My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 748

But because of this perverted face.

It's...too familiar.

Because it looks really distinctive, it is easy to remember.

Especially in the memory of their generation, almost everyone knows it.

Unexpectedly, the so-called abnormality in front of me turned out to be the famous Wang Zheng, Director Wang...

As a director, Wang Zheng definitely has extraordinary achievements and influence in the entertainment industry, especially because of his character and the things he has done. He has countless fans and has been praised by countless people on the Internet. He is praised as the best. Purely a director.

The works he shoots are all excellent. This is based on his very personal "personality". He is not afraid of offending people. It is a terrible thing in this circle that he is not afraid to offend people, but Director Wang never seems to care about it. Nian didn’t know how many people he had offended. All the films he made, even commercial films, had to follow his will. He would shoot whatever he wanted, and use people as he wanted. When others said, he would get angry. Can spray people into doubting life.

His Weibo is full of articles written by actors or colleagues. He never deletes and never apologizes, and is called Beethoven of the showbiz by fans who like him. He will ask you every second after he typed a word. Fear not, I don't know how many people want to interrupt his hand in private.

This is all because he is really a very pursued director. Now that he is so pure and has not been infected by the flashy showbiz, there are really not many directors who only want to make excellent films, even he Never accept any media interviews, nor appear on any variety shows. At most, I have to say a few simple words when the movie is promoted.

He has such a weird character. They all say that artists are crazy. There seems to be some problems with his character. It makes people feel that apart from filming and swearing, he is almost incapable of talking. He is autistic and does not communicate with others, although he likes him. People like him very much, but everyone around him is afraid of him.

Because of this, the evaluation of him on the Internet is also mixed. People who like him especially like him, and people who don't like him especially hate him, thinking that this person pretends to be 13.

Understandably, after all, the offended person can circle the earth once connected, and it may be a miracle to live to this day.

I still remember that there used to be a very hot little fresh meat. He cooperated with a movie he shot. There are countless fans of that little fresh meat. The rumors about the movie have been sent out. The fans are looking forward to it, but Director Wang On the day the filming started, he refused to use him, insisting on changing people. I heard that he almost beat the little meat.

This matter and that matter dominated the headlines for several days. Finally, the media interviewed him and asked him why he suddenly refused to let that little fresh meat perform. He answered in six words: "Because I don't like it!"

This wave of operations is amazing, but it is just a small record of Wang Dao’s mixed performance in the entertainment industry for many years. Some people say that this guy, especially actresses, offends the most, and likes to change actors most, as long as he takes the initiative to hook him, I went to see the actress at the door of his room in the middle of the night and promised not to see you in the cast the next day.

There are even rumors that an actress just brought some dried mango specialties from her hometown to him on the day of filming, and was kicked out of the crew as a hint of unspoken rules.

It's really amazing to be able to do this pervert.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the scenes he was shooting really well, no one would dare to find someone like this to be the director, and the investors weren’t trembling. Who likes to find a fierce god to scold himself?

Like many artists engaged in art, Wang Dao has long bohemian hair and a beard. He is obviously in his thirties, and he looks like fifty, perhaps because this horizontal face is matched with such a shape. Coupled with his amazing personality, it is impressive.

Especially when I scold people, I feel that this image has a bonus.

Super fierce.

How could such a famous director suddenly appear here?

Still doing such an abnormal thing?

Uh... wait, it seems that if it is him, there is nothing wrong with doing abnormal things?

Director Wang Zheng is a pervert, and it doesn't seem to be news at all.

"Are you Director Wang?" Xu Mo recognized it and asked suspiciously after avoiding Director Wang's pounce.

This face shouldn't be wrong, but he didn't run away.

No wonder it has to be wrapped like that...

Originally, the degree of recognition is very high. If this is recognized on the street, it may be beaten to death by people who hate him on the street.

Obviously, Director Wang didn't want to answer Xu Mo's question. He was still agitated, and he still wanted to hold Xu Mo to ask clearly. He was not good at communicating with people, and he kept saying, "You kid... in the end. Who are you the boss! I want to fight you!"

In fact, if Xu Mo wants to subdue him again, he can do it casually.

Just when he was hesitating to make a move to calm him down.

Cheng Xinxin couldn't stand it anymore. He thrust in his waist aggressively, walked over with a slap, and slapped Director Wang on the head. This is the brain of the most powerful director in the country!It turned out to be like taking pictures of watermelons.

And he pointed to Director Wang's nose, and said unceremoniously: "He is my friend! What's wrong!? What's the matter with you! Why are you so unqualified, you want to hit someone!?

In an instant, Director Wang stood in the same place as if he had been cast a holding spell, just looking at Cheng Xinxin with his small eyes open.

Suddenly it stopped making noise.

Is this being beaten stupid?

"Oh... yes... I'm sorry!"


That king guide!

That director Wang who only sprays people and never apologizes!

Actually apologized!

Actually really apologized!

He actually said sorry!

His language pack actually contains words other than squirting people!

PS: I don’t write a book or give it away. You can rest assured... If you don’t accept it, it doesn’t mean you will give it away.

Chapter VIII Mother Loves Me Again

Seeing this action, Xu Mo, the victim, kindly reminded Cheng Xinxin: "Don't fight, don't fight. He seems to be the director Wang Zheng. He likes to scold people the most. Be careful when he scolds you."

Perhaps it was because Xu Mo said this in front of Cheng Xinxin, Director Wang seemed even more unhappy. He wanted to quibble and said anxiously: "QNMD! I never scold anyone!"

Sure enough, he is a very qualified director.

No wonder the artists in the industry are so afraid of him. It's okay to meet someone who likes to curse people these years.

With such a troublesome trouble, Xu Mo could only give Qiu Yuelong and Cheng Xinxin a look first, so that they should avoid them first. First, go to the small room inside and stay for a while. He always felt that Cheng Xinxin was here. The strength lies in her body, and she can't communicate well.

It's always impossible to let him play here, so you have to figure out what is going on first.

So Qiu Yuelong temporarily pulled Cheng Xinxin into the room, and Xu Mo finally had the opportunity to ask this famous director why he did such a strange thing.

However, as soon as he turned to look at Director Wang, he looked like he wanted to open his mouth to spray people.

Only when you really experience it can you know what his power is. The keyboard man on the Internet may not be as powerful as him.

Xu Mo hurriedly interrupted his skills: "Director Wang, let me speak first. Let's talk carefully. If you scold someone inexplicably, I will pass all the content of your scolding to sister Xinxin intact. Just say you scolded her."

"You... insidious villain! Despicable and shameless!"

"Idioms can be regarded as curse words. I have already written down these two idioms. I will tell Sister Xinxin later."


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