My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 812

In Xia Xia's mind, Xu Mo himself made such a move.

Can you react like this?

Xu Mo's reaction like this was too shameful for her, she couldn't stand it...

This kind of...this kind of seduce action.

And the plot...

Should it be used on Qing Niang, other women?

While being shy... I feel so uncomfortable.

Some resist this.

Although Xu Xian is in the story, not Xu Mo himself, but...Xu Xian's face has been set to look exactly like Xu Mo, and it is difficult for Xia Xian not to think of it together.

Especially, it was really good that she wanted to control'Xu Xian' to make such a shameful seduce to other women... so strange.

Xia Xia's heart is really quite resistant.

"Xu Mo, you...what unhealthy things have you come into contact with? Those things... will affect your development... Don't look at it anymore...Look at what you think in your mind..."

"In the summer, I have graduated from university for many years, and I can still grow up... Don’t think of me as a high school student. I’m really well developed, and I’ve developed very well. I can prove it to you. Oh! Cough... Don’t get me wrong. This is all about the plot that the young lady came up with. It has nothing to do with me! I am a very pure person, not just my colleague, my friend, my student We all know how pure I am, really true! These are the special needs of special circumstances! You have to believe that I am innocent!"

"Is it really so... How do I feel that you seem to be familiar with this kind of way... Have you really done this kind of thing? Which little girl did you do it to?"

"No no! I haven't done anything like this to a little girl!"

"Ah! Xu Mo, you... are you..."

Xia Xia showed an expression of horror. She remembered that Xu Mo had been emphasizing muscles and muscles when she just described it, and she had to constantly make Xu Xian in the plot flirting with her posture, giving her a very gay feeling.

Could it be that Xu Mo...

Xu Mo is a person who knows what he says, and he immediately understood what Xia Xia's sudden expression meant.

Immediately he told her very seriously: "Of course I have never done such a thing to a young man! No, I have never done such a thing to anyone! In summer, I am a straight man. Don't think about it. Really It’s a special situation, a special need!"

If people who have liked them for years mistakenly think that they are gay, that is definitely the most tragic thing in the world.

So it must be seriously denied!Don't let her have any doubts!

"Then...that's good... let's continue..."

Although Xia Xia still feels a little uncomfortable in her heart, after all, she wants to control people who look like Xu Mo to seduce other women, but as Xu Mo said, special can only comfort herself in this way. It's just holding on, otherwise she wouldn't do anything like this.


In hallucinations.

Qing Niang Niang has been overwhelmed by the excitement of this wild scene, and her nosebleeds continue...

It's so exciting... She has received countless male pets in her life, and those male pets have always been afraid of her, and they are only innocent. Where can any man seduce her so actively and be wild...

The most important thing is that she likes everywhere, this pretty face, this muscle... my goodness.

The young lady has been holding back for too long, and boys must have a deep understanding of this feeling. For example, you are a person who loves to generate electricity every day. Suddenly you go to cut your foreskin in a month, and you can’t for a whole month. To generate power for love, I was forced to quit for a month. How difficult this month was, and after a month, on the first day of your recovery, Teacher Cang came to your bedside...That was how it felt.

This kind of desire can make people lose their minds. It is not only men who think in the lower body. Women sometimes are the same.

Now she can no longer restrain herself, she just wants to keep Xu Xian pressed on the bed and output every drop of essence to liberate all the thoughts she has been holding back for a while.

Qing Niangniang was completely stunned by Xu Xian.

The two fell in love at first sight, and Xu Xian did not disappoint her. He took her hand in the rain and ran all the way to a Home Inn near the West Lake, opened a luxurious romantic lake-view room, and began to prepare to have a lover. Family members, applaud for love, do the things that great talents would do, and make a lot of trouble.


When it was almost here, Xia Xia quickly interrupted Xu Mo, her face became nervous, her face became more red, and she felt that the whole face was hot and hot, and her eyes gradually became dim: "What is it? What!? Do you still have to do this step!? Just...just to the step just now...she...she is already like this..."

Xia Xia pointed to the happily rolling mother Qing Niang on the ground, and looked at Xu Mo with a flustered expression.

What Xu Mo said, to her, is really...

But Xu Mo still shook his head. He really didn't mean to play with summer, but it really didn’t work. There was only this opportunity. The chance that he finally won was related to the fate of the three people, like Qing Niang. The opponent can't underestimate it, it's not enough to stop like this.

If you want to be sure, you must continue.

Xu Mo wanted to completely lose the fighting ability of Qing Niangniang and give them a chance to escape.

"No, it's not enough."

Looking at Xu Mo's persistent eyes, Xia Tian looked even more embarrassed.

The question now is not that she has to control a character who looks the same as Xu Mo in the illusion to do shameful things with other women, but how to do it in this process!

Xu Mo just asked her to control the two people in the illusion to applaud for Love, but she didn't even know how to do the first step to applaud for Love!

In terms of it counted as having kissed Xu Mo twice?

This is really embarrassing, why summer is embarrassed to say it...

In this way, froze.

The situation in the plot is the same. Originally, she was happy when she was undressing. Suddenly Xu Xian was motionless as if she had become a wooden person. No matter how the young lady called, he didn’t respond, making the excitement that he had finally tuned up before. It came down, the feeling of letting desire occupy the brain gradually disappeared, and her sanity was also coming back little by little.

Even in reality, she stopped laughing and rolling on the ground.

Seeing the situation suddenly so bad, Xia Xia's expression also twisted into a ball, Xu Mo then realized what had happened, and quickly patted his head a few times: "Oh! My mine! I blame me. Blame me! I'm sorry... In summer, I forgot about you or... Cough cough cough... I'm sorry! I, I, I... I will tell you step by step... Hurry up and control the hallucinations, the young lady is about to wake up Signs of coming, if we wake up, we will fall short."

Being pierced in embarrassment, Xia Xia was even more shy, dripping blood from his face, and breathing gradually became faster.

But it is still important to consider the overall situation and understand this truth.

Although there is really nothing more shy than this, I have to let my students teach myself the steps of doing that kind of thing step by step... I really can't breathe in summer.

"Okay... But Xu Mo, do you... understand this matter?"

"Understand a little, know a little... But in summer, don't get me wrong. I am a pure person, and I have never taken the initiative to come into contact with anything unhealthy. Do you still remember my deskmate Xiaopang when I was in high school? Xiaopang poisoned me when he was at the same table, so he gave me some weird books every day in class, but I refused! But he was reluctant, he must poison my pure heart and change it to my ears. By the way, as time passed, I was poisoned by my ears and ears. So... I just understand a little."

Xia Xia nodded thoughtfully, but her mind was no longer on Xu Mo's explanation.

Her heart can't beat faster anymore.

This strange atmosphere made her a little bit choking.

"Then... let's start? Time is running out... ahem... I said huh?"

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