My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 784

Realizing that Xu Mo was deceived, he immediately asked the other party to return the money. The other party was obviously a purposeful and organized fraud group, specifically to defraud students who are desperate to find a good part-time job. Students’ money is best deceived, and social experience is insufficient. , Even if they realize that they have been deceived, they dare not do anything. Aren’t they bullying children?

Therefore, Xu Mo's request for a refund of the money was not accepted by the other party, and the other party's attitude was immediately different, yelling, "Don't upgrade to a diamond member! Then there are no more part-time jobs now! The last place is for you." For a diamond member! You are only a senior member, wait for next year! The refund is not refundable anymore. How can you be refunded if you are already a member?"

The other party played various rogues and completely ignored Xu Mo.

Xu Mo was pushed out of the classroom by them, as if about to run away.

They borrowed this classroom temporarily. Where is the company?It's all deceptive.

Although Xu Mo was stupid and fooled by them, how can he say that a few months ago he was still a second-degree idiot. He was omnipotent in smoking and fighting, and his temper came up all at once. Although he was cured by Xia Tian and improved, but This has been bullied to the point where there is no reason not to resist?The youth is full of youthful blood, which should come in handy at this time.

More importantly, this group of people cheated on something wrong and cheated their money away.

That money is of great significance to Xu Mo!He wants to use that money to do something he has always wanted to do!For this reason, he worked hard part-time, just to save enough money quickly.

Now, you were deceived by such a group of shameless guys?

Xu Mo didn't say a word, he rushed forward and fought happily with the group of people.

Several people scrambled together, and after ten minutes, the other party fell the thinnest.

Three adults beat a child and were killed, will they play?


When I went home in the summer, I saw that Xu Mo was not at home, and I couldn't find Xu Mo everywhere. I was a little worried. It was past ten o'clock. Where can Xu Mo go alone?Did not say to myself.

Xia Xia called Xu Mo, but no one answered.

I have been waiting at home for more than half an hour, and Xia Xia feels more and more panicked in her heart. I don’t know why, if a person does not see Xu Mo's figure at home, her heart is like being disturbed. , I just wanted to see Xu Mo soon, know where he is, and feel at ease.

I couldn’t sit and wait any longer. I went out in the summer and started looking. I went to a nearby convenience store and some places that Xu Mo would usually go to. Then I called the classmates who had a better relationship with Xu Mo and asked. Have they met Xu Mo before?

Everything went to no avail. After searching for a big circle, I didn’t see the figure. I became more and more anxious. In the summer, I thought Xu Mo had been working in the Taekwondo gym and didn’t come back. So he rushed to the Taekwondo gym. Without saying anything to the person in charge, he began to teach him: "How do you Taekwondo gym do? How can you let a kid who is still in high school work part-time so late!? Have you considered his health? They all work. It's been ten hours!"

In summers that are usually gentle and gentle to everyone, when have you ever had such a violent temper?

Seeing that a beautiful woman suddenly came and made such a big fire, the person in charge of the Taekwondo Gym was almost frightened. He quickly explained to her that Xu Mo had left a long time ago, and it was not that he left people to work overtime so late.

Chapter VIII Summer, will you come to save me this time?

In the summer, I was very anxious. I searched the entire Taekwondo gym before giving up. When I left in a hurry, I didn't leave a word. This was completely different from her style of doing things.

As time passed, Xia Xia's face was blushed by the cold wind outside, and he called Xu Mo over and over again, but no one answered each time, and he could only send text messages to Xu Mo constantly.

'where are you?Why don't you answer the phone?'

'Are you ok?Did something happen?'

'If you see it, reply quickly.'

'I am really worried about you.'

'I'm looking for you, I must be safe.'

But there was still no reply at all.


Xu Mo had a hard time fighting with a group of people. The other party had a lot of people and was indeed an organized criminal gang. The three of them had no way to deal with Xu Mo, and soon a group of people came from nowhere. Began to contain Xu Mo.

At this time, Xu Mo's phone hadn't known which corner it had fallen into because of the chaos, and at this time, the sound of the phone could not be heard at all.

From one side to the other side... it was a complete melee, and young people didn't have any routines in fighting, just doing it, punching the teacher to death.In addition, Xu Mo still has a strong will in his heart at this moment, and he must take his money back. For him, it is more than just a few hundred dollars. It is...

So what he broke out at this time was actually quite amazing.

The other party bullied a child of him, but he knocked him down several times. Xu Mo suffered several blows on his body. Many places were green or planted, and even bleeding, but Xu Mo was thinking about it anyway. You can't let this group of people run away, you must get the money back, the pain on your body seems to be unnoticeable, and the eyes are red.

The noise was too loud. The group of people didn’t want to stay here too long when they saw Xu Mo being so difficult. They just wanted to get rid of Xu Mo quickly and run away, but Xu Mo was too difficult. No matter how many times he suffered, he could rush over and fight with them.

Young, there are still advantages.

"@!*……#*! (Gao Ya) Are you crazy!? You have paid! What else do you want to do! You are robbery! Robbery!"

At the beginning, one of the beasts in suits who gave Xu Mo a lecture was struggling desperately on the ground, trying to escape, his face was already bluish and purple, and he was still saying this.

Xu Mo was expressionless, and several punches fell on the beast's face: "Return the money to me!"

"Oh! Ouch! Little ancestor! Pay it back! Can't I pay you back!? Don't fight! I eat by the face! Oh!"

Maybe it is really that Xu Mo is not easy to provoke, like a mangy candy, he can’t shake it off, he can’t pull it away even if a few people try to pull him, everyone is beaten by him, and the famous brand suits used to support the scene are If it was broken, it would not be worth the loss, so I quickly threw the banknotes stuffed in the bag to the ground, scattered all over the place.

When Xu Mo saw this, he let go of his hand and didn't have time to wipe his face. He just started picking up money on the ground without saying a word. If he was cheated, he had to get back a lot of money. He doesn't want it, he just needs the money he was cheated of just now.

The group of fraudsters stood beside Xu Mo, keeping a distance from him, watching Xu Mo picking up the banknotes one by one from the ground, still counting.

It may be because I feel that being a scam group has been taught by children to such an extent, it is too embarrassing, and I feel that I can’t get mixed up in the arena in the future. Among them, there is a seemingly leader who can’t help it. Be brave, dialyze Xu Mo while he bends down to pick up the money, and push Xu Mo hard.

Suddenly Xu Mo was hit like this from behind. He immediately lost his balance. He tilted his head forward and slammed into a chair in the corner. The hit was a bit heavy, and his head hit directly. When he reached the corner of the chair, Xu Mo's head was bloody, and his consciousness began to become groggy.

But even so, he clung to his feet again, trying to get his money back in the hands of these damn guys.

Xu Mo may not have a mirror, so I can’t see what he looks like now. The people in the scam group are shocked and stupid. They thought they were about to die. So much blood came out of this head. It's over!


"Run! It's going to kill you! did wasn't me who pushed him...Run...Run!"

Xu Mo's mind was in a trance, and the picture he could see in front of him was getting blurry, and he felt like he was about to fall asleep.

This may be Xu Mo's closest death, when he only thought of summer.


Under the blurred vision, Xu Mo seemed to see a familiar figure rushing in here.

I heard her voice, but I couldn't understand what she was saying.

It was the first time I saw her like this. Faced with several criminals, she picked up the small satchel on her body and used it as a meteor hammer. She kept hitting one of the criminals on the head until she took that guy. He fainted completely.

While screaming, he kept hitting the unconscious person with his shoulder bag...

I don't know how she exploded with such power. Usually, she is obviously a weak woman who has no power to bind the chicken. She can't open the can... Usually Xu Mo helps her open it.

But now she...really handsome.

She took off her high heels and smashed the opponent with the heel part. She was frightened and scared, but her eyes were firm. She must do this. Even in the face of four or five strong men, she must save Xu Mo.

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