My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 774

Xu Mo leaped back, avoiding the pounce, the figure directly hit the tree Xu Mo had just leaned on, and the barrel-like tree directly broke several branches.

This sudden situation made Xu Mo feel a little unresponsive. What is this?The speed is so amazing?Didn't even avoid himself?Just after hearing the voice of Xixi Suosuo, he pounced from behind!?

In order to see exactly what the dark shadow is, after avoiding the attack, Xu Mo also turned on the hand-held camera again for a photo——

This photo didn't matter, but it was really shocked and shocked.


This was the first reaction in Xu Mo's mind.

Suddenly attacking the creature in front of his eyes, he stretched his teeth and danced his claws, walked crookedly, his face was completely unaware, his mouth kept roaring "Ah...ah...", and his eyes were full of scarlet red. I hit a tree and got hurt.

However, there is still some difference from the zombie. The zombie is really dead, with a rotted, bloody and disgusting feeling. If the "zombie" in front of you is almost intact at the moment, it is more like a disheartened Crazy living people just behave too much like zombies.

Chapter 835: Living Zombie

Even so, Xu Mo didn't know why this person became like this, and why he suddenly attacked himself.

Looking at this madness, it feels very serious.

Those scarlet eyes always felt that his condition did not seem to be a pathological problem at all.

And like...spiritual...Yes, if you take a closer look, he also has the kind of black that represents ghosts and ghosts that Xu Mo saw in the first place~ The air currents are rushing around, but slightly less It's just that it's not easy to detect if you don't look carefully.

The mad "zombie" didn't seem to feel any pain after hitting the tree with his brain. The look in Xu Mo's eyes became more fierce, and he rushed towards Xu Mo again.

This time Xu Mo didn't hide, but directly blocked his arm and kicked him away with his foot.

I didn't avoid it, but I just wanted to verify an idea in my heart.

Sure enough, this frustrated "zombie" turned out to have amazing arm strength. If the force to kick him out was an ordinary person, he would have been kicked out, but Xu Mo was like kicking a big rock. The ground rolled slightly for two laps, and it did not seem to have suffered much damage.

This is no longer something a normal mountain villager can do, and his physical fitness is comparable to that of an athlete.

Especially this guy really doesn't feel any pain like a zombie. Xu Mo and him have been entangled for a long time and there is no way to subdue him, it is very difficult.

kill him?

Xu Mo is not the male protagonist in the novels of Urban Long Aotian. How can he have such a psychological quality and decide to kill someone casually?Same as killing ants?

Having been entangled with this mad zombie for a long time, the movement seemed to have completely disturbed the people in the village. Xu Mo found that life had gradually gathered in the village, there was fire, and noisy voices were rushing towards here. Hearing the sound, it seemed that they were also very panicked. The men kept yelling at something, speaking in dialects that Xu Mo could not understand.

I don't know what the villagers will do, but what is certain is that they have noticed and are rushing towards here in droves.

Xu Mo was dragged by the live zombie and couldn't help it. He worried that the villagers were on the side of the live zombie, and they would be disadvantaged by him. The situation would be even more dangerous.

In a hurry, Xu Mo just wanted to get out quickly.

It suddenly occurred to him that his big bag was all good things brought from Li Yinyuan’s residence. They were all made by Li Yinyuan herself. The effect was definitely not true. The living zombies behaved strangely, and their sullen air flowed like It was affected by spiritual things, then these things of Li Yinyuan would definitely work.

Xu Mo kicked away the live zombie again, and hurriedly opened his bag while the live zombie was still rolling on the ground and did not pounce again, and searched for the contents.

But here comes the problem. Although there is such a big bag of things, Xu Mo doesn't know how to use it.

There is no manual here either...

They are all strange props made with simple tools, and I don't know how to use them.

The live zombies didn't give Xu Mo any time to play the turn-based game. They had climbed up from the ground again and pounced on Xu Mo again.

There's no way, just get it!

Xu Mo pulled out a small advertisement for Sigouyi Men's Hospital from his bag. There was a symbol drawn by Li Yinyuan on it, which was directly like those ghost hunters in the movie, and it was pasted on the forehead of a living zombie.

The living zombies immediately stopped moving as if they had been cast a holding spell.

Xu Mo thought that the spell had worked, and wondered if it was a spell for imprisonment!Unexpectedly, after looking at the live zombie for three seconds, the live zombie roared again, and the black solid yin aura under his body instantly expanded, making his situation look even worse, that kind of shock , Almost overturned Xu Mo.

Damn it?

Is this a buffing spell?Make him stronger?

Xu Mo was really drunk when he watched his god operation, but did not subdue him. Has it strengthened him?

How to play this?

The situation is really not optimistic now, the noisy crowd behind him is getting closer, the fire light has also illuminated here, and the villagers are about to arrive.

And the living zombies who had been boosted didn't seem to be going to let Xu Mo go.

There was no way, but finally pinned his hope in the bag full of props.

But Xu Mo was indeed lucky. He saw a familiar figure in the bag full of messy things.

At least this thing, he knows how to use it!

After being buffed, the living zombies were faster, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to Xu Mo, ready to attack.

But before that, Xu Mo had an extra thing in his hand, waiting for it to be delivered to the door.

It was a very beautiful red oiled paper umbrella, but besides that it looked good, I didn't seem to know that it had other functions.

Xu Mo pointed at the living zombie and slammed the umbrella open.

Invisibly, it was as if an infinite power emanating from the umbrella, caged the body of the living zombie, and constantly impacted the black solid yin spirit on his body... the living zombies screamed... to the yin on his body. The qi was completely dissipated by the red umbrella, as if being drawn away from the soul, lying motionless on the ground.

The red umbrella also became dilapidated after use, just as before.

This red umbrella was used by Li Yinyuan to save Xu Mo's life when Xu Mo was surrounded by the power of ghosts and gods.

Therefore, Xu Mo clearly remembered the use of the red umbrella and its effects, that ghosts and gods could drive away... let alone this living zombie.

For the red umbrella, it should be a very simple matter. Xu Mo even feels a little pity now. It’s a pity that this red umbrella is a one-time use because of the low-profile version. The zombies are up, it feels a bit wasteful.

Alas... It would be nice if it was a real guy, at least not a one-off.Li Yinyuan said that if it is a real red umbrella, even after opening it can retain the soul of the dying person, so that it will not die.

Xu Mo wanted to put away the red umbrella and look closer to see what was going on with the live zombie. He suddenly forgot that there were villagers coming behind him. Before he got close to check the live zombie’s situation, he was already held in his hand. The villagers with torches surrounded.

After they saw Xu Mo, the expressions on their faces were shocked, and then a little frightened, and then they quickly found a live zombie lying on the ground, which turned into fear, and fell into a very intense discussion for a while. ...In a dialect that Xu Mo could not understand at all.

However, they looked at Xu Mo's eyes, as if...has become an incredible?

PS: Are there any readers in Harbin?I want to ask if the Harbin Chamber of Commerce red sausage is delicious?I want to buy it from the online shopping agent.

Chapter 836: A stranger comes from the village

Xu Mo, who was surrounded by the villagers, could only look at the villagers, and neither of them seemed to want to move.

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