My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 733

Just ask questions anyway, any questions are fine.

These schoolmasters come from different departments, different majors and different classes in the school, and the content of the questions asked is quite wide, from design to medicine, from law to HNA...Lemon answered all the questions in detail with ease, and Without thinking at all, you can get a clear answer to them. This is also the point that the students in the classroom most admire.

This is nothing like a person!


No wonder scholars all over the world are discussing her...

Lemon looked up at the time, and said to everyone: "The time is almost there. Let me answer the last question. Who else would you like to ask?"

Because Lemon answered too fast, the students in the classroom had already asked almost the same questions, so in fact, after a while, there was a tall and strong student who looked like a sports student. He stood up from his position and asked, "Hi, teacher Ying, I am Hayington from the junior philosophy department. I have a philosophical question for you. What is conscience?"

Lemon was packing up his own things on the podium and preparing to leave, and at the same time replied lightly: "Conscience is a triangular thing. I didn't do bad things, it stayed still. If I did bad things, it would turn around. Every corner will sting me. If I keep doing bad things and every corner is smoothed, I won’t feel any more pain. Okay, get out of class is over."

PS: Double Eleven is coming, what did you buy and buy?

Hedgehog Cat (book guest) also has a double eleven subscription event, you can redeem a lot of good things~ You can go to the event page to see and subscribe to my book~ I love you.

Chapter 795: Lemons are a bit strange

Lemon’s answer was really good, and I had to take it. All the school tyrants present were stunned. They thought of what Lemon’s answer would be like, but they never expected it to be like this.

Including Xu Mo and Zhang Wei, who stood outside and watched, they were all shocked by this answer. They were themselves... When faced with this question, they couldn't answer as good as hers. She deserves to be her own girl. friend.

Xu Mo feels very proud, Zhang Wei also feels very proud. The more shocking Lemon's performance, the more icing on the cake that he just blown off the cow. He feels that his face is brighter. The blow is even greater.

Lemon is very cool, and after making such a shocking answer, he also packed up his things. He walked straight out of the classroom, leaving behind a classroom of schoolmasters who were still immersed in the answer just now.

Everyone paid attention to that little figure, and she walked out of the classroom like this.

Yep?Isn't it straight?Why did she suddenly turn around?Going in the other direction?

Seeing that get out of class was over, Zhang Wei wanted to take Xu Mo to aside: "How about? This teacher Ying Mengmeng and I are very good friends! She even asked me to have dinner with me tonight to discuss some academic issues. The problem is."

"Oh oh oh, I see, I'm looking for someone." Xu Mo was not moved, and answered Zhang Wei's words perfunctorily. He kept looking for the figure of Lemon at the door of the classroom, took out his mobile phone, and wanted Contact her and tell her that she is at the door of the classroom.

Just now Zhang Wei took himself aside, but didn't notice where Lemon had gone.

"Eh? Are you listening to me? I said, I know Mr. Ying Mengmeng very well! I know that kind of person, do you know? It's impolite for you to listen to people while playing on your mobile phone? In other words, Who are you looking for when you come to our school?" Zhang Wei was a little dissatisfied when he saw that Xu Mo started to do his own thing and ignore him again.

At the same time, a small and beautiful figure appeared in the hallway outside the classroom, and walked straight towards Xu Mo and Zhang Wei, and went faster and faster, waiting for the reaction. , That little figure threw into Xu Mo's arms impatiently.

Hugging Xu Mo's body affectionately, the gestures and gestures were so intimate and intimate, the relationship between the two was absolutely extraordinary.

Yes, it's a lemon.

Lemon suddenly rushed into Xu Mo’s arms and took the initiative to hold him intimately. A small face was lying on Xu Mo’s body. His expression was reddish and charming, and he showed a slight smile: "You are here, I miss you. Up."

At this moment, the world is still.

The schoolmasters who came out of the classroom one after another were shocked to see this scene, and their jaws fell to the ground.

The onlookers watching around were shocked, and their jaws fell to the ground.

Zhang Wei was shocked, his jaw dropped to the ground and dislocated.

Xu Mo was also shocked. Although there was no exaggerated expression like theirs, it was still in a petrified state.

Being held by a lemon, I don't know what to do.

Is this a fake lemon?

This is not the lemon I know!

How can the lemon I know show such an expression???

Lemon, she has always been unsmiling, not good at expressing her feelings with facial expressions!So she has always been so expressionless, no matter what happens, she looks very plain, just like an iceberg loli.

But just now!

Did she smile at herself?

Lemon hadn't laughed before, but it was a "laugh" in contrast.

The faint smile of Lemon just now is already a big laugh for Lemon.

That smile, without exaggeration, can melt the iceberg, shake the earth, and wake up the sleeping beauty...

Xu Mo had never seen her look like this, and... and did she still say "I miss you"?

I...Is there something wrong with my hearing?Or is there a mental problem and hallucinations?

This is not the style of lemon at all.

It’s the same to everyone here. Ying Lemon has always been expressionless and cool, very aura, but in front of this strange man, how could she suddenly...become suitable for her age. Little girl?

What is their relationship?Brother and sister?

No, these lines and expressions don’t seem to be relatives at all...

Even these school tyrants who haven't read romance novels know that there is such a setting-in front of the lover, whether it is a strong woman or a school tyrant, will become a gentle and pleasant little wife.

Damn, is this man a lolicon?

Some of the onlookers could not help but want to dial 110.

Some "abnormal" lemons ignored those, as if she and Xu Mo were the only ones left in the world. After a loving hug, Lemon saw Xu Mo's cell phone and took a look at it. It seemed a little dissatisfied. He begged his mouth: "You have a piece of paint with a diameter of 0.6 mm off the corners of your phone. Why is it still in use? This is for you. Don't use this phone in the future."

Lemon handed the mobile phone he was carrying to Xu Mo.

Almost everyone knows the legend about Lemon’s mobile phone. It is a black-tech mobile phone tailored by Lemon, the founder of Pearphone. It is at least 20 years ahead of the mobile phones available on the market and is unique. Its function is abnormal, black technology is powerful, and there is only one in the world, it is made by others for their own use.

The world does not know how many scientists from giant technology companies and scientific research institutions want to get the technology of the black technology in this mobile phone from her, but there is no way. People just don't care about your money and don't sell it.

Lemon seemed to have said before that she felt it was too embarrassing to sell this kind of pediatric technology to others. She was tired of trouble, so she didn't want to sell it, and only used it when she made her own mobile phone.

If that phone can be sold, I don't know how much it can sell.

That must be an astronomical figure.

Just give it to others casually?

Xu Mo took her mobile phone, not knowing what to say, why is Lemon weird today?

This mobile phone, Lemon has given himself a long time ago, but I was afraid that it would not become a sieve when I went out with this mobile phone, so Xu Mo returned it. Lemon also understands this, but why—

It’s not over yet, Xu Mo gently took Xu Mo’s hand, leaned on him, and said softly: “The Swiss bank’s money has recently been unable to put it down. It’s a little troublesome. Tell me about your account and I will deposit the money. In your account."

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