My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 796

She did not express her views on this matter and did not praise it, but from that day on, she also acquiesced to leave these things to Li Yinyuan.

ps: Finish, sleep for a while, get up early and go to the snow mountain hahaha~

Chapter 854 Heavenly Thunder

The seemingly ordinary life has been passing day by day. Li Yinyuan has also been completely different from the past. She used to be lonely and helpless. No one wants to accompany her. Now there is a master, although the master is a little taciturn. A little colder, but Li Yinyuan had already regarded his master as his only relative in this world.

No matter what she does, as long as there is a master by her side, she will feel at ease and can spend the whole day happily.

Including every time you soak in the blood pool, you can also complete this suffering with a smile.

Because she didn't want to disappoint the only family around her, Li Yinyuan wanted to do well no matter what she said.

Although the old Taoist aunt was her master, she didn't seem to have taught him anything. Li Yinyuan didn't think there was anything about it. There must be a reason for her not to teach.

And after getting along for a long time, Li Yinyuan can often see the old Taoist aunt show her abilities, although she has never seen the master when she practices, because every time the master does not let her see, she is alone in the room. It takes a long, long time to come out.

However, sometimes the old aunt would not avoid suspicion in front of her when she used her abilities.

The old aunt's ability is too much.For Li Yinyuan, there may be countless feelings, every ability is quite magical to her.

For example, her master can see far away, hear what is happening far away, walk through walls, call the wind and rain, each of the drawn symbols has a different function...

These abilities all feel like Taoism, which is to compound her identity as a Taoist aunt.

The old Taoist aunt lives in the deep mountains and lives in the ruined Taoist hall. She also wears Taoist robes. She is also able to master the mysterious Taoist skills. She really looks like an important Taoist priest.

Li Yinyuan certainly believed in this at this moment. She had a hundred masters who trusted her.

But in fact, if you let a person who really knows how to see it, you will definitely see the drawbacks. In fact, apart from the above points, the old Taoist really does not look like a Taoist priest.

Taoism actually has many rules and etiquette, which is quite cumbersome.And it's not like wearing a Taoist robe to live in Taoist temples so that you can be a Taoist casually. There is no Taishang Laojun or Tianzun here, which is really strange.

The old Taoist aunt is actually more like a mysterious person who uses the identity of a Taoist to hide her... Many of her actions are really not like the identity of a Taoist.

Of course, besides her, there is only Li Yinyuan on this mountain. She was so young and ignorant that she would know so much. She just always believed in her master and never doubted it.

Until a turnaround...

Li Yinyuan will never forget that day, and everything must start from that day.

That day...probably someday after two people got along for a year.

There was wind and rain, lightning and thunder that day, and several trees on the mountain were knocked down. I don't know what happened.

The constant thunders all seemed to be aimed at the target, hitting the top of the mountain.It's like looking for the mountain... there is no way to avoid it.

Li Yinyuan hid in the room. The master had been in retreat for three days and had not come out in the room where she was practicing. Now the weather is suddenly so bad, the dilapidated Taoist temple is crumbling, and the wooden pillars in the room are cracked. It doesn't matter if the master who is still practicing in retreat is worried.

The rain is so heavy, and there is still thunder.Thunder split several towering trees next to it, and directly knocked down the Taoist kitchen...

Li Yinyuan was really worried, regardless of his own safety, braved the storm and ran to the master's room for the first time against the master's instructions and knocked on the door: "Master...Master..."

Her body was damaged by the shower, and her thin body felt like she was going to be blown away by the wind at any time.

She knocked on the door again and again... and called the master again and again.

Finally, the door opened, Li Yinyuan burst into tears and smiled, pulling the master tightly.

If her vision is not impaired, she must be able to see that her master suddenly loses his face, and his face is extremely pale. It seems that she is a few dozen years old. Looking at Li Yinyuan, she is not angry... and that is strong. Kind of desire and greed.

The old Taoist aunt pressed Li Yinyuan's shoulder, her body was shaking for some reason.

"You just stay in the room...Don't go around...wait for me...I'll be back soon..."

The old Taoist aunt said to Li Yinyuan with a dry voice, her eyes became more and more greedy when she looked at Li Yinyuan, her mood seemed to be constantly rising, and her breathing became quicker.

Li Yinyuan couldn't see it, but listening to the voice, she also heard something wrong with the master. She was very worried and hurriedly asked: "Master...what's wrong with you?"

"I'm okay! You remember...just in the room...waiting for sure to wait for me...!!!" The old aunt shook off Li Yinyuan and turned and walked towards the top of the mountain without any consideration.

"I'll...I'll be back soon...hehe...I'll be back soon..."

Greedy and excited...this is her current mood.

Li Yinyuan was very worried, but the master had left, so she had to stay in the room honestly as the master said... Although I don’t know why the master today is so abnormal, I don’t know whether the master wants to sit here by herself and wait for her. What to do, but mainly what the master needs... She will do it well.

Five minutes... ten minutes... half an hour passed...

The thunder outside became more frequent and louder, and Li Yinyuan's nervous mood could not be calmed down.

Master, how is she?Are you ok?

She only hates that her eyes can’t see...otherwise, she can still look at the mountain here to see if the master is there, what she is doing, and if nothing is going on...

In an instant, the largest sky thunder descended from the sky, deafening and powerful, and the whole mountain wailed...

If you can see it, the terrifying sky thunder has split the entire mountain abruptly...

Li Yinyuan stood up all of a sudden: Master...

And soon, just a few seconds after she stood up, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a tall and dark night appeared in front of Li Yinyuan...

ps: Recommend a new book written by a good friend!It is Qi Mengmiao himself, he wrote it in a vest!Please go to the collection and support him~ The title of the book is "I use a trumpet to fall in love" and the following is his introduction:

To create a trumpet in the real world, the first two trumpets are out of practice, this is the third one.

"Character creation!"

The character is created successfully!

Data generation——

Initial setting: Bad learning

Initial attributes: Fighting specialization, no learning skills

Initial interpersonal relationship: Sawamura·Spencer·Eriri (marriage contract)

Main task reminder: Bunny

The marriage contract begins?This is stable!

Just when Aiba was full of spirits and was about to let go of his hands and feet and have a big fight, the emotional lines of the first two trumpets suddenly inserted in.

Since then, things have become out of control.

(One shot is out of control, then two shots!)

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