter concerning the future of Fang Zhizhi.

Speaking of-

Next month is the time to sign up for the art exam, because I know that I will take the director major of the Central Academy of Drama in the coming year, so I must sign up and prepare for the art exam.

And time is tight, and in a few months, she has to work hard.

In any case, Xu Mo has to realize that the class he brings is the second year of high school, and the next year will be the third year of high school. He is about to face the college entrance examination, and the group of students in the class... also have to consider things about the university.

But there is one more crucial thing.

She went to the art exam, what about Concubine Chen?

If Chen Fei’er wants to become a screenwriter in the future, if she works hard with this goal, she must go to a school in this area. Even if she does not take a good school like the Central Academy of Drama, but if she wants to study related majors, she must also take the city art test. Yeah.

"That...did you tell your concubine?" Thinking of this, Xu Mo quickly asked Fang Zhizhi.

Fang Zhizhi lowered his head shyly, and replied in a very embarrassed low voice: "En... Concubine knows... It was the concubine who said that the teacher would touch one with one hand in the future... I think... it's good..."

Xu Mo:?????

"I'm not talking about this! I mean... Does she know about your art test? If she wants to be a screenwriter, she should also take the art test."

"Ah...ah...this...this...I haven't told her yet, teacher, you are a..." After realizing that there seemed to be something wrong with what I said, I knew I was also very shy.

It's really bad, I accidentally told what I was saying.

"I know that I have been devoting myself to writing my first official script these days, and I don't want to disturb her... I want to discuss it with her again, but now it seems that the teacher will do it for her. I told her that it should be better...tomorrow...tomorrow, it's the concubine's turn? She will look forward to your date with the teacher."

Indeed, tomorrow, it will be her turn to date Concubine Chen, which is also a business matter. It is related to Concubine Chen's college entrance examination and her future. As the head teacher, Xu Mo can take this opportunity to discuss with her.

"Then leave it to me. I will tell her about this when I go out alone with her tomorrow. There will be a month for her to consider school and art exams."

"The concubine will be handed over to the teacher." Fang Zhizhi didn't know what had been thought of, and suddenly the whole body was relieved and smiled easily.

Today, telling Xu Mo that her decision is the right thing. Now Fang Zhizhi no longer has to worry about these things. When the TV series is released, she can leave the short-lived showbiz and return to her peaceful life, without worrying about it. So much, concentrate on working hard for my ideals.

It's great to be able to make such a decision.

Xu Mo sent her home, it was almost noon.

When they were separated, Fang Zhizhi still did not forget to remind Xu Mo in a soft voice: "Teacher, tomorrow... remember to touch the concubine... otherwise I will feel guilty... remember..."

What can Xu Mo do?Say I try?

It's really embarrassing.

But soon he got up.

After all, the next stop is lemon.

With lemon, the relationship between the two is unusual.

For Xu Mo, Lemon is no different from Nan Bing's Elegy, and they are both loved ones.

And this appointment made Xu Mo more serious.

Lemon, I am coming~

Chapter 792: University Students

Although it was said that the appointment time with Lemon was in the afternoon, Xu Mo passed by a little earlier. For one thing, he really wanted to see Lemon. His affection for lemon is very clear. Secondly, yes. Xu Mo really had nowhere to go. After dating Fang Zhizhi, he sent her home. After a casual meal outside at noon, he came to the place where he dated with Lemon.

The meeting place that Lemon requested was also very strange. It was in a famous university in the next city.

In the morning, I ran for a high school date, and in the afternoon I came to the university for a date. No matter how you look at these two places, they are not really dating places.

Because I was in the city next door, I still took a little time on the road, but after I arrived at the university, it was still a lot earlier than the scheduled time.

When Lemon and Xu Mo had an appointment, it seemed to say that she happened to have a class at this university today. The dean of this school had helped her a little bit before, and asked her to come over and give a speech several times. , Colleges and universities all over the world dreamed of inviting Lemon to give a lecture, but she was reluctant to go, so she changed it into a big class.

Although she knows that Lemon goes to school to satisfy her ordinary and conservative parents’ wishes, and hope she grows up like a normal child of the same age, her parents’ thinking is understandable, after all, they turned out to be ordinary fruit growers in the country. Lemon started when she was a child. They didn't understand the things they did. The so-called genius, they didn't know anything about what their daughters did. Then the bank account would have one decimal point a day like a bug, and everyone would feel scared and uneasy.

But fortunately, Lemon is a filial and good child. She will try her best to behave as her parents expect. Some things are not let them know too much, and they will not worry about their own affairs.

And since the Mensa incident ended and Lemon became more aware of her own life experience, she became more concerned about her two parents.

She also wanted to do her filial piety for her original "self".

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