My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 830

Eating for the first time?Can it grow to that size?how is this possible.

Is it possible that she is not in good spirits?Is it a neurosis?

"Well, I haven't eaten for many years, why didn't I die?"

"This...I don't know how to answer you, but I believe most people will die within a few days if they don't eat... And, do you want to die that way?"

Xu Mo felt more and more uncomfortable with this kind of strange question. It would be better not to be entangled by this kind of person, and he answered while getting up to pack his dishes.

"Well, think, I really want to die, so I don't know why I didn't die?"

Xu Mo, who was cleaning up the dishes, heard such a reply, and almost fell to the ground...

PS: The update is complete, see you tomorrow!

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you more red envelopes more practical, hahahaha!

The snowman is getting old, he is a red envelope, not a red envelope, he is still very envious of QAQ

This year is my birth year, and I hope it can go smoothly~

Chapter 891 Depression (two chapters in one)

Really want to die?

Xu Mo felt that something was wrong when she heard her answer like this.

Where would a normal person say such things seriously?

Could it be... this woman named Wu Ge Meng is actually a depression patient?

Xu Mo, who studied psychology at university, was very sensitive to this aspect. He immediately thought of depression, and hurriedly sat back at the table and asked her: "You want to die that way? Why do you want to die? Is there nothing I like to do that I feel regretful? Obviously you seem to be about the same age as me, and you will have a long life in the future. There is no need to be so extreme... Is it because of what happened?"

Although he was almost learning theoretical knowledge in his freshman year, and now he has just entered his sophomore year and has only just started to learn a little practice course, Xu Mo still instinctively wants to try to use what he has learned to understand the situation , Or help her.

It's really a pity that such a beautiful woman wants to die this way. I don't know what serious psychological shock happened to make her like this.Family conflicts?Lost in love?Or debt?

The woman named Wu Ge Meng still squinted her eyes and showed a fake smile, and said in a very relaxed tone: "Nothing happened. I have lived for too long. I don’t have anything to do. I really envy them. People who can die."

"It's been too long? Dare to ask you about your age...?" Xu Mo was a little bit at a loss as to how to answer. Her appearance looked at most two or three years older than herself. Thirty, this skin is still tender, and there is no cosmetics to cover up. Obviously the age will not be too big.

But she still said that she has lived too long. What can we do?

Wu Ge Meng did not answer Xu Mo either, and just continued to smile like that when facing this question.

That's right, Wu Ge Meng is the immortal star who suddenly came to this time and space as the overseer. Why did she come here suddenly?

As she said, she has lived for too long, thousands of years, or even longer, she is not counted, repeating the same things every day, every day is the same, she doesn’t have any likes to go What you do, you can't do anything, every day is to guard the peace of every time and space.

In the past few hundred years, she discovered the time and space of a blue planet, and she observed the overlord in this time and space every day-a kind of creature called human.

It was human beings that attracted her attention. She observed that human beings have very rich emotions that are different from other creatures. She is a bit unable to understand, and more importantly, human beings are also quite fragile, often, They all ended their lives because they were too rich in feelings.

Wu Ge Meng may not know how she thinks, she may be a little envious of human beings, envious of their such fragile life, if she can also be as fragile as human beings, she can die soon.

Endless life has long been meaningless to Wu Ge Meng. She just wants to get a period of rest, preferably long sleep.

So she came here, as a supervisor, she just silently observed the world for the first 100 years, no one could see her, and she never exposed herself.

A hundred years later, Wu Ge Meng has some understanding of this world. She can’t wait to become a human being, hoping to integrate into human beings, so that she can become a fragile and weak human being, and can die at any time. .

It was not just right that Xu Mo encountered the dream of Wu Ge who had just become a human being. This was the first time she had contact and dialogue with others in so many years.

She was actually quite curious as to what this human would say to her.


Seeing that Wu Ge Meng did not answer, Xu Mo already had various conjectures in his heart, and he increasingly felt that the woman sitting in front of him was a depression patient, because all aspects were too consistent.

"In other words... why do you keep smiling like this... Actually, you don't want to laugh in your heart, right?"

Really, she looked like this smirk from the beginning when she saw her. She hasn't changed at all. If you don't know, she thought she was wearing a mask. Is she stiff?It's really amazing to be able to hold on for so long.

"Isn't it said that a smile is easier to get close to others? Be kind, and people like to smile too."

" have to be natural, your smile is too fake..."

"Really? I don't know." Wu Ge Meng shook his head, and the corners of his mouth rose a little bit, which seemed... even more fake.

If she always smiled like this, it would be okay, at least it won't look weird like she does now.

From the analysis of the situation seen now, Xu Mo is at least 90% sure that she is a patient with depression.

Because teachers have also taught in professional courses, the five most obvious characteristics of depression patients are:

1. I feel worried and negative energy most of the time.

Obviously, she said that she was in line with wanting to die, and it was negative enough.

2. Lack of interest, no passion for anything.

She also said just now that she has nothing to do or nostalgia.

3. No appetite.

I haven't seen her eaten anything for a week.

4. Poor sleep.

There was no trace of the bed in the room. How could she sleep well?

5. The way of behavior and thinking is different from ordinary people.

This is the most consistent with Wu Ge Meng, she is very different from ordinary people from beginning to end.


Xu Mo couldn't help paying more attention to it. There was a person who wanted to commit suicide because of depression. She was studying psychology. She was still her roommate... but she couldn't ignore it.

If she were to be left alone in the room without eating or drinking, Xu Mo would become a crime scene in a short time.

How to help patients with depression?

Xu Mo hadn't learned this lesson yet, so he hid quietly in the corridor and called an old professor for consultation before hurried back.

The old professor is very good. He heard that a roommate who was suffering from depression was also talking to Xu Mo a lot, and instructed him how to do it.

"She should also be unaware that she is suffering from depression. You should always observe and observe her, and don’t point out her problems in this regard, because their mental state is actually very sensitive. She goes for treatment, first with observation. She usually takes care of her in life and ensures that she is physically healthy. The most important thing is to make her positive and optimistic, and take her to do more positive things so that she can be more positive about life or If you become interested in something, some negative emotions will be much better. Of course, you shouldn’t be too deliberate. Anyway, you are roommates. Just a little bit of intake in your daily life will do."

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