My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 754

What opportunity does Fangzhizhi hope for?

When she thought of it bluntly, she blurted out almost immediately without any consideration at all.

From Xu Mo’s perspective, the girl in her arms suddenly stopped crying, raised her head violently, posted very close, and said something incredible: "Teacher, if we both pass the art test, we will succeed. If you enter the drama school, can you make us become women together?"

If Xu Mo had something in his mouth now, it would definitely come out all at once.

What does it mean to become a woman together!?

Xu Mo felt that his reading comprehension seemed to be good all the time, but now he is a little confused...what does it mean to become a woman.

That's... Is it to turn them... from girls to women?

Generally speaking, it seems to be understood as this, right?


There seems to be no other explanation...

This Concubine Chen is too courageous!

Girls should be more reserved!

The thoughts in Xu Mo's brain were immediately disrupted, and he began to connect with Fang Zhizhi's memory, combined with Fang Zhizhi's bold idea of ​​touching the chest together, and began to uncontrollably imagine.

I thought that Fang Zhizhi’s idea was already very powerful, but Concubine Chen was even more powerful!

People just say touch one with one hand!Now you even become a woman... do you want to be together!?

But I only have one tool for committing crimes!It's not like you can have one hand on each side!Isn't this embarrassing the teacher!No matter how great the teacher is, he can't produce a second tool for crime!

Xu Mo began to to answer the struggle...

This question is too difficult.

After Chen Fei'er finished speaking, her face started to flush, she didn't dare to look at Xu Mo's eyes any more, and she lowered her head shyly.

In fact, her meaning was not as bold as Xu Mo imagined.

What she meant was to say'a woman who becomes a teacher together'.

The two of them already know each other’s feelings for Xu Mo, and they have confessed to Xu Mo separately. The meaning of the sentence just now is that Xu Mo can agree to their confession by that time, and be with them smoothly. Formally starting to associate... which means becoming Xu Mo's woman together.

After all, it was the first time a girl had feelings for the opposite sex in her life. There was a slight problem in her expression, but it did mean that.

The meaning of that sentence is not what Xu Mo thought.

Although if Xu Mo is willing then, should it be OK in terms of Chen Fei'er and Fang Zhizhi's personality and goodwill?

But Xu Mo didn't know.

This hurt him.

She and Fang Zhizhi’s expressions that Xu Mo used the circuitous tactics before, but once or twice was fine. As the number of times increases, the circuitous tactics will not work so well. Sooner or later, we have to face it. , Hanging others all the time does not seem to be a solution.

But let him agree to such a condition... it would be too... a little frantic.

Turn them into women together...this...

Other teachers always tell students what if you are admitted to a certain university, I will ask you where to play and where to eat.

It's nice to get here, if you get admitted, don't you have to go to the hotel to open a room to play.

After thinking about it for a long time and after careful consideration, Xu Mo cleared his throat and replied like this: "Ah... if you really pass the exam by then... If you still have that kind of affection for me... Seriously... Under certain conditions, it is not impossible..."

"Under certain conditions," Xu Mo gave himself a little room.

"Then did you agree!?"

"Forget it... I agree. No matter what, you two will give me a good test!"

Concubine Chen's face was red, and she was very happy that Xu Mo was able to agree. At this time, she was also full of motivation, and she wished to start the art test training immediately: "Teacher Xu! I will definitely pass the exam! So will I know!"

"Come on... Come on..." Xu Mo responded awkwardly, and subconsciously covered his kidney.

If this goes on... I really can't stand it...

Can I pray that they won't pass the exam...?

No no no!

Can't think like this...

It’s more practical to search for folk secrets for kidney tonifying...

Chapter 814 Nan Bing is super angry

Through this appointment, the current situation is:

Fang Zhizhi-the college entrance examination, the goal is the drama school.

Lemon-give up the college entrance examination and get a job.

Qiu Yuelong-Give up the college entrance examination and get a job.

Concubine Chen-the college entrance examination, the goal is the drama school.

This was all expected, and Xu Mo would not feel that there was anything wrong with their choice, there was no problem, and it was very suitable for each of them.

But other people's words...especially Nan Bing and Ye Elegy are a rather worrying issue for Xu Mo. Needless to say, the relationship between the two of them and himself, and they are living together now, no matter from the soul. Or they have already communicated with each other many times physically, and it stands to reason that Xu Mo should know them well.

But Xu Mo really didn't know what they had planned in the future... This question had never been thought of before, nor had they asked what they meant.

Going to college for the college entrance examination was originally for the sake of your future. Whether or not you go to college depends on what you plan to do in the future.

Unlike the situation like Lemon, which is obviously not suitable for the college entrance examination and is useless, Nan Bing and Ye Elegy seem to be in an ambiguous sense of whether they can take the exam or not.

Judging from their current results, if they want to take the test, they will definitely be able to pass the test, but the point is... even Xu Mo doesn’t know what the two of them are planning for the future. This means suddenly It became blurred again.

Fortunately, this morning was a date with Nan Bing, and this afternoon was a date with Elegy. They had time to spend alone with the two of them. While dating, I should also find opportunities to ask them what they mean.

The morning date with Nan Bing seemed to be a rare return to the normal rhythm of dating. The two of them finished breakfast at home, changed their clothes and set off from home. They both wore casual clothes and the two who were slightly dressed up. People really have the feeling of dating a couple, they seem very ordinary and normal, just like a couple should be.

This is also true. The two of them are actually lovers.

Although it's a little more plain and ordinary, but this is the real state of couples when they are dating. The more the relationship reaches a certain level, the more such a tacit understanding.

Living together every day, there may not be a strong sense of excitement when going out alone with Xu Mo than others, but for Nan Bing, it would be very happy to be able to go out with Xu Mo on a date like this.

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