My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 803

Zi Dan suddenly realized that although she did not have a heart, the child in front of her gave her the feeling of having a "heart" for the first time in her life.

That's why she decided at the last moment to exhaust her last strength, take herself as a sacrifice, and give Li Yinyuan a new life to the dead Li Yinyuan in the originally prepared ceremony.

But she opened up the red oil-paper umbrella, and with the power of the'Red God', she forcibly left her soul in this body that had been damaged or even had no heart.

But she only lingered. She tried hard to teach Li Yinyuan everything she could teach. In the end, the day came to an end, the body's energy was used up and she died completely.

Before dying, Zi Daan was also very worried. She was very worried about Li Yinyuan, because she knew very well what her sister Qing Daan would do to her if she found out that Li Yinyuan was a very yin experience. Although she said that she had been with her sisters for various reasons. Two different worlds are separated, but there is always a thorn in her heart, and she is very worried that Li Yinyuan will actually meet that person someday.

Therefore, this is one of the reasons why she asked Li Yinyuan to go to the city as much as possible to help those lonely ghosts. There are so many people in the city, and it is difficult to distinguish it even in the dense crowd. Li Yinyuan came out as an extremely yin body.

I don’t know what method Qingdan used to come into this world. When she came into this world, she was still in a trance, as if she was demented, she didn’t know anything and didn’t remember anything. Fortunately that group The presumptuous villagers had a simple folk customs, and after they found her, they would take her back and put her in an eighteenth appearance, unwittingly regaining her consciousness, and only then did she completely recover.

Originally, she just wanted to cultivate on this mountain for a while, observe this different world carefully, and threaten to use those stupid villagers to help her plant the rhizomes needed for the ghost world flower, and kill them anyway when needed. Take it as nourishment.

Until Li Yinyuan appeared in the village, Qing Niangniang identified Li Yinyuan's identity at a glance and knew everything...


This is almost the whole thing in the past. It came from Qing Niangniang. She herself said that when they were in a different world with Zidan before, they had the kind of mutual attraction that the two-ringed leaf constrictor was born with. I have already sensed that even the most special ability to learn from each other has failed.

But after Qing Niang came into this world, all this came back instantly, so she knew so much.

After listening to this, Li Yinyuan’s expression can be imagined, she cannot accept all this, not because her master once wanted to kill her and use her, but because her master died as a sacrifice for her, the master’s death It became a fact, which was the most unacceptable for her.


Master...sacrifice or something, I am willing to...why do you want to save me...

She cried in pain, especially when she looked up at the woman who looked exactly like her master standing in front of her, her mood was even more complicated.

In Li Yinyuan's view, it was herself... who killed her master.

If it weren't for her, why would the master sacrifice his life to do such a thing?

That kind of deep self-blame has been deeply burned in her heart.

Seeing Li Yinyuan's expression, Qing Niangniang is not too satisfied. After saying so much, doesn't she just want to see Li Yinyuan's desperate expression?

For Qing Niang Niang, admiring the desperate expression of others every day is just as delightful as a dessert every day after a meal.

Gradually, Li Yinyuan's crying tears dried up, and that emotion turned into despair.

Her eyes also became hollow, completely losing all hope.

The death of the master is the end of the world for her.

There is even no faith in continuing to live.

After Xu Mo listened to all of this and watched all of this, Xu Mo's heart was also extremely shocked, but at the same time he was more concerned about Li Yinyuan's current situation.I just couldn't help but rushed out to rescue Li Yinyuan several times, but every time he was stopped by Xia Wei.

This time too, Xu Mo's face was already full of worries, and his body was constantly dangling in the grass anxiously, as if rushing out to save people at any time.

"Calm yourself down...Xu Mo, you must believe me. That young lady is not an ordinary person, and her strength is unfathomable. We rushed out now without saying whether we can save Li Yinyuan and retreat all over, maybe even ourselves. We must be subdued all at once, so we must calm down and wait until she has a chance to completely relax our vigilance..."

"Qing Niang Niang is obviously a cautious person. Although she seems to relax her vigilance while talking to Li Yinyuan, she is not stupid. You just made such a big noise in the village. Now this ghost and the people in the village They are all concentrated here. She must know that there are other people there. Have you seen those ghosts? They are all looking at the surrounding environment unconsciously, just helping the young lady to monitor her surroundings."

At the critical moment, it was summer that he was calm enough to help Xu Mo analyze the current situation, and Xu Mo was not reckless.

Xia Xia is not indecisive, but is indeed rational analysis.

Xu Mo calmed down and thought about it, and that was indeed the case.

If you rush out now, how will Qing Niang deal with it?

The situation in the village, she must know that some outsiders have come here...

Moreover, this kind of opponent is not at the same level.

monster?What a joke, this is too cheating!

Xu Mo has dealt with ghosts and guys with superpowers.

This is the first time to deal with this kind of monster who has cultivated for hundreds of years and turned into a human form.


There are obviously people who are better at fighting monsters.

It's a pity that you can't say that person's name, otherwise you will have to apologize again.

PS: The end of the month, 2018 is about to end, the snowman is also about to be born in the year of birth, red fat times and red socks have already been bought, waiting for the birth year to wear, it is said that the birth year of the pig will be prosperous fortune and wealth Forget it... Don't dare, if the family doesn't let it go, Wangcai can still flourish.

So... (suggesting a blade shot at the end of the month)

Love you guys.

Chapter 860 Dealing with Qing Niang Niang

Xu Mo now wants to wait for the best opportunity.

Xu Mo heard what Qing Niangniang said just now. He calmed down and tried hard to remember and think...

Finally, I saw a glimmer of hope, which is the best opportunity!

Didn't Qing Niangniang say that Li Yinyuan's master wanted to use Li Yinyuan to give up the broken body with one last breath after experiencing the attack of the sky thunder, and let Li Yinyuan become a sacrifice and reincarnate on her body?

Yes...this is the sky thunder.

Qing Niang Niang and the others are so afraid of the thunder that day, the damage of the sky thunder must be good, it will cause great harm to them, if she is going to prepare for the thousandth thunder of the sky, she will be the most after experiencing the sky thunder. When we are weak... Only then do we do it... That is the best opportunity!

Xu Mo glanced at Xia Xia next to him. Xia Xia thought exactly the same way. The two of them were silent, and confirmed each other's meaning with their eyes. Then, they looked forward quietly, calmly...waiting for this. The opportunity arises.

Li Yinyuan’s eyes were completely hollow and desperate, Qing Niang Niang further approached her, watching her gradually being wrapped around her body by the scarlet rhizome, just an arm, and now the short talking time passed. After a while, the scarlet rhizome has already entangled the other half of her body. If nothing happens, at the current speed and within half an hour, Li Yinyuan's whole body will be swallowed by this stem. .

"That day, Lei was the life of our Shuanghuan Yehe python, Zidan and I, but we tried our best...Jiejiejie...Unfortunately, that fellow Zidan actually ended his life with a red god. It’s not that she died from being injured by the sky thunder. She is dead now, and I can’t get anything. Even if she died, Zidan didn’t want me to get any benefits. Originally, she died. According to the talent of Shuanghuan Yehe Python, I can get everything from her here...huh,'s a pity, it's a pity that I got the purple satin you least want to give to me. As long as you have you, those don't matter."

"Do you think that I also want to use you like purple satin, ready to use you as a sacrifice, after I have experienced the sky thunder, reincarnated on your body to regain a new life? Tsk tsk tsk, I will really be like purple satin Stupid? That would be too naive..."

The smile on Qing Niangniang's face became more mysterious and distorted. When she said this, she seemed to have deliberately increased the sharp voice several times. It was not like saying to Li Yinyuan in front of him, but more like To some people in ambush all around.

She glanced around and said loudly: "Originally, I was planning to postpone a few days to let these stupid villagers give me a variety of ghost world flower rhizomes, but unfortunately an intruder suddenly came today. If the village is messed up, the days will have to be advanced. But, it is also a good opportunity, all those resentful souls have come out, these resentful souls and these villagers are not much nourishment... …Jie Jie Jie..."

"What about me... I don't think of you as a sacrifice like Purple Satin. Her way is too old-fashioned and stupid. Look, isn't she dead? Obviously, there is a better way. ... Jie Jie Jie... You don't have to experience the thunder on your own, you just need to use you-isn't it all right?"

"The extremely yin body is like the best vessel in itself. There are so many roots of the ghost world flower and so many nutrients...the clay pot is useless, you are the best vessel. , Your body can withstand these. After a while, your whole body will be wrapped in rhizomes, entangled fiercely, and merged into one...Then all those grievances will be concentrated in your become one The most beautiful ghost world flower, that is what the ghost world flower really looks like, using the extremely yin body as a vessel to cultivate the most perfect ghost world flower!"

"At that time, I only need to eat the most perfect ghost world flower you have become. The effect is not as simple as the delay of the molting cycle of ordinary ghost world flowers. Not only can I improve my cultivation strength, but also You don’t need to shed your skin anymore, stay young forever, and don’t worry about the damn fate, the damn sky thunder... Jie Jie Jie Jie... Purple Satin doesn’t know you still have this way to use it, otherwise she would definitely not use it. Let yourself bear the sky thunder in a stupid way? Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

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