My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 767

And not long after Xiao Huangmao left, the nurse inside came out and called Xu Mo: "Mr. Xu, is that? Your lover has finished the examination. The doctor is explaining the condition of the fetus. You can also go in and listen. ."

"Oh, okay, okay!"

This is also Xu Mo's first time!If you accompany your lover for a pregnancy checkup, you are sure to be nervous, and the reaction seems a bit stiff.

I saw Xiao Jiu in a consulting room inside. She looked good, and the result of the pregnancy test should be good.

The doctor was very responsible and informed the whole situation of the fetus in detail, and it turned out that everything was fine and healthy, and he also ordered many precautions, as well as what to eat and what kind of exercise to do to prepare for pregnancy, etc. .

At this time, rest assured, as long as there is nothing wrong with the pregnancy check in the early stage, and as long as you are careful in the later stage, you will basically be fine.

After thanking the doctor, Xu Mo was going back with Xiao Jiu.

However, as soon as I left the consulting room, there was a little chaotic voice in the opposite consulting room.

A nurse is helping a pale girl to walk in: "Girl, you have just finished the operation! You can't move, you know? Go back to bed and lie down!"

The girl seemed to be holding her body forcibly, and her voice was trembling: "Aunty nurse...Can you please do me a favor? My boyfriend is still waiting for me outside. Can you go out and tell him that I have finished the operation? , Let him not worry about me."

"Okay, I see, you lie down first! You can't walk around like this!"


Xu Mo discovered that the girl was wearing the same school uniform as the little Huangmao who just met outside and played games with her head down...

Are they a couple?

No wonder that little yellow hair just swayed here.

Xu Mo felt a little heavy, and he listened to the girl's request to the nurse just now.

At this time, I asked the nurse to tell her boyfriend not to worry?

But her boyfriend didn't seem to worry at all. He played the game the whole time. He had already left and was not outside at all.

There is only one exit to the waiting area. The nurse who was entrusted went out with Xu Mo Xiaojiu. She seemed to be mentally prepared for a long time. After opening the door, she looked outside and sighed as expected. , Went back to the consulting room and told the girl about it.

Xu Mo heard that the girl inside seemed to cry. She said that she should have known it long ago. When she found out she was pregnant, her boyfriend just played games and said to her without looking up: "Pregnant? Then you go and get rid of it and tell me why."


The nurses outside actually also whispered a few words, but they really see too much, but they don’t feel too strange. It’s just that as a woman, they have some sympathy for the girl lying inside: " Another... Well, young people now... There are not one or two boys like this anymore. Almost half of the little boyfriends are not at the door after the operation... These silly girls..."

PS: The fifth shift arrives, and the fifth shift is over. I have to take a rest for a day. Good night everyone~

The content of the Xiaojiu pregnancy check is very little, I try to keep it short, but I really have something I want to express in the novel, whether it is useful or not, I want everyone to see it, rest assured, and will not write too much. At most one or two chapters are done, and then we immediately enter the main line.

Love you guys, the countdown to the end of the problem girl begins, I beg the blade in December~ Please vote for the blade, thank you~

Chapter 827: Nurse

Xu Mo and Xiao Jiu could hear what the nurses said, including the helpless cry of the girl in the distance behind them.

Xiao Jiu's face was sad, and he looked up at Xu Mo without any idea.

And Xu Mo also clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to endure something.

Although it’s a high school student, it’s too ridiculous. It’s okay to behave in such an irresponsible manner. I don’t understand how much harm this abortion is to a girl. I don’t understand. Girlfriend aborts inside Suffering and facing tremendous psychological pressure, he could actually play games outside with ease, because he suspected that the poor network of the hospital had affected him playing games, so he left and left the girl who was undergoing surgery inside.

What should be the most appropriate at this time?Xu Mo didn't know, but when people were irritated, they would only choose the most direct way to solve the problem.


Especially Xiao Jiu, she heard the sad cry of the girl inside. Of course she felt distressed, but while feeling distressed and sympathetic, she herself was also very scared. If it were this time... Xu Mo would not Will also leave her.

Xu Mo understood the meaning of Xiao Jiu's call, and forced a smile on his face, and touched her head: "Don't worry, I won't do this kind of thing. Whenever you are Inside, I will guard you outside."

"En...en..." Xiao Jiu's face flushed slightly and nodded.

Xu Mo's words made her feel relieved at once.

"But... that girl..."

Xu Mo frowned and shook his head: "The young man has done something wrong and there is nothing he can do about it. It is also a good thing for her. Such a boy is not suitable for continuing the relationship. I hope she can wake up this time. "

As a high school teacher, Xu Mo is really sad to see such a scene. He is not opposed to puppy love or tasting the forbidden fruit at the same time, but when doing these must consider some important things. Girls are responsible, they have to be responsible to themselves. Is it that difficult thing to put on a vending machine for 1 yuan?

Especially now, listening to the cry of the girl inside, I felt a fire in my stomach when I remembered the little yellow hair's performance just now.

What does it mean... When I learned that my girlfriend is pregnant, I went on playing the game and said, "Kill it," which is really furious.

When Xu Mo looked at the empty corridor and hesitated, a nurse suddenly walked by. Because she was wearing a mask and a nurse hat, she couldn't see her face clearly, but she could see it from her exposed eyes. The pupil of a nurse girl is actually golden, and it is a very deep golden color, not like the beauty that an artificial cosmetic contact lens can show.

But Xu Mo didn't care about this kind of details. In his opinion, this was an ordinary nurse.

The nurse walked over, glanced at the corridor, and then naturally said to Xu Mo: "This is all normal. If you come in school uniform, nine out of ten will run away, and one basic The girl came by herself, so if the hospital is doing abortion now, we will pay attention to the man who sent her, so that no one will pay for the medical expenses in the end."

Xu Mo turned his head and glanced at her. The nurse seemed to want to do something.

"Hospital, but the most human test. It's like saying that outside the delivery room, it is grandpa and grandma who are anxious, grandpa and grandma who are excited and anxious, and dad who is the king of pesticides."

"Eh, these are all cases. I was very worried outside when my wife gave birth to her first child." A passerby elder brother couldn't help but interject.

The nurse calmly replied immediately: "Yes, you did the right thing. There are many love and family relationships that have stood firm in the face of the test, but why do we still think this way? Because too many people do this. So many nurses are already numb."

When she finished speaking, she turned her gaze to Xu Mo again, and said to Xu Mo: "We are here every day, watching the warmth and coldness of the world, watching the suffering of sentient beings, just like the sad scene just now. Staged."

"After saying this, I don't want to say anything. I just hope that when you see a "phenomenon", you can use actions to change it before it becomes a "problem."

I don't know why, although the nurse said strange things, Xu Mo heard them all, and every word seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind.

Especially when he heard the last sentence, Xu Mo couldn't help it.

He who was hesitant at first, it was after listening to the nurse's words that he decided whether or not to do this. That's right, he had to take action to change it before it became a "problem"!Now that I see the phenomenon, I have this responsibility!

Although he is only a child, he must never let it go. A profound lesson must be given.

Xu Mo thought this in his heart, plus what the nurse said just now, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. The little Huangmao just left the hospital not too long, and now he should be able to catch up with him.

I immediately decided... to chase!

"Xiao Jiu, you go to the atrium of the hospital and find a place to sit down and wait for me. I'll do something and come to you right away..."

After Xu Mo finished speaking, he ran out immediately.

Xiao Jiu followed Xu Mo's reaction a little anxiously.

Xu Mo and Xiao Jiu left the hospital like this.

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