My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not A Problem Girl Chapter 757

She was really angry, she could tell from her expression and actions.

Having known her for so long, this is the first time Xu Mo has seen Nan Bing become so angry.

This time, I was completely angry.

"I can't watch you being crushed by a car..." In the face of her extremely angry, Xu Mo's explanation also became a little weak.

"That can't overwhelm me! At most, it's just being touched by those falling rocks! Nothing will happen! Am I that kind of fragile woman! It's you! You! You are... I... ah ah Ah!" She was so angry that her eye sockets were wet. She didn't know what to say, so she hit Xu Mo with her fist. Of course, the fist hit Xu Mo's body lighter than she touched. Reluctant to really fight.

"Alright, okay, don't be angry, everyone is okay, this is the best result, hahaha..." Seeing her angry like this, Xu Mo was also calming.

Her face was pale, she stared at Xu Mo, and she was still shaking with anger: "You still laugh! You still laugh! Do you know anything wrong!?"

"I know it's wrong." A woman who was so angry for you and also for your kindness, Xu Mo wouldn't take it to her heart, nor would she take a stand against her, just want to calm her emotions.

"What's wrong!?"

"It shouldn't be rushed out, it makes you worried."

"Why are you rushing out suddenly!"

"You rushed out first... I think the car is going to fall down soon. I'm afraid you will be hit, I subconsciously..."

"Didn't I say that you can't hit it! You never thought about it, what if you hit it!?"

She should be more angry the more she thought about it, her voice couldn't help but rose a lot.

Xu Mo knew she was angry, but didn't say a word, looking like a good baby.

Nan Bing took a deep breath, his eyes reddened a bit, his emotions all at once.

" rush over...if you get hit...I...what should I do? You worry about me, but do you know how worried I was when I saw you rushing over to block me? ...I'm almost so worried!"


Nan Bing's voice has begun to choke, and tears have begun to drop on his face.

She suddenly stepped forward, hugged Xu Mo again, and hugged Xu Mo tightly, unwilling to let go: "I can't live without you, we...we can't live without you... if you really have a long and two short... ...I really don't know what to do... Xu Mo, please, I absolutely can't do such dangerous things next time, okay?"

Her tears had soaked Xu Mo's chest, and a burst of heat continued to fill Xu Mo's chest.

"Well, I promise you, don't cry, you don't do such a thing suddenly next time, I will worry too, am I?" Xu Mo always calmed her with a gentle tone, although I don't know why, When I said this Chengruo, my nose was a little sore, and I felt choked.

Nan Bing raised his head and nodded slightly.

She cried so that her eyes were red, her teary eyes were hazy, and her small mouth became much paler. It is estimated that she was really frightened.

Nan Bing stretched out his hand, holding Xu Mo's face, took the initiative to move forward, kissed Xu Mo's lips, and then hugged Xu Mo again...

She clung to Xu Mo's neck with both hands, and her body pressed tightly in front of Xu Mo, sucked her nose vigorously, and then rubbed Xu Mo's shoulder.

"Promise me... I can't do such a stupid thing anymore..."

"I know. But so are you. I don't want to see you in an accident. Without you, my world would collapse."


The two of them held each other for a long time, until their emotions should have stabilized a bit, and then they reluctantly separated.

"Show me your legs!"

Nan Bing suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked Xu Mo.

Xu Mo smiled helplessly, and could only stretch out his legs. Sure enough, he still couldn't hide her... Obviously, he had been trying his best to cover it with his hands just now, was it still discovered?

Although holding her out of the big truck for a moment, the stone on the truck was too much, and the impact was too strong for a moment. At that time, the stone was like a small knife splashing out. They all avoided, but still seemed to get hit in the leg.

A small hole was opened in the leg of the trousers, which was scratched by a stone. The skin on that leg bleeds a little, but it is only a skin injury, not very serious.

"I'm okay, you see, it's just a little skin injury. I won't be fine after a while." Xu Mo himself felt that there was nothing wrong, but Nan Bing squatted in front of him with a worried expression, carefully examining her wounds. Hearing what he said, he gave Xu Mo angrily. Without saying anything, he cleaned Xu Mo's wound with the mineral water he had just drunk, and then tore off the newly bought clothes as gauze for Xu Mo. Make a temporary bandage.

In fact, there is really no need to be so nervous about this skin injury, but Nan Bing is really serious and really doing it for Xu Mo.

Xu Mo watched her bandaging the wound in front of her little by little, and she showed a distressed look from time to time, and her heart was really warm.

I guess I really saved the world in my last life, so I can meet a girl like her in this life.

Thinking of the way she was so angry with herself for the first time just now, thinking of what she said to herself.

Nan Bing... You are really...

For the rest of my life, I will definitely give you happiness.

Xu Mo told himself silently in his heart.

At this time, he lowered his head and saw Nan Bing's thin white fingers.

I suddenly thought of something.

I remembered what Nan Bing said this morning.

'Occasionally I hope you take the initiative.'

Obviously, since the day of Lemon, I have been looking for a suitable opportunity to give this to her, right?

Nan Bing bandaged Xu Mo, and after carefully confirming that there were no other injuries, he raised his head again and prepared to stand up.

But when he raised his head, a brilliant diamond ring appeared in front of him. Xu Mo was holding it and handing it to Nan Bing.

She looked at Xu Mo with a little bewilderment, but did not realize what she was doing.

"Nan Bing, be my bride."

Chapter 817 Marriage Agreement

"Are you proposing to me?" Nan Bing's eyes widened, seeming to feel a little weird.

"Yes." Xu Mo confirmed, without a trace of doubt.

"Why so suddenly! Suddenly! I...I am not ready for anything!"

It's really an interesting picture, and she, who has always been very straightforward, will show this kind of flustered and shy expression at this time.

"Didn't you say that you want to take the initiative... this, is it active enough?"

"Really... there is no sense of ritual... too casual!" Although Nan Bing said so, Nan Bing couldn't wait to take the ring from Xu Mo's hand and put it on his left hand. Joy was written on his ring finger.

"I didn't just give it to you. You told me so much just now. It's my turn to make a promise to you. This promise is that I will make you happy for the rest of my life, okay?"

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