My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 781

Throwing away the resentful souls behind him, Xu Mo finally had the opportunity to stop and observe the two female resentful souls who took him away.

Seeing that the two of them were so familiar with the road of Daliang Mountain, and took themselves along such a complicated road to escape here, Xu Mo originally thought they were born and raised in Daliang Mountain.

But after stopping now, it doesn’t feel like they look closely... They don’t look alike, and it is obvious that they can distinguish them. The appearance of these two female resentful souls is just like the images of women living in the standard city. People living on mountain roads can see a big difference at a glance.

How come people who are not from Daliang Mountain are so familiar with the mountain roads here?Also, why did they both help themselves to escape?Don't attack yourself like other resentful souls?

Among the summoned ghosts, there seems to be the kind of soul that still maintains a certain sense of reason, and has not formed a grievance. Seeing their appearance, they are just like ordinary souls. There is nothing special, if not floating. His body is in a trance, and it is no different from a living person. Unlike those resentful souls, it looks like a ghost, which is terrible.

Now it seemed that they had been taken to a dense bush by the two of them, next to the cliff, and the cold night breeze murmured.

"Thank you for taking me out...but why are you helping me?"

Looking at the faces of the two of them, Xu Mo didn't seem to know each other.

Could it be that these two female ghost sisters fell in love with me?That's why you helped me get out?

Recently, it’s a little bit of peach blossom luck... but I didn’t expect even female ghosts to look at me?

Xu Mo was still thinking about things in a relaxed state of mind, but he didn't expect that the first words of the two female ghosts would completely make Xu Mo confused.

Absolutely—capitalized awkward.

"Do you know summer?"

When Xu Mo heard these words, he was like a thunderbolt in the sky.The expression became stiff...solidified...

If it is normal, he dreams that someone can say this to himself, because this means that he can know the whereabouts of summer.

But... why did you say this from two dead female ghosts?

This is exactly the opposite effect.

Xu Mo didn't want to listen anymore, he didn't want to hear the things he feared most and dared not think about...

Over the years, without the whereabouts of summer, she could not be found anywhere, as if she had evaporated from the world, and tried everything, but there was no news at all.Xu Mo thought about countless possibilities, but there was only one possibility, which was hidden in his heart forever. He would not think about it, nor did he dare to think about it.

That is...Is the summer dead... like this...

It is precisely because the possibility of this trick is completely closed in his heart that he has never thought about it, so Xu Mo has always kept hope in the matter of summer, hoping that one day he will still see summer and find her.

But now... why do these two female ghosts suddenly mention the name summer!?

Xu Mo's body began to soften, and his breathing seemed a little difficult. He was very scared, very afraid that if they continued to speak, they would let themselves hear stories...

Why... I have been looking for Xia for so long... Actually, in such a place, I asked the ghost about her?

Xu Mo's voice began to tremble: "Do you...know her?"

The two female ghosts nodded at once: "Yes. We also saw that you have summer photos in your wallet just now, and think you should know her, otherwise you won't carry her photos in your wallet. , That’s why we helped you run out. Don’t worry, they won’t come here."

For Xu Mo, hearing Xia Xia’s name was already messed up, and she was all in her mind. Now whether it is those resentful souls or Qing Niang...or Li Yinyuan, it seems that it doesn’t matter at all. .


Xu Mo's breathing gradually began to become difficult, and he couldn't catch his breath, unable to withstand the reality that he was about to hear.

He had a hunch...Yes, just from the fact that the other party is two female ghosts, it is not difficult to foresee what happened in the summer.

But... we still have to know the truth... anyway... we must know what happened to her.

Even if you cannot bear it, you must know.

Xu Mo's hands were bleeding, but he gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you know her...Summer...What happened to her in summer?"

The two female ghosts glanced at each other, perhaps also aware that Xu Mo's state was wrong, and asked: "Do you really want us to tell you?"

"Let's talk! Help you! Please...tell me!"

Xu Mo didn't want to escape. Although, this was what he feared the most... But in any case, he still had to know, even if it was a full stop...

The two female ghosts hesitated a little, but they still opened their mouths to tell Xu Mo what had happened to them.

"We and Xia Xia used to be teachers who came to support teaching on Daliang Mountain."

"She... She came here to teach!?"

Xu Mo was also very shocked when he heard this, because he had checked too much over the years about the whereabouts of summer.

The last thing she could find in the summer was that after she resigned from the previous school, she had nowhere to go. No matter whether it was a hotel accommodation record or a flight or train record, there was no record of her coming to Yunxi.

How could she suddenly come to Daliang Mountain to teach?

If it is really a teaching support, you can definitely see it in the teacher's file, because the support teaching is dispatched by the Education Bureau, and the records are there.

Xu Mo has checked it a long time ago, and has not found such a record.

The next words of the two female ghosts seem to explain the reasons for all this: "Yes, she has been here in the summer and has been teaching for a long time. She came earlier than us. Listen to her At that time, when everyone made charitable donations to the mountain people on Daliang Mountain, she also wanted to come over to be a support teacher, volunteering to teach the children in the mountain, and teaching them cultural knowledge. She felt that that was what she should do as a teacher. Meaningful thing."

"But it seems that because of the quota, her application for teaching support has not been approved in the summer, so she decided to resign and drove by herself, carrying many supplies for the children in the mountains all the way to Daliang Mountain. At first, She seemed to just want to come and see the children in the mountains, bring them something, and didn't want to stay. But after learning about the situation here, she decided not to leave, and felt that she should stay here and be here to obligate the children. In class, whether it was knowledge or life skills, she taught the children in Daliangshan..."

PS: First spoiler, it's not dead, so that someone will misunderstand the dead girl or something, there is nothing, it's not dead!

Chapter 841

"The conditions in Daliang Mountain are very bad. Summer is the first teacher to come here. When we came here, she had already helped us complete a lot of relatively difficult tasks in the early stage, and taught the children of Daliang Mountain some basic knowledge and requirements. , So that we can accept the work of supporting teaching with her as soon as we come here, the children in the village also trust Xia, and the relationship with her is also very good, our teaching work has been going smoothly. She did She is a very good teacher. We have at least some subsidies to support the teaching, but only the teacher in summer, she came here completely and at her own expense. She really wanted to help those children and teach them knowledge from the bottom of her heart. Arrived at Daliang Mountain."

"We all came here to support teaching, and the relationship is very good. But the good times don't last long...Although the children in the village are very innocent and cute, we all like them. But over time, we always feel that the village is grown-up People are weird. There are many suspicious places with weird behaviors. It also stipulates that we outsiders are not allowed to go to many places. The scope of activities is actually very small, almost just the place in the village. Everyone is young. People, when you come to this mountain, of course, you want to see everywhere, so we often go to the mountains to play secretly when the adults in the village are not paying attention. The place that brings you here is that we often run Even the people of Daliang Mountain don't know where to see the scenery."

"This place can temporarily avoid the strange atmosphere in the village, sit here and enjoy the scenery of Daliang Mountain. If it is in spring or autumn, the scenery of Daliang Mountain from here is actually very beautiful. But, although it is here, although You can see the beauty of Daliang Mountain, but you can also see many things you shouldn't see... When we were enjoying the scenery here, we accidentally discovered that the people of Daliang Mountain were actually quietly planting drugs called'jujube leaves'. The men in the village are not smoking tobacco at all, but these drugs. Even after the children reach a certain age, they will start smoking. No wonder these villagers will not let us leave the village. For this reason, we were very scared when we discovered this incident, and immediately decided to go down the mountain together to report to the relevant authorities, but when we went back, we were discovered by the people from Daliang Mountain that they are living order to prevent us from living. Leaving passed their secret, all of them chased after them with knives, and finally forced us off the cliff."

The words of these two female ghosts seemed to be finished.

When they finished speaking the last word, Xu Mo was completely unable to support the huge emotional fluctuation and collapsed to the ground feebly, with tears in the corners of his eyes. The man had tears and did not flick it lightly, but... here When planting, who can stand this emotion?

The lover who was persistently looking for, at this moment learned the news of her death.

And... it seems that if it is really as these two female ghosts said, everything will make sense.

Why can't I find Summer's whereabouts by myself... Why is there no trace of her anywhere?

He remembered the news that he seemed to have seen on TV in the past. The two teachers who were the first group of teachers on Daliang Mountain accidentally fell into a cliff on the mountain and died. She went on her own for the former teacher, and her disappearance has not been discovered.

Later, I went to the second batch of supporting teachers and discovered the same secret, but they escaped a few people and finally took the secret of Daliang Mountain out.

Xu Mo really didn't want to believe this was true.

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