My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 744

And as the mother of this child, you can't do anything. It doesn't matter if you have sent him out. You can only watch the child continue to be used at will.

Anyone who changes will feel uncomfortable to death.

"Mr. Shui Longyue is also very happy, so he signed the contract without much consideration. Who knows that the actors and scripts are like this. They are indeed all right, but... alas. Now film and television dramas The copyright has been sold, and the copyright is already owned by the other party. How does the other party want to use the copyright and how to shoot? In fact, according to the contract on the contract, the teacher can’t do anything to block it, really only I can watch the other party use the copyright of her work and shoot something like that..."

Xu Mo expressed his understanding in his heart, but he couldn't think of a good way to help Qiu Yuelong solve this problem. After all, this involved legal issues. To say that the other party did not seem to have done anything wrong, but his eyes were a little bad. This actor and Obviously this script cannot be read.

"Anyway, I haven't photographed anything now, so it won't cause much loss to the other party. I refund the money for selling the copyright to the other party and take back the copyright?" Xu Mo asked.

Qi Meng Miao looked embarrassed and shook her head after taking a look at Qiu Yuelong: "Maybe there is really no it’s not a question of refunding the money. Now it’s a breach of contract. The contract has been signed in black and white. If it is effective, the copyright is already owned by someone else. If you want to take it back, it is a breach of contract. In our author's line, the penalty for copyright is very high, about one hundred times the remuneration. So even Mr. Shui Longyue ...And there is no way to spend so much money to redeem the copyright."

One hundred times the liquidated damages?

Xu Mo remembered what he said just now, Qiu Yuelong converted all the 50 million he got from selling the copyright into trees and donated it.

One hundred times of fifty million, that is... five billion!?

This makes Qiu Yuelong sell the copyright of all his works, but he can't afford to redeem it.

To say five hundred million, she might be able to try her best.

Five billion is too exaggerated.

Also... if it is Qiu Yuelong, as long as she can afford the liquidated damages, even if her family goes bankrupt, she will redeem the copyright, but this amount is too large that she can do nothing and can only Closed.

Xu Mo's expression also became tangled, and Qi Mengmiao sighed in the same way: "Now, the initiative is actually in the hands of the other party, but the good news is that both the script and the actors are now temporarily. What has been drawn up has not yet been finalized, especially in terms of actors. The schedule of first-line actors is very full. You need to contact and communicate in advance to see if the schedule can be scheduled. If it is really impossible to schedule, then of course. It can only be replaced. In fact, the most important thing is to see whether the other party will respect the original author’s ideas. If you do, of course everything is easy to say. The original author has the right to speak and can add some of his own ideas, but in most cases It is disrespectful to download. After all, the original author is just that the author is not in the field of film and television dramas. Basically, people in that group are more willing to listen to screenwriters, thinking that the author is a layman. Look... how many novels have been destroyed by TV dramas in these years The original party is all crying in the toilet, let alone the author. Although I can get a lot of copyright fees, I can see that my hard work was finally changed to this, and I have been scolded on the Internet. Rubbish TV series, don’t feel good in my heart."

Xu Mo can understand these words. There are so many cases of being tragically realised now. It's like a certain online author surnamed Xue, who originally sold the copyright and wanted to make an online drama, which is quite happy, but later When I read the script, it collapsed instantly.

After thinking for a while, she continued to calm Qiu Yuelong's emotions in Haosheng.

It can be seen that Qiu Yuelong is also very dependent on Xu Mo. At least after Xu Mo came, she seemed to have a shoulder to lean on. After all, Xu Mo had helped her so much. Now her complexion is a little better, but she is still in condition. It's very bad. After all, the most critical thing has not been resolved. Qiu Yuelong now has the figure of the Canadian electric eel and foot press in his entire mind, and has no energy to do anything at all.

"Cheer up, at least it is not completely hopeless now, maybe the other party will respect your opinion? How about we try to discuss with the other party?"

Qiu Yuelong finally uttered a voice, but her voice sounded thirsty and hoarse, and she didn't know how long she hadn't drink.

She shook her head: "No...Even if it is a discussion, there may only be one chance...I must let the other party understand my thoughts most intuitively. I don't have any bargaining chips now..."

"Bargaining chips?"

Qiu Yuelong nodded very firmly, and she couldn't help holding Xu Mo's arm with her hand: "During the time I was hiding in the closet, I seriously thought about it... In my mind, if the heroine If it is truly human, there will only be one figure..."

Xu Mo was stunned, and he couldn't help but imagine a little bit about the heroine in the comics, if the heroine in the comics was really real, which actor would be more suitable.

However, I didn't seem to think of an actor, but...

"What you said, is it..."

Qiu Yuelong nodded with certainty: "Yes... she is the only one."

Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong must have wanted to go together, yes, she was the only one.

Maybe it’s because I have really experienced it with Qiu Yuelong, or maybe I know that the story of Qiu Yuelong’s "My Secret" is based on her creation of the story, and there are even many details in the story that she passed on orally. of.

Every time Xu Mo reads Chase comics, he always feels that the heroine in the comics is very realistic, as if there is a shadow of that one. Isn't the heroine in Qiu Yuelong's works the same... it's exactly the same.


The 99 that I met in the clubhouse!

That personally told 99 about many stories in this industry!

Yes, that's right, the person they think of is 99!

To be honest, Qiu Yuelong’s work is not so well-acted, even for actors with outstanding acting skills. After all, they have not experienced anything and cannot really perform the subtleties of people who work in this industry. Vicissitudes and helplessness, in terms of temperament, can not rely on acting to express that kind of dusty feeling.

The so-called Fengchen is not the end of acting, but the kind of helplessness and coolness, just like the helplessness that 99 personally told, this is Fengchen.

This role is very difficult, let alone the planned female star who will only play awkwardly.

PS: Any characters appearing in the book have nothing to do with real stars in reality. If there are Wu Yifan fans among the readers (hopefully not)... I'm sorry, I wrote about Wu Yifan, and the reality of the same name The star is not alone.

Chapter 805 This is doing charity

In fact, regardless of whether she is willing to play or what the final effect is, at least the choice of the heroine role is only 99 that can be performed. Qiu Yuelong is satisfied.

But I can’t say that. Although 99 has really experienced those complicated things, everyone’s talent in acting is different. Although it’s the same thing to experience stories, some people are actually shooting. It's easy to be nervous, and the lines are not good, let alone acting. any case, you have to give it a try. It may also be Qiu Yuelong's real biggest bargaining chip. If the other party really values ​​the evaluation of this play and has a real understanding of the original, he is seeing 99 and the original heroine. When there is a perfect will definitely change.

Xu Mo already understood Qiu Yuelong's meaning, and at the same time, he certainly didn't want her to continue to sink like this. For her original author, this was really a big blow, and immediately said: "In any case, I will accompany you back to find her to try!"

When he came back from the clubhouse for the first time, Xu Mo thought he would never go to such a place for the second time in his life, but he didn't expect it to be really fragrant again before long.

The expression on Qiu Yuelong's face looked even more sad: "No need... I had already figured out a way to go back to Sister 99 the day before yesterday, but after only a month or two, the people there hardly knew each other. It's 99, and I can't see Sister 99."

"Later, it was another sister inside who saw that I was looking for Sister 99 and told me that there was something else important. Sister 99 had already gone ashore and left their business. They have their own rules in this business. Of course, everyone who has landed is respected. There will be no such person as 99 in the future, and everyone will keep it confidential. Moreover, it is generally impossible for people who have landed to have any contact with the people in the original industry. I want to start a new and quiet life, and I don't want to have anything to do with the past, so the people here never have 99 whereabouts."

"I talked to that elder sister for a long time, and I asked her for a long time. The relationship between her and 99 sisters should have been good before, and finally told me... Before going ashore, 99 sisters said that she wanted to open a fruit shop and be safe. I only know so much to live a life."

Hearing this, Xu Mo also remembered. It seems that 99 had mentioned this matter a little while chatting with them in the private room, saying that he wanted to open a small fruit shop and live a stable and happy life.

But at the same time, I also said...people who leave this line will stay away from the past, restore their original name, go to a city where no one knows her, cut off the past, and start a new life...that is, if the only clue is If she should be able to open a fruit shop, it is not even clear which city she will go to.

There may be 2-3 fruit shops on just one street, let alone a city.

Although there is a little clue, it is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack.

It is not so easy to find 99.

Qiu Yuelong must also understand this, so that's why she was so depressed, she shut herself in the closet and shut herself down.

Otherwise, if it were her, she would have already acted to find 99's whereabouts.

Xu Mo could only sigh slightly, and comforted him: "Don't worry, don't worry... Isn't it good to say something? The fate is wonderful. The more you want to find, the more you want to find the possibility. You won’t find it, but if you don’t think about it, you might find it by accident? Don’t strain yourself, you won’t be able to hold it.”

Although he said that, Xu Mo didn't know how difficult it was to find it.

And at this time.

Fate is wonderful.

Qi Mengmiao, who has been watching by her side, has never heard of 99, and she does not know that there is such a person. The day before yesterday, Qiu Yuelong suddenly went out all night. It was the first time she went to the club to find someone. Say.

After listening to the conversation between the two just now, she suddenly said--

"Ah, 99? Open a fruit shop? So... when I first came to this city and wanted to take revenge on Teacher Shui Longyue, didn’t I have a lot of misunderstandings with Mr. Xu Mo? I was very hungry behind, and I was in the house. I bought a pear from the shop called'Nine-Nine Fruit Shop' by the side of the's quite sweet. it the 99 you said?"

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