My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 882

Xu Yan got everything right, as if she had just watched it in the next room.

"This... Then I'll change it back."

Standing in front of Xu Yan with the appearance of a young man, it turned out that she was a few years older than herself. This feeling was a bit strange, and Xu Mo felt unnatural.

Originally belonged to the older brother, how did it suddenly feel like a younger brother?

Xu Yan still pulled Xu Mo's next door forcefully and shook his head: "What to change, just like this, don't change, it's great."

She insisted on keeping Xu Mo as a teenager, and pushed Xu Mo directly onto the floor of the bedroom.

The soft carpet on the ground. Xu Mo also has the impression of this carpet. One night when Xu Mo was a little girl, she was scared to pee in her pants by the ghost story that Xu Mo teased her. She was ashamed to hide in the room and refused to come out. In order to coax her sister, Xu Mo took her to the mall to choose this new carpet she liked.

The young Xu Mo was still developing, and to put it bluntly, he was still a good lady, and Xu Yan was helpless to push him to the ground easily.

Xu Yan didn't hide anything anymore, her expression was greedy... the look that she wanted to get, flushing, not shy, but excitement, the excitement that had been suppressed in her heart for several years.

She was a coveted beast at this moment, and Xu Mo was just a little white rabbit captured.

"My brother at this time... is my favorite time..."

"Yes... when my brother was this age... staying with me every day... I fell in love with you at that time. I wanted to do this a long time ago, but I can't do it at this age, then It has become my regret..."

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, it is really great to have a chance to make up for this regret."

That's right, the environment here and what Xu Mo looks like at this moment, all evoke the good memories in Xu Yan's heart from the same year, but at the same time, it also awakens some of the "precocious" in her childhood. Thoughts.

Xu Mo never expected that the pure and snow-like sister back then had such thoughts about herself from that time.

It is for this reason that when Xu Mo is standing in front of Xu Yan in this posture, for her, this is not nostalgia, but the best medicine to remind her.

This feeling is actually very easy to understand. It's like you, as an adult, suddenly traveled back to the past, and once again saw the class flower you secretly loved in the middle school class at the beginning of the year. You didn't have time to confess to her until you graduated from middle school. Banhua, come back now, with adult thoughts and regrets, you have absolutely no other thoughts in your mind except for her.

Xu Yan is now the one who wants to get through the class.

"Your thoughts are... it's a bit too dangerous... Oh... ah... oops... I... ah... when did you learn this trick... my god..."

Xu Mo couldn't resist even resisting. No, he had completely given up resisting. His body had become numb and weak under Xu Yan's control, and he no longer had the strength to make any resistance behaviors. He could only let her do anything.

I don't know if she really planned this kind of thing back then, the process and steps of the reverse push were so smooth, and now Xu Mo can't believe it.

Just like this, Xu Yan pressed on Xu Mo, taking the initiative to affect him, doing what all the people who love each other would do.

For the rest of the time, you can communicate with your body without using words.

This time, it was absolutely matter what it was, it was.

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Two hours later, the boy was slightly tired, and slowly stood up from the ground, but the girl seemed to be still looking at the boy with a smile.

"Haven't seen enough...?"

"It's almost there, just this time anyway, to be honest, I'm very handsome when I grow up, I like it very much!"

"...Well, aren't you tired? Hurry up and rest. Yin and Yang are already united and safe."

"Xu Mo, this is really the last time you call your brother."

"Oh...Speaking of it, it is."

Thinking of the agreement I said before, this is indeed the last time I call each other like that.

Xu Yan lay down on the bed and covered it with the quilt, as if she deliberately turned her face to the side: "Now, let me ask you."

You can't see her expression from this angle, but her voice sounds normal.

"go ahead."

"Three thousand, it's your daughter, right."

"Of course it is." Xu Mo replied without hesitation.

"She will always be, right?"


"I believe you, okay, I'll go to sleep, you go find the next person."

In fact, what Xu Yan meant by these words, Xu Mo knew very well.

Sure enough, she still couldn't relax...right?

Chapter 934: A Dream

After coming out of Xu Yan, apart from thinking about the last thing she said, Xu Mo was still thinking about another thing.

It is the device in his hand.

Speaking of...this thing is really very practical, especially at this time, if it is used on a specific person, it definitely increases the atmosphere.

Yes, it's as if Xu Yan saw that Xu Mo was so excited when she was a teenager. This can also be used on Xu Mo's body.

Xu Mo has someone who wants to use this thing on her anyway, so he immediately went to Lemon’s room to find her, not asking her to remove the device from her hand, but asking her to teach herself how to go. Operate it.

Lemon is worthy of being a lemon, and she would not ask Xu Mo more about what she was going to do. Instead, she taught Xu Mo how to operate with the easiest words to understand. She didn't ask much about anything else.

Under her guidance, Xu Mo quickly mastered the method. When he walked out of Lemon's room, Xu Mo first restored himself to his original adult state.

The idea in his heart is very clear, if the next random room is the woman after entering...then he will use this device immediately and change back to that age to face her.

People always have better luck when it's critical. Xu Mo breathed a sigh of relief when he entered the next room. The luck was really good, and he ran into it at once.

The scene in the room is also Xu Mo's former home, where she also spent several years with a woman.

In a small room, there is no place to put daily necessities, which can only accommodate the next person's kitchenette.

Everything is so fresh in my memory.

After confirming that it was her, Xu Mo also quickly set up the device on his wrist. This time he still returned to what he looked like when he was a boy, but he was not about fifteen before but he was about seventeen in high school It looked like the boy's childishness had faded a little at this time, and his figure had grown very quickly, with visible thin beards on his lips, and his beard had not been shaved yet.

Back at this age, thinking of that person, Xu Mo's heart burst out with a sense of excitement.

This feeling is actually the same as Xu Yan's feeling when he saw the fifteen-year-old Xu Mo.

As in the previous example, the adult went back to the past and saw Banhua, just thinking about making up for the regret and wanting to get her through.

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