My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 828

Xu Mo looked at Lemon, and then at the same stunned people in the cabin. Everyone turned their faces to one side, as if they hadn’t seen anything, heard nothing, and looked completely away from Xu Mo and the lemons. Look here.

Although...the catastrophe is approaching, the end of the world, time is urgent, every minute is gold...At this critical juncture, one can be saved, and one can be saved. As long as it can save people, where is there any embarrassment? What's so embarrassing?Saving talents is the most important thing. When is it all? What are you shy about?

But ah but!

It’s still a bit... a bit...

Xu Mo squeezed her fist. When she didn't know how to respond, Lemon could not wait for a long time. She didn't want to waste time, and she had always been a person who did what she said. Clothes off.

She is a girl who looks so small in appearance, but she is the most mature in her heart.

She didn't have any scruples, there should be someone there, and now is not the time to be afraid of being looked at.

Lemon also doesn't have any preferences that people like to watch. If it weren't for the emergency, she was also a woman, and she liked to be alone with Xu Mo and do something.

Of course!This is because there are women here, so Lemon has no worries. If there are other men here, she would not do this.

The speed at which Lemon took off her clothes was amazing. I was afraid that it wasn't really necessary... Xu Mo subconsciously wanted to stop her, walked up and held her small hand that was about to pull her clothes off, and looked at her like this.

However, Lemon just moved Xu Mo's hand very directly, and then raised his head slightly and glanced at Xu Mo: "Go ahead, I am very scared, the first time I was so scared, is it true that my fear is like this? I'm afraid that time is too late. I'm afraid that time and space will be reset if it is too late to do it. I'm really afraid that I will forget you. I beg you, just do it here and save me."

After speaking, she ignored Xu Mo and then began to take off her clothes.

Xu Mo was stunned looking at her, and his heart was also ups and downs.

Lemon, you...

Yes, it's one who can save one...what's there to worry about...Xu Mo subconsciously put his hand on his waist and made a movement to untie the belt.

But at this moment, Wu Ge Meng interrupted unexpectedly, and she didn't know if she was deliberate or wanted to make a round.

She just squinted and said, "Looking at the current time, we will be there in one hour later, Xiao Xu Moyou, you are such a capable boy, how can you take this double repair for nearly two hours? Don't you? Forget it, double repair is not as simple as a simple intercourse. It takes time. Your abilities are so great. Will we have to wait for more than an hour after we arrive? Don’t hurry up and see your little friends. Isn't it safe? Hell, of course, I don't mind watching here a bit, I'm quite interested, how do you put this little girl in...hahaha."

Xu Mo stopped his hands when he wanted to untie the belt, looked at Wu Ge Meng, and then at Lemon.

A little awkward.

However, Lemon also stopped her movement.

"I..." Xu Mo wanted to say something.

Lemon silently put the clothes that she had just taken off again one by one, looking at her expression, it seemed that there was no change, and she still looked calm.

"In any case, you can't forget me, and don't forget them, you must save us, everyone, okay? Promise me."

"it is good……"

"En." Lemon turned and walked past Xu Mo, returned to the driving seat and glanced at the time. Sure enough, he would arrive in less than an hour, and time was not allowed.

She also knew Xu Mo very well. After he arrived, his mind was definitely not here anymore.

The more this happens, Lemon is unwilling to be selfish and wants to save...Everyone saves it together.

Even if he loses one person, he will be sad.

Lemon didn't want to see Xu Mo's sadness anymore.

Therefore, she can use her small body to make the most mature judgments and decisions at this time.

PS: Happy New Year’s Eve, these two chapters have been published together, everyone eat more New Year’s Eve dinner, I will update it tonight, while watching the Spring Festival Gala while the codewords are slightly.

Chapter 889

It was almost here, Xu Mo sat back in his seat, looking down anxiously from the cabin window, hoping to quickly see what the city had become.

But unfortunately, the altitude of the plane is too high. Looking down, you can only see small black spots that are smaller than ants, and you can't see what the situation in the city is.

And Xu Mo just took a short glance and quickly closed his eyes back, and he covered his forehead with his hand, which seemed a little uncomfortable.

This is his old problem. I don’t know when Xu Mo was a little afraid of heights. He always felt flustered at places that were too high. He didn’t dare to look down from the window every time he took a plane. After reading it, I make sure that my head will be so dizzy.

Many people have a fear of heights. This is actually not very serious, and it does not affect normal life. As long as you don’t go to places that are too high and look down, there will be no problem, so Xu Mo also doesn’t I don't care about it very much.

But Xu Mo always finds something inexplicable. He didn't know when he was afraid of heights, as if... suddenly there was this problem. He didn't do this before. He even played bungee jumping when he was studying. It.

There is no cause or anything, which is really strange.

"Little Xu Moyou, don't look down if you're afraid of heights, anyway, it's coming soon." Wu Ge Meng probably saw Xu Mo's reaction to the heights, and said with a smile.

"It's okay...I'll be fine..." Xu Mo replied.

And he didn't notice, Wu Ge Meng's eyes seemed to be opened a little bit, and he looked at her with strange eyes.

It seems that there are some unknown stories hidden in this fear of heights.

It is estimated that only Wu Ge Meng knows this story.

------split line------

Who is Wu Ge Meng?As Virgo mentioned, her original name was Yingxianxing, and she was responsible for the management of all time and space. She was not a god, but she was more like an agent of God. The only certainty was that she was not a human being.No one knows how long she has existed, except that when every supervisor like Virgo was born, she was responsible for guiding their work and teaching them the tasks they should do.

Thousands of years and tens of thousands of years have passed. In the last few hundred years, Perseus has always liked to stare at the time and space of a blue planet, and I don't know where it attracted her attention.

Suddenly, Perseus gave the job of the regional director to Virgo, and he was demoted to become the space-time supervisor of the blue planet, and went to the space-time of the blue starry sky to perform the task of supervisor. Even her companions like Virgo didn't know what she wanted to do.

This is a story several years ago. At that time, Xu Mo was still a college student who had just reached his sophomore year.

Now Xu Mo has been accustomed to university life after his freshman year. This year, the school’s dormitory will be remodeled. During the construction process, only the students can be crowded together. The original four-person dormitory is directly It became a ten-person room.

Ten people live in a small dormitory, and they can line up until midnight to take a bath at night, so many students who can't bear it like Xu Mo chose to temporarily move to rent a house outside the school during the construction period.

All of them are college students, and they are a little more cautious in life. As long as they are not the kind of particularly wealthy family, they basically choose cheap shared houses, and they really can't afford to rent a single room.The rent for a single room is 1,000 per month, and the room for a shared house is only about 400, which can save a lot.

The so-called shared house is a house with two bedrooms and one living room. Several different tenants rent together and share the rent. Of course, Xu Mo also chooses to share.

However, he had better luck at the time. The shared house he found was an old couple’s house. Although the house was a bit old, it was very clean and it was just about to be rented out. At the beginning, only Xu Mo was a tenant and he was a tenant. People can live in a house with two bedrooms and one living room, not to mention how happy they are.

But after living for a month, Xu Mo rented a roommate in the shared house.

But I didn't see the above. The landlord told him that there was a woman who was going to move in and the key had been given.

When Xu Mo came back from school that day, he saw that the door was unlocked and there were a pair of women's shoes. The door was closed in the empty room before he knew that the roommate had moved in.

This situation is normal, and the co-tenancy relationship is generally like this. Everyone does not know or know each other, and they may say hello to each other. When they come back to home every day, they will go back to their respective rooms. There is no overlap. , Especially like that kind of staggered work and get off work hours, you may not see each other once after several months of living.

I wanted to say hello without knocking on the door, but I thought it would be a bit embarrassing if a girl and a man share the house, so don’t bother actively. Maybe it will scare them. Wait for the opportunity in the future. Say hello if you meet.

So after another period of time, Xu Mo gradually realized that his room friendliness seemed a bit wrong.

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