My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 762

It is said that the ginseng seedlings that cost five yuan per Taobao are genuine and fake. It is estimated that the fake ginseng seedlings will not be available for after-sales. This kind of ginseng seedlings can be passed on to grandchildren.

That's ginseng. What use is it if you don't grow it for decades?

They both grow this?Do you want to plant it until which year and month will you see the effect?

Xu Mo was stunned.

"Can this be planted?"

"Yes! We planted it."

PS: Recently, even the weather in Fujian has started to get cold...especially in the middle of the night...It's so cold and so cold...Everyone should wear more clothes and keep warm!

Chapter 821 Peach Wood Fragrance

As we all know, ginseng mainly depends on the year, or it is said that 100-year-old ginseng is used, and there is even a thousand-year-old ginseng in many novels?Generally, the ginseng eaten by ordinary people needs to be used as a supplement, and it takes more than ten or twenty years. This kind of ginseng seedlings sold on Taobao is basically no one really buys them and grows them. They are all right to make tea and play with them. Yes, the cheap ones are dying anyway.

If Ye Elegy and Huali were both planting, it would have only been a few days?People use ginseng for decades and hundreds of years. The bigger the ginseng, the more useful it is. What is the use of ginseng this week?No matter how good this medicine field is, just one week is completely useless...

"The real seeds are coming out? But this is only a week or so. That ginseng is not suitable for eating, right? I still know a little bit about this. Doesn't ginseng depend on the year?"

Ye Diango blinked, and then nodded: "Well, that's right, but Huali and I used some special methods to speed up the process a lot. The medicine field now has a very magical effect. Effect, under that kind of effect, the first batch of ginseng seedlings we bought have been completely mature, and the quality is very good according to Huali, and the mature ginseng seedlings will grow new seedlings immediately, we clearly know that I bought only 20 seedlings at the beginning, and the results that grew out of them were much more than expected, but since they were dug out, I gave all the first batch of ginseng to the villagers below. The grandfather we gave the way holds in his hands, didn’t the teacher find out?"

"Huh?" Xu Mo was taken aback, not expecting such a terrifying operation at all.

A week?Can this be ripened?That ginseng...

Then I remembered the uncle who had just given them the way, Ye Wange didn't really realize that Xu Mo hadn't said that.

Just now, the uncle was holding a brownish-yellow thing in his hand. It was thick and big. Xu Mo just thought it was a radish with a slightly strange shape!

How can anyone hold an adult like this!According to that body shape, at least it is also the king of participation!

"That...that is ginseng!?"

"Well, maybe because of the special methods used, the ginseng looks a little different from the natural mature ones, but they are indeed ginseng, but in order to avoid suspicion, we just say that the ginseng is the wild radish we planted abroad."

The wild radish from abroad...the simple villagers would definitely believe it. No wonder they were so lightly gnawing while walking while holding them. If they were sold casually, they would be enough to make Ye Diele "" The degree of fainting.

Then after Xu Mo came to the top of the mountain with an elegy, Xu Mo was surprised again and couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

He originally thought that the medicinal field might be the size of an acre of land. Elegy and Huali were just a try. How big can they be used?Unexpectedly, I saw a medicinal field the size of a full ten acres of land. The mountain was originally small. Once the ten acres of medicinal field occupied, almost the entire mountain was occupied.

And many of these ten acres of medicinal plants are already planted with various medicinal plants. Xu Mo does not understand these, but many of them are not fully recognized. However, looking at the growth, it can be seen that they are very good and look very good. The plump, beautiful, and lush feeling is the same as that of the radish-like ginseng for a week. It is not like it has been planted for more than a week.

Let’s not talk about anything else. At this moment, Xu Mo watched the Elegy pull out a large root from the medicinal field and the same ginseng that I just saw. He even felt that the body was much bigger and bigger. To replenish the body, it would be more tonic...

"Nan Bing brought me many clothes as a gift when she went out during the day, and I would also bring her a ginseng as a gift."

"I don't think she would like this gift..."

"It's okay, I don't really like the clothes she bought."


These herbs are so good...How did the two of them manage it in such a short time? Xu Mo was full of curiosity about it.

"What special method did you use to do it? This is too powerful..."

Ye Elegy didn’t seem to think it was anything like, and said casually: “The main credit is the flower. The magic of their flower family’s medicine planting technique is here, and they can identify the best growth of medicinal materials at a glance. Environment and soil, and use the family secret technique to optimize and upgrade the environment, soil, and the medicinal materials themselves, so that the quality and growth time of the medicinal materials can be maximized. These medicinal materials have been passed through the family secret technique. It’s no longer a common product anymore."

"At the same time, I also found that the'qi' in my body is actually mild to the medicinal materials that Huali has processed. Injecting'qi' into the soil of the medicinal field can absorb these medicinal materials. The quality and growth rate of these medicinal materials have been further improved. Ginseng like this can grow completely in about a week, and it can grow on its own without maintenance and watering. It is worthy of Huali and their family. After so many years, they are still the best in this regard."

Xu Mo was completely shocked this time, my elegy, if you say it is amazing, you are also amazing!

There is actually this way?

Xu Mo stretched out his hand and slightly touched the ginseng that had just been dug out of the soil in Elegy, and injected a trace of'qi'. Sure enough, the ginseng's ginseng whiskers were slightly longer, which was the growth rate visible to the naked eye. .

Surprised, this'qi' actually has the effect of affinity medicine?

Huali’s family secret technique has such a magical effect, but it is understandable...After all, Elegy and their family are mainly martial arts, and she can do so easily, and Huali’s family was famous for its medicine. The inheritance of this family secret technique is normal today.

So why does your family still eat soil!Is face really so valuable!

I would rather sell the medicine field than sell the medicine for planting medicine.

According to the elegy, the Hua family also takes medicine very seriously, and the medicines they plant must not be sold on ordinary people for their livelihoods, and can only be used by their own tribe and people in the arena.

But the rivers and lakes are long gone, replaced by society.

This stubborn old thought that caused headaches was still retained. They didn't even understand that this medicine was the way to survive.

Looking at this medicine field and thinking about it again, Xu Mo couldn't help sighing.

Even if their people are willing to sell some of the medicine, they won't end up like this.

Including the Ye Family is actually the same. It is precisely because of those old-fashioned thoughts that so many things have happened, and some of them have caused some harm to her in Elegy.

Looking at them, I will faint when I hear a larger number. It seems interesting, but it is really troublesome and worrying. At least Xu Mo sees the elegy every time because of the number. Fainting is all fearful, not funny.

Perhaps it was because the expression on Xu Mo’s face was a bit complicated, and the elegy wanted Xu Mo to change his mood, so he took the initiative to drag him around in the medicinal field, and seriously introduced Xu Mo to every medicinal material. What, what kind of effect.

"This is a herb that has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, regulating qi and invigorating blood. According to my parents, the five poisonous cultists in the rivers and lakes were good at poisoning hundreds of years ago. The family made the'Tianxin Detoxification Pill' with Chuanxin Grass as the main raw material. This is the only way for the decent people to fight the Five Poison Sect.

"This is Mifugrass. Its sap can be burned, and the burning smell can make people feel dizzy. In the past, people of the balance sect who are good at assassination in the rivers and lakes like to use it to stun targets."

"This is black grass, the main ingredient of Huiyang Wulong Paste... This is leaf mustard, which can be made into Tianxiang Intermittent Gum... And this, can be made into Jiuhua Yulu Pill..."

Xu Mo has heard of some of these medicinal materials, and some have never heard of them, but they can be sure that they can be easily found, otherwise the two of them have no money, and they can't get it at all.

But these Tianxin Detoxification Pills... Jiuhua Yulu Pills... Why do you feel as if you have heard it somewhere?Generally speaking, this only exists in martial arts novels, right?At least modern society does not exist.

Could it be that Huali can really make the same medicine as in martial arts novels?Wouldn't it really be against the sky?The magical effects of those medicines in martial arts novels, some of which are similar to the'Great Return Pill', can even extend their lives!

However, after listening to the elegy, he shook his head: "It was definitely done in the past, but the art of pharmacy has been lost to the Hua family very early, and these medicines only exist in the oral stories of our families. It is a pity. However, the quality of these medicinal materials is beyond the scope of normal people’s understanding, just like this herb, the detoxification effect should be dozens of times that of the ordinary herb that can be bought outside."

After all, it was cultivated using the secret technique of the Hua Family and the magical'qi' in Ye Diele. The effect is super strong, and the growth rate is super fast. This alone is enough to surprise people.

After looking around for a while, Xu Mo was attracted by the small medicinal field at the extreme edge. This medicinal field was very small, but it was even carefully fenced off, not connected to other medicinal fields. Together, and the medicinal materials growing on it are also very beautiful, like small pink flowers, if you don't say that you don't know that they are medicinal materials.

"What kind of medicinal material grows on this medicine field? It looks pretty, like a flower."

Ye Elegy fell silent for a while, and Xu Mo also noticed that she seemed to take a peek at herself from the side of light. It seemed that she also cared a little about this medicinal material: "This is the fragrance of peach wood."

"Mahogany? Does it do anything?"

The name sounds pretty good, but Xu Mo has never heard of this medicinal material.

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