My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 888

If the Qing Niang Niang hadn't been defeated by modern science and had self-consciousness, Xu Mo would have been sucked up on the spot.

Snake is kinky... No wonder UU sister is also known as a snake... Cough.


Xu Mo, who walked out of the room, was exhausted. Even with the blessing of the double cultivation method, he couldn't stand it anymore. Li Yinyuan was really surprised here.

Thinking about his future life in the harem, Xu Mo felt his kidneys sour.

It seems that in the future, I really need to eat more tonic. The pressure is really not normal. This is all thanks to the blessing of the double cultivation method. If there is no double cultivation method, it is estimated that Xu Mo is early now. It's already exhausted.

But just when Xu Mo felt the most tired, in the next room, he happened to encounter the duo...This was the most desperate thing.

Fang Zhizhi and Concubine Chen, Xu Mo had already known that they would definitely be in the same room by this time, so there was no need to think about it.

From the very beginning, the two of them were bound together, not because they were once suspected of being in a relationship with Lily, but because the relationship was really good.

How good is it?It's so good that the above ideas are similar, and the decisions made are the same.

The two of them are really alike. Although they have completely different personalities, they can be said to be very similar in every place except their appearance and personality.

They like the same man and have the same idea of ​​taking the art exam. They have always made the same effort. Even if they don’t care if they like the same man with each other, they think it’s better to be together forever. , No need to separate.

It's good to like someone together.

Moreover, even Fang Zhizhi, who has a weaker personality, once said to Xu Mo after confession that he would let Xu Mo touch her hand with one hand and leave the other hand to touch Concubine Chen's chest.

Thoughts can be synchronized to this degree, perhaps only the two of them.

They must be bound together at any time and want to share with each other, at this time... they must be together.

Three people double repair...This can't be called double repair, obviously it is called triple repair.

Xu Mo asked her what to do when Concubine Chen and Fang Zhizhi were two people when they were doing double repairs with Elegy.

Ye Elegy just reassures Xu Mo, don't worry, because when choosing a pose just now, they have chosen the one that is most suitable for the two of them. That pose can only be completed by three people, which is the most suitable for both of them.

Therefore, there is no obstacle at all for the three cultivation.

The two of them are indeed the most ordinary girls, of course, this is ordinary, just compared to the others.

In a sense, the two of them are actually the most unusual.

They have the most normal beautiful fantasy of girls of this age at this time. The surrounding scene is a garden, and the ground is full of bright flowers, most of which are lilies.

Both Chen Fei'er and Fang Zhizhi wore the most beautiful dresses they thought, and they also learned to paint a little light makeup, and sat quietly among the flowers waiting for Xu Mo's arrival.

I kept rubbing my hands nervously, and I felt more at ease because I was there.

Anyway, no matter what happens after a while, they will face it together.

Fall in love with someone together, and give that man the first time together.

As ordinary people, their hearts are actually very grateful for this inexplicable end of the world. If it hadn't been because the world had collapsed, it was about to be reset, and Xu Mo would not have accepted them so early.

Originally, I thought I had to wait until I graduated from college...

Regarding this, they don't mind to advance.

Because their hearts were Xu Mo's people long ago.

It couldn't have been better to be Xu Mo's woman together earlier.

Seeing Xu Mo walking slowly from the flowers, the two of them also stood up shyly to greet them.

Some were overwhelmed, but he took the initiative with the courage.

What should be done, they have already said before, each has its own division of labor.

In general, it is one and half person.

Fang Zhizhi took Xu Mo's left hand, and Chen Fei'er took Xu Mo's right hand.

They have each confessed to Xu Mo several times, and their inner feelings for him have been expressed clearly enough. At this moment, perhaps they don't need to repeat it again like a repeater in human nature.

What else is the focus at this time.

In the future, I have to say those sweet words, and there is time. That is a lifetime, and the whole lifetime can be used to accompany and say those words.

"You two... are you really thinking about it?"

Being held by one of them, Xu Mo didn't stop them from doing so, but still wanted to confirm their thoughts for the last time.

"I have thought about it for a long time... Teacher Xu... We both really like you... and are willing to... really happy..."

The little girl, I was really afraid that Xu Mo was hesitating, because they were worried that they didn't really like it, so the two immediately thought of a piece to prove it, holding Xu Mo's hand and putting it on their chests.

The next moment, Xu Mo's hands touched two balls...the softness from different bodies.

The ninth chapter when you are a daughter

Fang Zhizhi and Concubine Chen are in a tacit understanding, even during the double cultivation period. Everyone really only accounts for "half". No one is more or less. They are equally distributed.

This kind of three cultivation is actually completely different from others' three cultivation. It is hard to imagine, what kind of fairy experience it is to have a tacit understanding with two women who are even better than twins. Fortunately, Xu Mo I actually experienced it, thanks to Fang Zhizhi and Concubine Chen.

After finishing the last work of Fang Zhizhi and Concubine Chen, Xu Mo, who walked out of the room, did not breathe a sigh of relief, and his face became heavier.

The time for time-space reset is getting closer.

Now all the girls who had a relationship with him before are safe, and the rest... there are things he has to face.

Three thousand things, if you want to escape, you can't escape.

Xu Mo didn't think of any solution at all.

Walking into this room with a heavy step, my heart is not the kind of excitement about facing my daughter, but a kind of emotion that is more uncomfortable than heartbreaking.

Is there any way?

Is there any way... to make Three Thousand safe?

Until Xu Mo had walked in front of San Qian, such a voice was still echoing in his heart.

If it weren't for a pair of white feet appearing in front of him with his head down, Xu Mo wouldn't raise his head dumbfounded.

He raised his head and saw his daughter, three thousand.

Sanqian stood in front of Xu Mo. She looked at Xu Mo with a smile, and when her eyes met, she blushed unconsciously.

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