My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 806

She had already endured her feelings, but now when she saw Xu Mo carefully, especially her sturdy body, she suddenly evoked her most primitive greed and her greatest hobby.

To be honest, now I can't wait to see Empress Xu Moqing.

I can’t wait to wrap my body around Xu Mo’s body right away, so that my body will be well moisturized and released. She often does things like tossing people to death. Anyway, such things as male pets, use them to replace them. It doesn't matter.

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

For Qing Niangniang, everything has become a certainty. None of these people can survive, and no one can escape under her nose. It is perfectly fine to solve some of the problems she has endured for now. .

Although she felt good, Xu Mo had goose bumps all over her body.

Grass snake?

I have no such interest...I am not Xu Xian...

Although Qing Niang Niang looks okay according to human aesthetic standards, she also has that face. She is huge and stout. She is obviously like a monster. Even the only face that can pass is a raw face. The snake-like face of a snake was very strange and uncomfortable.

Facing such a "mother", the stone is even more difficult to get up, let alone be her male favorite!?

It's really goosebumps all over the place.

Unexpectedly, this guy suddenly became interested in himself?

Men's favorite...

What a joke.

Seeing Xu Mo's face froze and there was no reaction at all, Qing Niang Niang was very puzzled. Normally, at this time, the other party would have tears in her eyes because she didn't kill him and let him be his own male pet. Kowtowing is thankful again. Why doesn't this person react at all?So calm?

"Why? Let you be my male pet, is there anything you are not satisfied with? Shouldn't you already kneel down and be grateful for me?"

Xu Mo was also convinced in his heart, how confident is this.

But now he can't beat her, and he doesn't dare to provoke her. Xu Mo could only be embarrassed for a long time, scratching his face, and replied very honestly: "It's not dissatisfied, but maybe we are not suitable...cough..."

But she still angered Qing Niang all at once, she was furious, and the signs of snakes on her body became more and more obvious, and her whole mouth was split long: "What!? Not suitable!? What is the cause of the mess. Give me a good explanation! Otherwise I will tear you up now!"

Xu Mo was very embarrassed: "Ahem... As long as it's a size problem... You can't ask to put the elephant in the cup... Then who can stand it."

In front of his students, Xu Mo felt that he must lead by example and be an honest person.

What he said is the truth.

Indeed, it is true that not everyone can become a super master like Xu Xian.

It is really difficult for Xu Xian to surpass, even in modern times, the reality of his grass snake is a legend that all men admire.

I am afraid that the size is not very suitable.

So Xu Mo just rightly refused.

"Damn it! Are you insulting me! Little Wawa, you really don't know what it is! You are still the first person to refuse me! I want you to die ugly! Make you regret it! I didn't agree to be my male favorite The request!" Qing Niangniang became more and more angry as she spoke, she couldn't wait to swallow Xu Mosheng alive and taste all the pain now.

Obviously, I had thought in my heart how to squeeze Xu Mo, and enjoyed a happy thing once or several times (depending on the durability of the male pet) after a long time. I never expected that this was the first time I was rejected in my life.

"Forgive me. Apart from the size problem, I am also a person with a sense of ritual. I believe in love. I already have a girl I like, so I don't just have that kind of relationship with others. , Let alone what kind of male favorite!"

Xu Moyi said righteously, but he really didn't blush. It seemed that his face had been upgraded to a new level.

This is as if it was deliberately said to others. If it is a photo, it should be called a posing.

It's a pity that not only others, Qing Niang Niang also listened to her, her whole head of anger has also turned into a ferocious look like a monster, there is no more human form, extremely terrifying, with a bloody mouth open, and angered: "What A girl I like! My old lady is naturally beautiful, and she is the most beautiful snake demon. All men kneel down under my old lady's pomegranate skirt! What distorted eyes are you! I am really blind! Like a dog! Eyes! Unreasonable! You have such a good face! I will kill you!"

It's over...It seems to really make her angry...

Xu Mo whispered in his heart that it was wrong, and silently stepped back a few steps, and suddenly bumped into a body.

Looking back, it was summer.

I don't know why, her expression is serious and solemn now, frowning, there seems to be a shadow in it, her eyes are staring at the young lady in front of her, she seems to be in a particularly bad mood...

Chapter 863: Smashing Varudo

This is the second time in this life that Xu Mo has seen Xia's angry look. It is obvious that the atmosphere is not right, especially when the two women are angry and want to be in a stalemate. Men can't get in the mouth at all.

Xia Xia stood in front of Xu Mo with her waist in her waist, staring fiercely at Qing Niang Niang who had turned into a snake demon and was also angry, pointing to her and said: "How can you force him to do this kind of thing! And he It's just a child! What do you say to him...what kind of service...this kind of words! You are affecting the physical and mental health of young people! According to the law, if you force a relationship with young people, you will be sentenced! "

Xu Mo was stunned when he stood aside. Teacher Xia Tian was so angry that he was speechless for a turn?

Wait... kid????

I am not a child anymore!?

Affect the physical and mental health of young people??

I'm an adult...

And it seems that I am the one who has a relationship with a teenager... Well, the person who should be sentenced is also me... No, no, not like that. It is not a forced relationship, it is voluntary!Voluntary is love!

Far away...

Xia Xia probably got angry all at once, and she has completely forgotten that Xu Mo is already an adult. In her eyes, she may have been stuck at the time when Xu Mo was a high school student or her student. So there was no reaction at all.

She became emotional and angry, which may also be related to two reasons.

The first is that when Xu Mo just rejected Qing Niangniang, he said that he had someone he liked and believed in true love.As a result, Qing Niangniang directly criticized Xu Mo's eyesight as bad, there was a problem, and the person she liked was extremely ugly. Of course Xia Xia's heart suddenly became unhappy.

It's not because... because she cares about the "people she likes" but because she doesn't want Xu Mo to be told, saying nothing is OK.

Because Xu Mo is her...important student.

Xia Xia didn't realize at all, how could he still treat Xu Mo as an important student now? No matter how important a normal relationship is, he is also a student. Will he kiss his own student?

The second reason is the most important.

She seems jealous, this is the gift of all women.

Because this strange-looking Qing Niang took the initiative to seduce Xu Mo, and said a bunch of very explicit words about male pets, servings, etc., which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

How can can you seduce Xu Mo like this...

Xia Xia's heart was anxious, and it suddenly became angry. Fortunately, Xu Mo directly rejected Qing Niang Niang.

But this woman... really couldn't bear it anymore.

For Xu, for her important student, she can't watch Xu Mo's pure mind and body being tarnished by a monster like this.

As his teacher, he must stand up.

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