My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 737

Of course, going to university has many benefits, and for the average student, it’s best to aim for a good school.

But one of the key meanings of going to university is not to better realize your life goals and ideals, and to learn the knowledge to enable you to achieve these goals, so as to facilitate your future career.

It is precisely because of this that if Qiu Yuelong's students are forced to go to university, her life and career may be further delayed, so it must depend on the specific circumstances.

And lemon... Xu Mo really couldn't think of it.

She has absolutely no sense of going to school, neither is high school nor college.

She can be a professor at any university she goes to. Even the world's top universities are anxious to offer her.

What can she learn in college...

Obviously not, she could not be taught, only to be taught.

If she goes to take the college entrance examination, then this year's No. 1 candidate will have to cry in the toilet when she hears the news. It is obvious that she has completely lost hope before the exam begins... there is no hope at all.

The opponent's level is too high, it's not comparable.

Although it doesn’t matter which university she wants to go to if she doesn’t take the college entrance examination. Anyway, she can choose by herself... People like her possess countless rare technologies, and the country attaches great importance to her. Scientists in different countries are treated the same.

I don't know what Lemon himself thinks. Regarding the question of going to school, I guess I should find a time to talk to her.

Since Lemon didn't know where he wanted to go, and just wanted to be with Xu Mo, Xu Mo took her to the nearby student street near the school.

Every university has its own student street near each university, selling all kinds of cultural goods, accessories, clothing, shoes and hats, small commodities, daily necessities, etc., as well as snacks. The focus is on various snacks, which many college students often go to Because the shops in the student street basically have the characteristics of complete goods, high quality and low price, they are deeply loved by college students. There are almost all things that normal college students want to buy.

There was even a whole line of hair salons with pink lights next to the student street of Xu Mo's university. When night fell, there would be women in cool clothes sitting in front of the store to solicit customers.

Therefore, students in their school don't have to worry about cutting their hair. There are many shops and everyone can get it without waiting in line.

After shopping around the student street with lemons for an afternoon, the atmosphere felt pretty good.Xu Mo has experienced it. For Lemon, many of the things and snacks sold on the student street may be unfamiliar. Xu Mo has been leading her to eat delicious food, introduced those things to her, and told her Many things from the past.

You can see that Lemon is actually quite happy. Whenever Xu Mo talks to her and introduces things that she finds strange, he listens very seriously.

As night fell, the number of students on the Student Street gradually increased.

I was planning to bring lemon to dinner, but lemon seemed to be attracted by something and stopped.

"Those lovers, why did they go there?"

Xu Mo took a was a small hotel.

They are available at the entrance of the university and are very popular among young couples.

"Well, this...this...that's a small hotel, it's a very cheap hotel, which is very economical for student couples."

"What are you going to do there?"

"This...I guess it's a review." Xu Mo told a big lie, and deceived the young girls who have not been involved in the world, but deceived Lemon...It is probably a little difficult.

Lemon was silent for a moment, and did not continue to follow the topic, but looked up at Xu Mo: "We are also lovers, right?"

"En...Of course."

"That's also part of dating, right?"

Looking at Lemon's eyes, Xu Mo really couldn't continue to lie to her.

"Yes... be it..."

Indeed, isn’t going to a small hotel the last step in a date?

"Then let's go too."

"Okay...huh!? the small hotel!?" Xu Mo suddenly reacted, and the cold sweat on his back came down.

Lemon nodded seriously and squeezed Xu Mo's hand. For her, the strength was really great: "You said...Dating is a way to strengthen and deepen love...I want to love you more. , Know you better, make you love me more and understand me better, so since it is a date, you must not miss this link."

Ah ah ah ah ah……

Myocardial infarction!Myocardial infarction!

Don't say such things at this time!lemon!

Xu Mo's hearts were twisted together, unable to stop him, but Lemon was dragged to the small hotel.

The proprietress was eating melon seeds. When I looked up and saw Xu Mo and Lemon, the melon seeds in her mouth spurted out.

The proprietress of the small hotel usually doesn't know how many student couples she has seen, college students are all normal, even high school students, she keeps one eye open.

She has been in business for 30 years and has seen countless couples of lovers. This is the first time she has seen a room with elementary school students.

Apart from anything else, the lady boss picked up the phone...

Chapter 800-Lemon Proposal

Facing the lady boss who had already pressed a hand on the phone, Xu Mo quickly wanted to explain it to others...

But Lemon's speed was obviously much faster than Xu Mo. Before the lady of the small hotel pressed the three-digit number button on the phone, she had taken something out of her body and handed it over.

The lady boss also took it in surprise, seeing how strange and strange Xu Mo and Lemon's eyes were. Especially Xu Mo, the lady boss' eyes seemed to contain a thousand words.

But what is even more surprising is that what Lemon handed the proprietress was her ID card.

When Xu Mo saw that Lemon gave the boss’s ID card, he felt like he was going to finish it. Isn’t this... Isn’t it conclusive?He doesn't know how old Lemon is.

Even the lemon is actually the self-consciousness of the artificial brain cell group that has existed for decades... But the body is still a young body after all, and it has nothing to do with consciousness.

But the expression on the boss's face is getting more and more complicated. This is the biggest problem she has encountered for so many years in the industry.

This little girl’s ID... actually shows that she is an adult!

Nineteen years old!


Although I heard that there is a legal loli culture popular among young people, this is too... too incredible, right?Can you grow like this at nineteen?She looks younger than my 16 year old daughter!How could it be nineteen?

The proprietress immediately decided that it was a fake ID, and put all the suspicions in Xu Mo's body. She felt that this must be the fake ID that Xu Mo, a frenzied guy, used to successfully open a house and let people use it!

The hotel proprietress looked at Xu Mo, it was no different from looking at the scum, her eyes filled with anger and spurning, waiting for the moment when she personally revealed the truth.

She held the lemon’s "ID card" and said coldly to Xu Mo: "Huh, young man, look back! Auntie, my hotel is small, but it's a formal place! There are machines for checking in with ID cards! This They are all connected with the information of the Public Security Bureau! You can get it out as soon as you swipe it! I, Li Cuilan, represent the student street today to expose the ugliness of your demon!"

After that, the proprietress directly put the lemon's ID card on the machine specially used for checking ID information.

This machine is specially provided for this kind of hotel. It is issued by the Public Security Bureau. Whether the ID card is genuine or fake can be flashed out. It is absolutely impossible to fake it.

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