My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 854

When Xu Mo said this, Liu Yiqiu was actually a little happy in her heart.

Xu Mo said that she is not a junior, so... In other words, she is actually not a third party?Didn't Xu Mo stay with Xiaxia?

Can't help but care a little: " and Xia... are not together?"

"It's not officially together... but this is not the point... ahem..."

"What do you mean?" Liu Yiqiu was a little dazed, not quite understanding what Xu Mo meant.

Isn't Xu Mo's first time for Summer?He hasn't been with Summer yet?Who is that?

Women are really sensitive to this kind of things, and Liu Yiqiu soon realized: "Could it be that you have other women besides Xia Xia and me!? Who???"

"Uh...not easy to say..."

"I...I..." Liu Yiqiu's tears were dripping, and he felt very wronged and sad. Xu Mo's ambiguous answer was obviously something like this.

"But it's definitely not a derailment... My feelings for you have never changed... And everyone knows each other's existence... and they all recognize each other... I think it's necessary to let you know at this time. , Tell you this clearly..."

Xu Mo just didn't say it directly, because he was afraid that it would hurt Liu Yiqiu's heart.

But in fact, she would be sad to say this kind of thing, so it would be better to just take a knowing blow.

"I just want to know... who am I... where do you rank?"

What Liu Yiqiu is thinking at this moment is that Xu Mo may not only like summer and himself, but also a woman he doesn’t know yet. He also gave that woman the first time, so Xu Mo could just There are three people I like.

She finally knew what Xu Mo's sentence meant when it was not a junior...It really wasn't!

If arranged in order, she is a junior?

To be honest, Xu Mo really never counted the number of rankings, because his feelings for them are the same, the same likes, and the same loves. There is no such thing as who is ranked. They are all treated the same in their hearts.

Since he promised them, he really wanted to give them equal love, and Xu Mo would not break his promise.

I really have to ask who ranks, I really have to do the math at the scene.

Xu Mo stretched out his hand, stretched out his fingers, and counted them one by one, frowning, as if caught in a difficult problem.

Liu Yiqiu's small eyes looked straight at Xu Mo's hand.

One finger... two...

That's right, those two people are indeed ahead of him.

Xu Mo stretched out the third finger, but did not stop at all, and continued to stretch out the fourth...

The fifth...

One hand is not enough!?

Xu Mo stretched out his other hand and continued counting...

Liu Yiqiu's head is a little dizzy, what does Xu Mo mean?She is a little puzzled.

She doesn't believe that a person can really have so many objects, even if others cheat, isn't it at most one or two cheating?More than five derailed at the same time?What is this operation?

Although Xu Mo is very good, he is handsome, has a good figure, has a nice voice, has a gentle personality, and is very good to people. Everywhere is the advantage, it is normal to like her...Huh?

Xu Mo in Liu Yiqiu's eyes was good in everything, and he seemed a little dazed to think about it.

Finally, Xu Mo had an answer in his mind, but in fact, he was a little uncertain whether the answer he had calculated was correct. If you really want to know, you can only find out when everyone is here. .

Of course, this kind of time is quite boring...The order of the front and back does not mean anything, it is the same here in Xu Mo.

There is no difference between everyone, everyone he really likes.

"Um... I'm ranked sixth or seventh... I'm not sure... Well... probably the sixth or seventh..."

If the third party is considered as a junior third, Liu Yiqiu is indeed not a minor third, but a minor seven or a minor eight.

Liu Yiqiu was a little dazed, Xiao Qi... Xiao Ba...?

so much!?

Xu Mo is not an emperor, so what about opening the harem?

"You... lied to me, right?"

It is really hard for Liu Yiqiu to believe such incredible things.

"It's true..." Xu Mo lowered his head in embarrassment.

But this is also nothing that can be done. When love comes, it can’t be stopped. Everyone doesn’t want to be disappointed. He doesn’t want to betray one of them. Everyone really likes each other. If you follow The current standard is to choose only one...Others, so many people will be sad, how can they only choose one...There is no turning back, and it is no longer realistic for Xu Mo.

It's impossible to abandon anyone, because I don't want to abandon Liu Yiqiu, and hope she can accept this as everyone else, so I'm completely confessed to her now.

I had thought that Liu Yiqiu would be the most difficult one to accept before. Now it depends on how she reacts.

Liu Yiqiu's reaction was very ignorant, rather ignorant.

"I... Am I the last one in the row...?"

"That's not right... Someone is behind you..." Xu Mo said embarrassedly.

Liu Yiqiu was completely stunned.

It's all Xiaoqi or Xiaoba, but there are still!?

Little Eleven Little Twelve!?

How many objects does Xu Mo have!?

I can't count 10 fingers!

"Don't get excited, listen to me and tell you... Maybe things are not as bad as you think. My feelings for everyone are the same, and we are all..."

Xu Mo just wanted to explain to her to make her as acceptable as possible.

It is not difficult to see Liu Yiqiu's reaction that she has so many shocks in her heart.

Since she was a child, she also has the personality that she has cultivated in her job, and she doesn't allow this to happen.

It's really difficult for her to accept things like this, sharing a man with so many women.

Xu Mo liked Liu Yiqiu very much. To be honest, he was really afraid that she would leave him because of this. Xu Mo would definitely regret it for a lifetime.

But what I didn't expect was that Liu Yiqiu threw into Xu Mo's arms with tears in his eyes and hugged him tightly for fear that he would run away.

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