My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 741

If it wasn't for Lemon's sudden marriage proposal today, Xu Mo would not have considered this.

Indeed, it is time.

Otherwise, they will really disappoint their feelings.

Back at the small hotel, Xu Mo opened the door, and Lemon sat on the bed quietly waiting for him like this.

The moment he saw Lemon, Xu Mo didn't know if it was because he was too anxious to run on the road, and his physical exhaustion caused some hallucinations. At that moment, he seemed to see Lemon wearing a wedding dress.

Tears ooze from the corner of his eyes.

It is said that men do not flick when they have tears, but when you really experience the girl you love putting on a wedding dress for you to marry you, you will really feel the urge to cry because of being moved.

Although the environment is somewhat inappropriate, in Xu Mo's eyes, there are only lemons in the world at this moment. It doesn't matter what the environment is.

There are not so many artificial kneelings or other movements, just walking slowly in front of her, taking out one of the rings from her pocket, the smallest one, and gently helping her put it on the ring finger of her left hand .

But even the smallest ring is still a lot bigger for the current lemon. Although it looks good on the hand, it still feels awkward if the hand is too small.

Xu Mo couldn't help laughing as she watched her hand wearing the ring.

"Why are you laughing?"

Lemon seemed to not want Xu Mo to see that her hand couldn't fit the ring. He took his hand away and held it tightly in the other hand.

"Hey...nothing to laugh, you look good on you."

"Does it look good?"

"It looks good, do you like it?"

"I like everything you gave it."

"Then will you marry me?"

"I have promised you."

"You mentioned it just now. No, I want to say it to you too."

"Then I am willing."

Lemon brought her small body closer to Xu Mo's arms, and she could see that her current mood should be as happy as Xu Mo's.

Looking back on the day when I first met her, Xu Mo himself never thought that he, who was not Lolicon, would one day like her like this.

After hugging like this for a long time, Lemon suddenly said to Xu Mo——

"There is still more than half a year... this body... I don't know how much it can grow."

"What's wrong?"

Maybe she is used to the little lemons, if she really starts to develop quickly someday, she will still be unaccustomed.

Of course, when I was in Mensa before, the grown-up version of lemons in my dreams and myself... It was also very wonderful.

Lemon lowered his head with a calm expression: "I am worried that on the wedding night, I will not be able to formally bond with you."

Although this is indeed the case...Lemon's current physical can't be that way.

"Ah... it's okay... it's okay... anyway, I'm going to get married. I'll wait any longer, as long as you are by my side."

Lemon sighed slightly, but still couldn't tell Xu Mo some words.

Even if an agreement is made to get married, there is still no way to say.

She learned about Xiao Jiu's pregnancy. She was also a three-day godmother. Xu Yan and San Qian's daily life were all in her eyes. She actually enjoyed the feeling of raising the next generation.

She also wanted to have her child one day, her and Xu Mo's child.

But now she can't do something formally with Xu Mo, let alone get pregnant.

It's too early for her.

Lemon's body stuck a little more on Xu Mo's body, and whispered in Xu Mo's ear: "Be sure to wait for me... Until then, I can only help you in this way."

After speaking, Lemon lowered his head gently...The body also slowly fell down...



If Nanbing is comprehensive, then Lemon is a specialty.

It is a wonderful enjoyment, which makes people forget all fatigue and just immerse themselves in the gentleness given by lemon.

A little lemon has a lot of energy.

Tonight, a lot of them happened...

When everything was over, Xu Mo also confessed to Lemon that he had bought ten diamond rings. Of course, Lemon would not care about these, so Xu Mo could tell her generously now.

Lemon didn't say anything, but also supported what Xu Mo thought. Regarding the wedding next June, she didn't mind going with everyone.

It's just that she noticed that she didn't know why Xu Mo had to put one of the diamond rings in a small ring box. Maybe Xu Mo didn't notice this, but was discovered by Lemon.

At this time, there was a doubt.

Who is the diamond ring for?

Could it be for...

PS: Recently, the weather in Fujian has finally gotten colder. A few days ago, it was still 30 degrees. It was almost...

Chapter 803 Film and Television Adaptation

After returning that day, Xu Mo didn't tell the women in the family about the ring or marriage. After all, how many things still required some ceremonial significance. Later, I would find a chance to talk to them about it alone.

The next day, it was Qiu Yuelong's turn for the appointment.

To tell the truth, Xu Mo is really worried about her. When it comes to dating alone, I date her alone the most times. Every time I go to that... strange place, Xu Mo feels a little bit Embarrassed.

Fortunately, she said that she was dating at home, and because it was Qiu Yuelong, she would die if she didn’t sleep too late, so Xu Mo didn’t come too early, so she should also wake up from sleep and wake up from home. Set out to find her.

When she arrived outside her dormitory in the college, Xu Mo knocked on the door, but it was not Qiu Yuelong who opened the door, but Qi Mengmiao, who had stayed as her assistant since the last incident.

Qi Mengmiao is no longer dressed up, and now she is both plain and very plain. She wears sportswear and her hair is tangled up and she is almost unrecognizable.

"Um... I'm looking for Yuelong."

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